Ryan Cole's interruption of Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger's presentation - shutting her down - tells you he is part of a group attempting to control and shape information. I'm not surprised. Good on you. Your integrity is appreciated.

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Indeed that was disgusting and the first inkling he'd been gotten to.

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This is what the deep state does as a strategy by using a mancheron candidate. Like co intel pro they plant one of their own in the movement seemingly on the side of the group but in reality, they are there to disrupt the movement from within. It has always been the best strategy that works best, and not from without hence the quote by the Roman Dr. Alexander has on this article.

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Thank you, Kathleen. I joined your newsletter just now because I like connecting with like-minded truth tellers as we navigate the mine filled landscape of half-truths and Manchurian candidates. It takes real skill and critical thought to do this, and one way to do this it is by reading what they say and more importantly what they do not say. It becomes clear after a time who is actually telling what we already know to be true, and who is leaving out critical information on the whole scam that include the DOD who funded the whole thing, Gates, WEF WHO and the unseen power behind these Malthusian eugenics mass murders. I have some reading to pass on and it is the book, Murder by injection and The Modern Anglo-Dutch Empire, Its Origins, Evolution, and Anti-Human Outlook, by Robert Ingraham. This plan goes back centuries and is coming to fruition thanks to advanced technology. If you understand that these people look at all of us as beasts, animal or useless eater, then it becomes clear how they think. Most humans do not have the evil intent to plan the destruction of all humanity because we have been instilled with compassion and empathy, so we do not think this way. They count on this; they have guided this thinking for their own nefarious reasons. The Rockefellers took control of the medical establishment early so that allopathic medicine was the only way to be treated, then vilified homeopathic medicine as quackery. We know what this family is and what they have done but even they serve a master that remains hidden. Not conspiracy theory but conspiracy in fact. Thank you for being, Jack.

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Thanks Jack. I will subscribe to yours too. I see we are on the same page.

Yes hidden masters. Not human, IMO. Long-term presence on the planet and obviously, have successfully infiltrated. Also think this ultimately comes out - necessary to sussing our own cosmic identities - but who knows when?

Appreciate the comment. Best.

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The thing is...

It is impossible to even begin to try to work out who is and who isn't acting falsely.

The PR Team has an enormous budget and are grand chest masters at inserting their experts into the narrative to control what people think.

They could destroy the legacy of Mother Teresa - if it furthered their interests -- by finding (inventing) people who were close to her charity operation who would expose how she was pimping children in the Calcutta slums --- and using the funds to pay for Champagne and cocaine fuelled orgies with gigolos. Their digital team would create photos of said orgies. They'd have one of their agents write a 'tell all' book. And the world would quickly be disgusted with Teresa the vile bitch.

This is how powerful they are.

It's not so easy to invent a Robert Malone or a Ryan Cole because it is possible to check their backgrounds so you need legit people in the medical industry.

So how is the experts appear so convincing? Have they gone over to the dark side?

I would suggest not - rather they actually understand that what they are doing is for the benefit of all humans. They believe they are performing a public service of the highest order.

Because they would have been briefed on the Big Picture https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

Their role is to entertain the anti vaxxers... to prevent them taking any real action against The Plan ... the planners prefer not to have to put down violence with their anti terrorist squads who are most definitely standing by.... they'd rather not have to run the campaign inviting vaxxers to call the hotline to report their anti vax neighbours who they believe are a threat.

That sort of thing might tip over an already unstable global economy...

The strategy is --- corral the anti vaxxers on Substack... no censorship -- plant experts who endlessly post 'SEE - WE ARE RIGHT' data and stories that expose the 'folly' of the injections ...

The anti vaxxers are allowed to vent -- but more importantly they believe they are on the cusp of victory ... surely at some point the tide will turn ... the evidence is overwhelming ... the masses will wake up tomorrow --- and justice will be served!!!

Substack is a matrix for the anti vaxxers.... their thoughts are controlled - just like the vaxxers are controlled.

They are fed all sorts of bullshit reasons/conspiracies for the injections ... Great Resets - 5G -- control -- you name they are fed it ...

This keeps them away from the real story here --- which is total extermination. That would cause them to lose their minds and possibly unhinge....

