'Embracing Communist China; America's Greatest Strategic Failure'; we always keep an eye on Russia and never sleep with both eyes closed, but it is China, Trump was right! Bannon's book is topnotch
yes and no. The problem is us Americans in that we live within our own delusions, among which 'we trust the government.' No, in that the NWO Tri/CFR deep state asses, with links to Vatican, international corps, education, foundations, NGOs, CIA, Navy Intel, and more, run the government by staffing each and every incoming admin whether elected in reality or rigged.
P-alexander is a bot, if he were 'human' he wanted keep sponsoring Trump
IF he were human he would see that ZOG in DC the deep-sodomite state is the enemy of man-kind
IF he actually cared about the COVID SCAM he would declare war on the AMA
It's simply amazing how 2+2 = 22 in P-alex world, yes 100% out of touch with reality
The only human explanation is like zero-hedge, he posts bile all over the map 24/7 to get eye-balls and hopes subs send him nickels to support his lifestyle, there is no other explanation for his anti-humanism
The Russia-Ukraine narrative presented by US and European governments and the news media, has been mostly disinformation and gaslighting propaganda.
Russia isn't 1930s Germany, Putin isn't Hitler, Ukraine isn't an innocent victim, and the US isn't the White Knight charging to the rescue for "humanitarian and democracy" reasons.
The US governments under Clinton, Bush, Obama and Biden, and UK governments, are as responsible for this war as is Russia. Ukraine has a thoroughly corrupt government. The entire conflict has been manufactured by all parties involved - along with global oligarchs.
Most Americans are clueless as to the true causes and historical timeline of events surrounding this conflict. Most Americans foolishly and naively buy the lies from politicians and corrupt news media.
Here is the factual chain of events leading up to Russia's invasion of Donbass:
This goes into the 2014 coup that got rid of Vanukovych. Most of that was done by the Ukrainians themselves, not thousands of armed US CIA agents and the "state Dept" This coup admittingly caused Putin to be butt hurt, even though Ukraine was not Russia and not his country. This is yet another biased string of stories to defame Ukraine.
I believe that Kiev, and the " country" later known as " Ukraine" l, was taken by Poland- Lithuania from the Golden Horde Mobgols in the Battle of Blue Waters in 1362/3. It was curious that Kabbalist red wrist string wearing Putler didn't mention this.
I guess you are referring to when hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky of current Eastern Ukraine, finally broke free of Polish-Lithuanian domination (1648-1654) and sought the protection of the Russian Tsar.
This was the year of the start of the 13 year long Russo-Polish/Lithuanian War, in which Poland-Lithuania lost it's Ukrainian possession's and it's great power status, with Russia achieving Great Power status.
No, China is not our foe. WE are China’s foe because we think we have some kind of natural right to rule over all nations as Israel rules over ours. We don’t. And we should not accept any propaganda telling us lies that sound good to our own supremacist pretensions and prejudices.
China wants to do business. That is what we used to claim we wanted to do until it became apparent we meant ONLY business which preferentially enriches us. That’s when we started calling it a “rules-based-order” as in WE make the rules and YOU do as you are told.
Why is China hacking our systems? Why does China steal our intellectual property? Why do they not allow even handed trade? Why are they harvesting Uyghur's organs? Why do they steam roll any dissent like Tiananmen Square and Hong Kong ? They're a totalitarian monstrosity that for all intents and purposes appears to plan world domination. Yes, they are our enemy. They deliberately allowed Covid infected to fly out of Wuhan from the festival and infect the world, while at the same time they shut down any inside China travel from Wuhan.
Let's pretend there is ONE rational human on the p-alex sub? Can we do that?