Another pillar of this strategy is to destroy the underpinnings of society --- to create a 'dark energy' https://off-guardian.org/2023/04/01/ignorance-is-bliss/

School boards across the world are promoting tranny-ism ... the mass media is completely on board... we get to watch small groups who oppose this being attacked by pro tranny groups....

Children are encouraged to maim themselves cuz it might be fun to change genders.

If they truly want to create acceptance for the gay community --- invite the more mainstream gay people to read books to kids... you do NOT invite a fringe group that is less than 1% of the gay community (let's face it -- the vast majority of these trannies are mentally ill -- it's just an unfortunate result of being born the way they are -- and most gay people I know would support me on this)...

So what's the purpose of this? Other than to break a society...

There are a range of other things being done that damage the way of life including inviting illegal immigrants into countries... feeding us bugs... 15 minute cities...not arresting shop lifters.... legalizing drugs... encouraging wide spread porn (I read that one university invited reps from one of the sugar daddy sites onto campus to advise co-eds on how to use the platform safely --- aka they are encouraging students to whore themselves WTF)...

The impacts of the 'dark energy' they are creating lead to herd anxiety ...


The impacts are substantial...


I suspect that this is all about prepping the herd for extermination ... they make life not worth living ... so that when the time comes ... the herd is ambivalent about being exterminated... they on some level welcome it ...

As an escape from the mad house.

Dr. Lee Merritt explains how mRNA Vaccines killed animals during testing and how MRNA Vaccines could be used to kill millions of people by first injecting people with the So Called Vaccine and then releasing a counterpart even years later to be killed at will - She calls this a Binary Poison (as it's in two parts) https://t.me/downtherabbitholewegofolks/70925

Full interview https://humansarefree.com/2021/01/dr-lee-merritt-animal-studies-mrna-technology-all-animals-died.html

So when they are pushing on a string with the global economy - which appears to be imminent ....




Will they release Part 2. and exterminate all the vaxxed... and the unvaxxed starve?

And 8 billion humans go extinct... with almost no violence -- no murder no rape no cannibalism

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That was the ‘aha’ moment

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There are many false actors on Substack.... they are not 'evil'... they are able to appear convincing because they are 100% certain that the cause they are furthering is necessary.

1. The global economy is most definitely on the precipice:



The Everything Bubble and Global Bankruptcy


In a nutshell... raging inflation as a result of ultra low interest rates and easy money seeped into the overall economy over the past couple of years. The Central Banks - wanting to prevent hyperinflation were forced to raise interest rates.

As the second article explains this has destroyed the value of trillions of dollars of bonds held by banks and other entities. This is what has caused multiple banks to tip over including the behemoth Credit Suisse.

2. Despite these failures the Central Banks continued to raise rates, driving the financial system further into insolvency... and importantly ... inflation is remains untamed

UK economy: headline inflation rises to 10.4%


3. The Central Banks have two choices -- reduce rates to take some heat off of the bond situation -- but that will only throw more fuel onto the inflation fire and could collapse the global economy (see those riots in France? That's primarily about inflation - people already are struggling to pay bills)

Continue to hold rates high - and possibly increase them (if inflation continues to rise)... driving the entire financial system further into insolvency.

They have opted for the latter -- and they will throw trillions of dollars Euros etc at the banks to try to delay the collapse. They likely already are doing that -- they will never tell us.

Jean-Claude Juncker — 'When it becomes serious, you have to lie.'

'When the situation is catastrophic, you do whatever it takes and say nothing' - Fast Eddy

4. I was discussing this situation with a good mate who an MD at a global investment bank... and he agrees - there does not appear to be any solution to this ... it must result in collapse of the system.

Because this situation is a result of a decline in affordable energy (see the first article) the men who run the world understand that when collapse arrives... there will be no putting Humpty back together again.

There is no magic want to wave the replaces the easy energy reserves that we have burned over the past 200 years. If there was - that would have been done already and we'd not be in this situation.

So what do you do when you understand that a massive global collapse is imminent .. and you are desperately trying to hold things together for as many days ... and hours as possible?

When it goes -- the power goes off - and 8B humans will be hungry and angry - they will come for the elites.. they will engage in mass murder rape cannibalism. Essentially the Gates of Hell open.