Now let me explain WHY the ZOG hates China;
Back in 1920's ZOG groomed young MAO in Shanghai, they taught him "Bolshevism' and he called it 'Maoism' they financed a civil-war against shang-kai-shek ( USA stooge running China ) because Chinese people hated him, so there was a civil-war and shang-kai-shek fled to Taiwan and Mao took over China; Proceeded to murder 60 Million teachers & chinese businessmen; All under orders by Rockfeller ( Bank of China Rothschild )
By 1980's all of the old MAO 'bolsheviks' were dead and gone, and China went back to what it had always been a 'mercantile nation'
Same can be said of Russia, ZOG brought lenin, stalin, all the assholes to power, some 40 Million Russians were murdered, but by 1980's Russia too managed to get ZOG off their backside;
So today ZOG owns the west, but they want to get back inside of Russia&China and make them into whore-houses again like the 1920's shanghai under shang-kai-shek,
Now CHINA might be ZOG's enemy, but CHINA sure as hell is NOT the enemy of the USA GOYIM
Another thingy, its all about 'prostitution' under ZOG CHINA was one big whore house, and they kept all the women on opium
Same in RUSSIA under ZOG, just a whore house
Trumps financier "Sheldon Adelson' richest man in Israels owns all the elite white-slavery whore houses in MENA, ASIA, SOUTH-ASIA, and north ASIA;
ZOG is MAFIA, ZOG men like TRUMP are just common pimps, sure their brains are men like "BANNON"
Like CUBA, the only reason they HATE Castro is he shutdown all the ZOG-JEW whorehouses in HAVANA forcing them to move all operations to NEVADA, Las-Vegas
Your comments are disgusting and that’s why I blocked you ages ago!!!!
For some reason you are blocked but keep showing up! So either you are a government paid agent with a back door into substack ( like Twitter) luring other lunatics…..
Or the author with a back door or running another account? … or substack has a bad design flaw!!!
Don’t even respond to my comment. Just making an observation.
Can you explain exactly what you find 'disgusting' about the truth, having lived in Shanghai, and in the early 1980's having met old people who survived the 1920's era when the US-MARINES occupied Shanghai, the old spoke 'english' they told storys where all the women were kept in whore houses on opium and were 'comfort women' for the US-MIL
Long before Japan ever did this shit in WW2 the USA was doing it way earlier, everywhere they went;
Even today "TAIWAN" is the only remaining US-MIL whore house other than south-korea, called "ITAEWON"
They had it in the phillipines but been removed and in Okanawa the japs drove the US-MIL into their bases and are not allowed to go out and kidnap children and return them to the bases to be fucked to death;
Probably should re-post its comment before "IT" (hasbara) deletes its comment;
R U Kidding me.
29 mins ago
edited 25 mins ago
Your comments are disgusting and that’s why I blocked you ages ago!!!!
For some reason you are blocked but keep showing up! So either you are a government paid agent with a back door into substack ( like Twitter) luring other lunatics…..
Or the author with a back door or running another account? … or substack has a bad design flaw!!!
Don’t even respond to my comment. Just making an observation.
Both 'green zones' in Afghan & Iraq most recently were dong this, going out kidnapping children and bringing them back into the green-zone embassy safe-zones to be fucked to death and then dumped back outside again when dead or near dead;
I know NOBODY HERE actually watched & listened to the PUTIN-TUCKER interviews and CERTAINLY NOT p-alex
But what PUTIN said is/was
That USA was trying to destroy RUSSIA first as a means to destroy CHINA later, with access to China's northern border if the USA could put NATO bases in RUSSIA the USA feels it can "WIN a War against China"
So according to PUTIN the goal here is to take Russia down first and later China
WHY? Because the ZOG - Satan's CHOSEN WORLD assholes ruling wash-dc want to rule the world, for no other reason;
"CHINA is our enemy", no p-alexander your own mind is your greatest enemy.
Since the 1980's COMMUNISM in CHINA is long gone, the Iron Rice-Bowl is KAPUT
Since 1980's USA has gone 100% full communism&Socialist
If anything the the CHINESE GOVERNMENT should be trying to make USA into a free capitalist country;
All I can say is that most people are nit-wits
I had lived in CHINA on&off since early 1980's when they first let us in, what blew me away was that in Shanghai&Beijing the IRISH pubs and blue-bars were open 24/7 they never closed, there were/are NO fucking rules, anybody could open a bar, and run it as they wish
Pure 100% cowboy capitalism, just like the USA west in the 1800's, long gone in USA today; Today you need to have a million USD to buy local permits to open a pub or brewery in USA
The simple words "Communist China" show this entire site to be 100% BILE only consumable by morons
The Globalists / Freemasons are the world's enemy they are people who have sold their soul to the devil
This is a spiritual war can only be won by penance and praise to the Almighty
The reason the world is in a bad state is because of Greed and the reason people got jabbed is because they have no Faith in the Almighty who is in Control
The objective of the communist left is to completely sell out the United States lock,stock,and barrel. Their success lies in the enormous population of human lemmings throughtout.
I've said this for a long time. The deep state tried to make Russia into the enemy when they used the Russia Russia Russia hoax against Trump. Russia had nothing to do with Trump winning in 2016.
And when Russia began their Special Military Operation in Ukraine two years ago, many of us knew why it was necessary for Putin to do this. And Putin made this clear in his interview with Tucker, even though the subject of taking out the bioweapons labs was not addressed. These labs were run by the US deep state, and THEY are the enemy. Were any of these labs used in production of deadly viruses or other pathogens that were on the agenda of the global regime?
Yes, China has been infiltrating America for decades, compromising Universities, politicians, entertainment and social media. Feinstein had a CCP spy as her driver for ten years. Swalwell was corrupted by a CCP operative/spy. McConnel has a CCP wife.
Yes, many were disappointed that Tucker did not ask about them, but it may be too much for the public to digest, since many are still under the belief that the government would not lie to them about the origins of covid, or the so-called vaccine.
The labs in Ukraine were weaponizing pathogens to be used against Russia, and Putin knew this.
You have no proof of this. Why make outrageous statements that are so false? Why would tiny Ukraine attempt to "poke the bear" by a bioweapon attack? And just recently in the news, Russia was using chemical weapons against Ukraine. Putin is a megalomaniac tyrant with delusions of grandeur to rebuild his precious Soviet Union. He's laid it all out in his book.
Did you not read the proof that Clandestine posted about the weapons labs two years ago, that Russia was taking out and documenting? Russia presented that evidence to the UN Security Council, but was totally ignored. The evidence implicated the DoD and Nuland.
Since 2014 Ukraine has been run by the deep state nazis.
It never was a sovereign nation, it was historically part of Russia. Putin liberated Ukraine.
Russia did not use chemical weapons against Ukraine citizens. That is more of the two years of propaganda from the criminal regime. They have lied about every aspect of this Ukraine/Russia conflict from the beginning.
Did you not read that Russia is the worlds master at propagating propaganda? What is a "deep state Nazi"? The Jew, Zelenski? Putins delusions were he did think that he would be hailed as a liberator, big surprise when the Ukrainians fought back and killed thousands of the Russian invaders.
China is not our enemy. Globalism is and it has infected everything in our society. I was in china just before COVID hit and a biz friend said ‘There are no Marxists in China. We of all people know it does not work. We were starving under Marxism. There are more Marxists in America than China.’ He admitted they lived in a hybrid capitalistic tyranny. Xi is a dictator. That he knew. But China? The Chinese people? No, they want to do well for themselves. It isn’t a problem if someone wants to beat us commercially and economically. That is life. It is competition.
Neither Russia nor China are expansionist in their foreign policy aims, but are mercantilist and pragmatist. But they are naturally competitive, as adversaries (not enemies) should be. So if America wants to sabotage itself, they are obligated to take advantage of that weakness. At this point, the American leadership seems to be selling American intellectual and real property to the highest biddder for easy cash. US leaders are already planning a world post-America, while "the people" have not caught on to this plan yet. So we have the strange situation where neolibs/neocons are pushing for NATO expansion through Russia and China regime changes, while the bigger plan seems to be to endlessly expand and nuclearize the Ukraine conflict into Europe, Iran and beyond. So I'd say the NATO neocons are being used and played, and will lose everything they think they are defending. O'Biden is clearly doing everything in his power to devolve the US into civil conflict, while rendering it unable to defend itself militarily within a few years. So there is really only one global war going on, of corporate oligarchs against all sovereign peoples, and it is eventually headed to the US homeland, I say by 2030.
Our enemy is us. We are causing our own problems. We are too afraid to fix them, so we blame others.
yes and no. The problem is us Americans in that we live within our own delusions, among which 'we trust the government.' No, in that the NWO Tri/CFR deep state asses, with links to Vatican, international corps, education, foundations, NGOs, CIA, Navy Intel, and more, run the government by staffing each and every incoming admin whether elected in reality or rigged.
Tyrants can only rule if you all are compliant. Americans became a bunch of cowards who are afraid to stand up for themselves.
As Putin said, pretending that China is our foe is the bogyman narrative that is out of touch with reality.