I have suggested they are exterminating us ... but exactly how. The vaccines are killing and maiming but that's hardly an extinction event.

Bossche suggests a deadly mutation will emerge.

5. Earlier this evening I picked this up on my travels around the worldwideweb:

Dr. Lee Merritt explains how mRNA Vaccines killed animals during testing and how MRNA Vaccines could be used to kill millions of people by first injecting people with the So Called Vaccine and then releasing a counterpart even years later to be killed at will - She calls this a Binary Poison (as it's in two parts)


The urgency to keep injecting people is no longer evident. All the measures to coerce people have stopped. The masks are off. Travel is to a great extent normalized. Covid deaths are not discussed much. Most people believe Covid is done.

Let me throw this out there... the goal all along was to inject as many people as possible.... they tried everything to convince people to inject... but at a certain point you start to push on a string...

Most people who have not injected now will never inject. There is nothing the PR Team can do to convince someone like me to inject. I am willing to die if someone tried to force me.

Ok so nearly 6B have agreed to inject... out of 8... that's a damn good result all things considered.

No point in pushing the string ...

6. What if the plan is ... when they see that they can no longer hold the financial system together much longer --- they release a second virus --- that is deadly to everyone who has injected at least one shot? And it rips through there defenceless immune system killing all of them.

7. The unvaxxed will obviously panic as they see people dying like flies around them. CNNBBC will tell them to lockdown in their homes -- 24 hour martial law --- images of empty closed super markets -- STAY HOME! -- snipers shooting anyone who ventures out.

8. Wait for the food trucks - they are coming .... STAY HOME! But they never come ... and nobody goes outside because everyone will believe there is black death out there now ... off the charts fear... they will wait ... and wait.. and slowly starve to death.

9. Perhaps the trucks will circulate -- but will provide no food rather they will distribute end of life meds e.g. Fentanyl.

10. 8 Billion die peacefully. Next to no murder rape or cannibalism.

The financial system is without a doubt on borrowed time. Perhaps all that remains to be done is give the final word.

I note that our PM Ardern stepped down recently. Haven't heard a peep out of her since... is she having a bit of family time or perhaps a vacation ... using the final months to enjoy life.

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Well Fast Eddy that's one way of looking at it, but I don't think that's how it is going to go down. If it is a binary poison, there maybe fewer than 8 billion gone because some of those you count injected are not (faked the shot or got saline). And no staying in.. there will be bodies on the streets festering dead in the streets. And since there's an awful lot of preppers out there..also maybe not so many starving at home either. I don't see a nice neat solution. No it will be messy and nasty in the USA at least. And the system financially will go down. BUT. There IS energy because this is an ENGINEERED shortage as the food and processing and transportation / supply chain shortages are as well. So... I can't see the future well, just navigate the currents as best I can. My advice is to plan for shortages, for defense, for supplies, for a community to pick up the slack AND to know that if it does happen the elites will get what's coming to them in spades. When you have nothing left to live for because it has all been taken away? And revenge is your ONLY motivation and you have mad mad skills? There will be someone who will take out any and all the elites they can get their hands on... it will be but a matter of time. Either they get taken out by the dying and / OR they themselves die due to a 'miscalculation' on their part in their little scheme of mass death... what they had thought they were safe from? Biology will bite them in their ass. Red Masque of Death.

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Well said! They will use the military against us by feeding them and giving them the necessities that the population will not have so defeating them may be harder than we think but freedom is worth dying for, and not in their money grubbing wars but real freedom for a change. The gullible still wave the flag and thank us for our service because their sons and daughters are in the military, brainwashed by the hype that they swallow without knowing the truth. The entire country has been militarized with all the sports events having flyovers, even the NFL coaching staff have camo on parts of their clothing. Propaganda on steroids but no one recognizes it at all. Ask one of them what wars we have won since WW2, none at all???????????????????????????????????????????????

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I left out the coup de grace part....

Map of Spent Nuclear Fuel Ponds America


There are 4000 Spent Fuel Ponds Around the Globe…

If you don’t cool the spent fuel, the temperature will rise and there may be a swift chain reaction that leads to spontaneous combustion–an explosion and fire of the spent fuel assemblies. Such a scenario would emit radioactive particles into the atmosphere. Pick your poison. Fresh fuel is hotter and more radioactive, but is only one fuel assembly. A pool of spent fuel will have dozens of assemblies.