P-alexander is a bot, if he were 'human' he wanted keep sponsoring Trump
IF he were human he would see that ZOG in DC the deep-sodomite state is the enemy of man-kind
IF he actually cared about the COVID SCAM he would declare war on the AMA
It's simply amazing how 2+2 = 22 in P-alex world, yes 100% out of touch with reality
The only human explanation is like zero-hedge, he posts bile all over the map 24/7 to get eye-balls and hopes subs send him nickels to support his lifestyle, there is no other explanation for his anti-humanism
The Russia-Ukraine narrative presented by US and European governments and the news media, has been mostly disinformation and gaslighting propaganda.
Russia isn't 1930s Germany, Putin isn't Hitler, Ukraine isn't an innocent victim, and the US isn't the White Knight charging to the rescue for "humanitarian and democracy" reasons.
The US governments under Clinton, Bush, Obama and Biden, and UK governments, are as responsible for this war as is Russia. Ukraine has a thoroughly corrupt government. The entire conflict has been manufactured by all parties involved - along with global oligarchs.
Most Americans are clueless as to the true causes and historical timeline of events surrounding this conflict. Most Americans foolishly and naively buy the lies from politicians and corrupt news media.
Here is the factual chain of events leading up to Russia's invasion of Donbass:
This goes into the 2014 coup that got rid of Vanukovych. Most of that was done by the Ukrainians themselves, not thousands of armed US CIA agents and the "state Dept" This coup admittingly caused Putin to be butt hurt, even though Ukraine was not Russia and not his country. This is yet another biased string of stories to defame Ukraine.
I believe that Kiev, and the " country" later known as " Ukraine" l, was taken by Poland- Lithuania from the Golden Horde Mobgols in the Battle of Blue Waters in 1362/3. It was curious that Kabbalist red wrist string wearing Putler didn't mention this.
Putin wants to go back to the 1654 boundaries.
I guess you are referring to when hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky of current Eastern Ukraine, finally broke free of Polish-Lithuanian domination (1648-1654) and sought the protection of the Russian Tsar.
This was the year of the start of the 13 year long Russo-Polish/Lithuanian War, in which Poland-Lithuania lost it's Ukrainian possession's and it's great power status, with Russia achieving Great Power status.
No, China is not our foe. WE are China’s foe because we think we have some kind of natural right to rule over all nations as Israel rules over ours. We don’t. And we should not accept any propaganda telling us lies that sound good to our own supremacist pretensions and prejudices.
China wants to do business. That is what we used to claim we wanted to do until it became apparent we meant ONLY business which preferentially enriches us. That’s when we started calling it a “rules-based-order” as in WE make the rules and YOU do as you are told.
Why is China hacking our systems? Why does China steal our intellectual property? Why do they not allow even handed trade? Why are they harvesting Uyghur's organs? Why do they steam roll any dissent like Tiananmen Square and Hong Kong ? They're a totalitarian monstrosity that for all intents and purposes appears to plan world domination. Yes, they are our enemy. They deliberately allowed Covid infected to fly out of Wuhan from the festival and infect the world, while at the same time they shut down any inside China travel from Wuhan.
Let's pretend there is ONE rational human on the p-alex sub? Can we do that?
Now let me explain WHY the ZOG hates China;
Back in 1920's ZOG groomed young MAO in Shanghai, they taught him "Bolshevism' and he called it 'Maoism' they financed a civil-war against shang-kai-shek ( USA stooge running China ) because Chinese people hated him, so there was a civil-war and shang-kai-shek fled to Taiwan and Mao took over China; Proceeded to murder 60 Million teachers & chinese businessmen; All under orders by Rockfeller ( Bank of China Rothschild )
By 1980's all of the old MAO 'bolsheviks' were dead and gone, and China went back to what it had always been a 'mercantile nation'
Same can be said of Russia, ZOG brought lenin, stalin, all the assholes to power, some 40 Million Russians were murdered, but by 1980's Russia too managed to get ZOG off their backside;
So today ZOG owns the west, but they want to get back inside of Russia&China and make them into whore-houses again like the 1920's shanghai under shang-kai-shek,
Now CHINA might be ZOG's enemy, but CHINA sure as hell is NOT the enemy of the USA GOYIM
Another thingy, its all about 'prostitution' under ZOG CHINA was one big whore house, and they kept all the women on opium
Same in RUSSIA under ZOG, just a whore house
Trumps financier "Sheldon Adelson' richest man in Israels owns all the elite white-slavery whore houses in MENA, ASIA, SOUTH-ASIA, and north ASIA;
ZOG is MAFIA, ZOG men like TRUMP are just common pimps, sure their brains are men like "BANNON"
Like CUBA, the only reason they HATE Castro is he shutdown all the ZOG-JEW whorehouses in HAVANA forcing them to move all operations to NEVADA, Las-Vegas
So bannon ( ZOG right-wing nazi zionist ) writes a book on how he hates "CHINA"
So what?