One report from Sankei News said that there are over 700 fuel assemblies stored in one pool at Fukushima. If they all caught fire, radioactive particles—including those lasting for as long as a decade—would be released into the air and eventually contaminate the land or, worse, be inhaled by people. “To me, the spent fuel is scarier. All those spent fuel assemblies are still extremely radioactive,” Dalnoki-Veress says.

It has been known for more than two decades that, in case of a loss of water in the pool, convective air cooling would be relatively ineffective in such a “dense-packed” pool. Spent fuel recently discharged from a reactor could heat up relatively rapidly to temperatures at which the zircaloy fuel cladding could catch fire and the fuel’s volatile fission product, including 30-year half-life Cs, would be released. The fire could well spread to older spent fuel. The long-term land-contamination consequences of such an event could be significantly worse than those from Chernobyl.


Japan’s chief cabinet secretary called it “the devil’s scenario.” Two weeks after the 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunami devastated the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, causing three nuclear reactors to melt down and release radioactive plumes, officials were bracing for even worse. They feared that spent fuel stored in pools in the reactor halls would catch fire and send radioactive smoke across a much wider swath of eastern Japan, including Tokyo.


The Chernobyl accident was relatively minor, involved no spent fuel ponds, and was controlled by pouring cement onto the reactor. This was breaking down so a few years back they re-entombed.

Estimates of the cancer burden in Europe from radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl accident


I wish the doomie preppers the best of luck!

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Well, no fears there eh? That's the entire globe toasted then. At any rate this is the part of not allowing energy supplies to go too low since you have to have fuel to pump the coolant pumps that take years to cool the ponds before the spent fuel rods are read to be entombed and buried. And that's just ONE of the hazards.

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It looks like the Breggins have been right all along. Thanks for sharing doc!

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For me Dr. Alexander: Long before this particular "war" I've been observing within the Health Freedom movement, I saw in Malone something which unsettled me.

It was in his eyes.

("The windows to the soul.")

I've always trust my gut. My "gypsy" instincts.

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You know I had the exact same feeling, and you are spot on the lies and deceptions are in the eyes, yet not many see it. Like you I always go with my gut, so far so good. It’s definitely not easy, but has served me and saved me well. God Bless🌷

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Same here 👍

Squinty sunken in eyes , like they are holding something back ...😑

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My husband said the same. Said he was 'controlled opposition' from the start. I thought he had repented and wanted to do good instead.

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I think he is trying and has undisclosed baggage.

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Money is an amazing motivator and sadly many fall into the deep pit. As I believe he did.

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I think he has a touch of Auschbergers.. Spelling???

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(You mean Asperger's Syndrome?)

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ME TOO! And the soft, controlled tone of voice makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

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And that dead-man voice of his.

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The descent of your Substack into a forum for ventilating personal gripes and spats is becoming tedious, Paul.

It's most disappointing and I'll give you one more month to get it all out your system.

Further than that, I'm out.

It's sad, because you had a good thing going, but now you're descending into some sort of existential crisis and I want no part of it.


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You cut/paste the same comment daily. If you want no part of it, just show yourself the door. This isn't an airport, no need to announce your departure. 👍🏻

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Lol 🤣😂🤣😂👏👏👏👏👏

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Do you need help with unsubscribing?

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The obsession alexander has against Malone is at the same level as biden group's obsession against Russia. I cannot end well for those obsessed at such a lunatic level..

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Well stated T and J; but as you can see - from the push back I got from what I said - Paul has his "die hard supporters" (at least as far as virtual wankerdom goes), so he will persist.

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Hi Barry

I find the pathology of the commenters fascinating.

They're completely insightless and because their ugly personality disorders are egosyntonic, they think there's nothing wrong with themselves.

Completely intolerant of any dissent, mean spirited, judgemental, paranoid, bigoted biased, full of the same personality disorders as the vaccine pushers.

If you don't think like them you become "life unworthy of life."

They almost all have either a narcissistic epistemology or an authoritarian epistemology or both. Hateful, negative people.

I'd not be surprised if one of them ends up taking a shot at Malone, or Cole, or whoever the current target of these sadists is.