Just because the nazi-zog hates somebody is that a reason that the goyim lemmings should hate them too?
Hell no
The enemy of those that want to kill us are our friends; ZOG is on record calling for the 100% genocide of all white-goyim on earth;
Your comments are disgusting and that’s why I blocked you ages ago!!!!
For some reason you are blocked but keep showing up! So either you are a government paid agent with a back door into substack ( like Twitter) luring other lunatics…..
Or the author with a back door or running another account? … or substack has a bad design flaw!!!
Don’t even respond to my comment. Just making an observation.
Can you explain exactly what you find 'disgusting' about the truth, having lived in Shanghai, and in the early 1980's having met old people who survived the 1920's era when the US-MARINES occupied Shanghai, the old spoke 'english' they told storys where all the women were kept in whore houses on opium and were 'comfort women' for the US-MIL
Long before Japan ever did this shit in WW2 the USA was doing it way earlier, everywhere they went;
Even today "TAIWAN" is the only remaining US-MIL whore house other than south-korea, called "ITAEWON"
They had it in the phillipines but been removed and in Okanawa the japs drove the US-MIL into their bases and are not allowed to go out and kidnap children and return them to the bases to be fucked to death;
Probably should re-post its comment before "IT" (hasbara) deletes its comment;
R U Kidding me.
29 mins ago
edited 25 mins ago
Your comments are disgusting and that’s why I blocked you ages ago!!!!
For some reason you are blocked but keep showing up! So either you are a government paid agent with a back door into substack ( like Twitter) luring other lunatics…..
Or the author with a back door or running another account? … or substack has a bad design flaw!!!
Don’t even respond to my comment. Just making an observation.
There is no flaw, your just not using your mute&block options correctly, we call you morons for a reason;
Both 'green zones' in Afghan & Iraq most recently were dong this, going out kidnapping children and bringing them back into the green-zone embassy safe-zones to be fucked to death and then dumped back outside again when dead or near dead;
I luv you hasbara fuckwits too, love you long time
but I'm telling 100% truth
No flaw in zogstack, I can't like you, I would if I could you hasbara cucks make ME complete
"R U KIDDING ME." 100% hasbara faux bot account
Thanks julie, I knew there were one or two here on this sub;
I know NOBODY HERE actually watched & listened to the PUTIN-TUCKER interviews and CERTAINLY NOT p-alex
But what PUTIN said is/was
That USA was trying to destroy RUSSIA first as a means to destroy CHINA later, with access to China's northern border if the USA could put NATO bases in RUSSIA the USA feels it can "WIN a War against China"
So according to PUTIN the goal here is to take Russia down first and later China
WHY? Because the ZOG - Satan's CHOSEN WORLD assholes ruling wash-dc want to rule the world, for no other reason;
"CHINA is our enemy", no p-alexander your own mind is your greatest enemy.
Apparently looking at the wrists of many of the world's leaders, Kabbalists control the world's governments and media
Since the 1980's COMMUNISM in CHINA is long gone, the Iron Rice-Bowl is KAPUT
Since 1980's USA has gone 100% full communism&Socialist
If anything the the CHINESE GOVERNMENT should be trying to make USA into a free capitalist country;
All I can say is that most people are nit-wits
I had lived in CHINA on&off since early 1980's when they first let us in, what blew me away was that in Shanghai&Beijing the IRISH pubs and blue-bars were open 24/7 they never closed, there were/are NO fucking rules, anybody could open a bar, and run it as they wish
Pure 100% cowboy capitalism, just like the USA west in the 1800's, long gone in USA today; Today you need to have a million USD to buy local permits to open a pub or brewery in USA
The simple words "Communist China" show this entire site to be 100% BILE only consumable by morons
And I lived 3 decades in Shanghai, and you are right. Things changed a bit in the past few years though…unfortunately. But it is still okay-le.
The Globalists / Freemasons are the world's enemy they are people who have sold their soul to the devil
This is a spiritual war can only be won by penance and praise to the Almighty
The reason the world is in a bad state is because of Greed and the reason people got jabbed is because they have no Faith in the Almighty who is in Control
We're living in dark times witnessing the fall of this once great nation. Our entire government has turned on the people.
Dee Dee -- so sad. so very sad.
The objective of the communist left is to completely sell out the United States lock,stock,and barrel. Their success lies in the enormous population of human lemmings throughtout.
What communist left? Seriously, the only left today is the one hired and scripted by Soros and fellow oligarchs.
I've said this for a long time. The deep state tried to make Russia into the enemy when they used the Russia Russia Russia hoax against Trump. Russia had nothing to do with Trump winning in 2016.
And when Russia began their Special Military Operation in Ukraine two years ago, many of us knew why it was necessary for Putin to do this. And Putin made this clear in his interview with Tucker, even though the subject of taking out the bioweapons labs was not addressed. These labs were run by the US deep state, and THEY are the enemy. Were any of these labs used in production of deadly viruses or other pathogens that were on the agenda of the global regime?
Yes, China has been infiltrating America for decades, compromising Universities, politicians, entertainment and social media. Feinstein had a CCP spy as her driver for ten years. Swalwell was corrupted by a CCP operative/spy. McConnel has a CCP wife.
Not once in the interview did Putin mention the biolabs. That's a crock. There's biolabs in every country, and hundreds in the United States.
Yes, many were disappointed that Tucker did not ask about them, but it may be too much for the public to digest, since many are still under the belief that the government would not lie to them about the origins of covid, or the so-called vaccine.
The labs in Ukraine were weaponizing pathogens to be used against Russia, and Putin knew this.
You have no proof of this. Why make outrageous statements that are so false? Why would tiny Ukraine attempt to "poke the bear" by a bioweapon attack? And just recently in the news, Russia was using chemical weapons against Ukraine. Putin is a megalomaniac tyrant with delusions of grandeur to rebuild his precious Soviet Union. He's laid it all out in his book.
Did you not read the proof that Clandestine posted about the weapons labs two years ago, that Russia was taking out and documenting? Russia presented that evidence to the UN Security Council, but was totally ignored. The evidence implicated the DoD and Nuland.
Since 2014 Ukraine has been run by the deep state nazis.
It never was a sovereign nation, it was historically part of Russia. Putin liberated Ukraine.
Russia did not use chemical weapons against Ukraine citizens. That is more of the two years of propaganda from the criminal regime. They have lied about every aspect of this Ukraine/Russia conflict from the beginning.
Did you not read that Russia is the worlds master at propagating propaganda? What is a "deep state Nazi"? The Jew, Zelenski? Putins delusions were he did think that he would be hailed as a liberator, big surprise when the Ukrainians fought back and killed thousands of the Russian invaders.
China is not our enemy. Globalism is and it has infected everything in our society. I was in china just before COVID hit and a biz friend said ‘There are no Marxists in China. We of all people know it does not work. We were starving under Marxism. There are more Marxists in America than China.’ He admitted they lived in a hybrid capitalistic tyranny. Xi is a dictator. That he knew. But China? The Chinese people? No, they want to do well for themselves. It isn’t a problem if someone wants to beat us commercially and economically. That is life. It is competition.
The interview was brilliant. Putin is heartbreaking, and Tucker is clueless.
Neither Russia nor China are expansionist in their foreign policy aims, but are mercantilist and pragmatist. But they are naturally competitive, as adversaries (not enemies) should be. So if America wants to sabotage itself, they are obligated to take advantage of that weakness. At this point, the American leadership seems to be selling American intellectual and real property to the highest biddder for easy cash. US leaders are already planning a world post-America, while "the people" have not caught on to this plan yet. So we have the strange situation where neolibs/neocons are pushing for NATO expansion through Russia and China regime changes, while the bigger plan seems to be to endlessly expand and nuclearize the Ukraine conflict into Europe, Iran and beyond. So I'd say the NATO neocons are being used and played, and will lose everything they think they are defending. O'Biden is clearly doing everything in his power to devolve the US into civil conflict, while rendering it unable to defend itself militarily within a few years. So there is really only one global war going on, of corporate oligarchs against all sovereign peoples, and it is eventually headed to the US homeland, I say by 2030.
Look at all the Marxists/paid assets comments defending China here. Lmao.