There are 4 main types of sadism here: enforcing, tyrannical, spineless and explosive.

It's all being amplified in an echochamber.

It's an echochamber of hate.

It tolerates no dissent.

The commenters are in love with their hate.

" ... an echo chamber is an environment or ecosystem in which participants encounter beliefs that amplify or reinforce their preexisting beliefs by communication and repetition inside a closed system and insulated from rebuttal. An echo chamber circulates existing views without encountering opposing views, potentially resulting in confirmation bias. Echo chambers may increase social and political polarization and extremism ... it is thought that echo chambers limit exposure to diverse perspectives, and favour and reinforce presupposed narratives and ideologies."

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Hello brother ANW,

I'm going to reply to you quickly now - and in more detail later - because I am in the thick of it at work, but this was pure gold.

Some nutter called "Sida" replied as per below to the above comments' thread.

He/she/it/they/the thing/the lost testicle/missing uterus then summarily deleted the comment, but I still have it on my email. Here goes:

"The Glass account is clearly your alter. Poor Awake is being viciously attacked by all the deranged people on this substack.....Nice Try. We see you clown".

I really laughed hard.

I've been called lots of names in my life, especially by women who claimed emotional cruelty when I ended it for proper and valid reasons, but I can't say anyone has ever likened me to the borderline personality that is the thing called "Glass" as you explained him to me.

Chat later, brother.


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Thanks Barry.

I'll look forward to it!


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Hi brother ANW,

I hear what you are saying, and I'd rather have a private zoom chat with you about it (email me on barryvarkel@gmail.com if you're keen), because we're bound to get ridiculed here for our exchanges, not by "Glass", or "Sida", or some other weird know-it-all-BS-merchant-nutter who goes by the pseudonym of "Bilbobitch", mainly because they all have zero balls.

All the same, here goes:

FB gave a voice to the voiceless.

Zuckerberg touted it as being "cool" and the masses hooked into it like a meth-head at a meth cook lab.

Back at the ranch, all FB was, was a data mining business to the power of the speed of light that now knows more about the world's citizenry than any govt agency could ever dream of.

Same with twitter, and now I am sure Substack is doing the very same.

So, I do not know how old you are, but back in the day, when the daily newspapers were all in print, the editorial section was where an opinion was expressed and the readers all valued that editorial as a voice of reason, intelligence and insight.

Now everyone is giving an editorial every bloody second of the day.

Strong opinions everyone has, most of which is horseshit.

FB and social media gave them all a voice and now everyone is equal online.

Society however does not work that way.

Social stratification still exists outside of the smarthphone or laptop in the real world.

People forget the past. But the past brought the world to where it is right now.

Now, in a way, another form of social engineering took place when the covid crackdown on alleged free speech came about.

I know about this first-hand, because LinkedIn closed me out on account of my negative stance and posts on the vaxx.

The sad thing is I lost about 50 really nice client reviews of the legal work I had done for them. But hey, who really cares - the clients are all still there and loyal.

So, this Q of free speech, what is it really? Does it mean you can say whatever you want without consequences?

Whose right is worth more?

The super rich and powerful always have more rights - it's always been that way.

You can enforce your rights anywhere in the world as long as you have a good lawyer, and this costs money.

So on FB, after the initial wow factor started in terms of connecting with old mates from school, it then quickly descended into a free-for-all medium for being able to write whatever you wanted and to take swipes at people whom you'd never meet in some sort of cluster fuck of indignity.

Remember all such banal arguments finally hit the abyss when the discussion grinds right down into the singularity being Adolf Hitler.

Perhaps what covid really was, aside from the "depopulation" theory which we can put aside for the purposes of this discussion, was to cool down a hyperactive world, by letting everyone below the superclass know that they could not do what they wanted to do anymore, and that there were limits on human conduct.

But everyone is "free" now again, but the new chains are there and those are money - because without it you are as good as dead.

A lot of disgruntled people - from before covid was even a glint in the eye of the uber powerful people and govts - have came through the ranks and found a voice on Substack with it being the proxy of alternative media.

These are the sadists you refer to.

I have seen quite a few in my time in my field of work, but they usually burn themselves out with me when their bills get too much. Then all the fight evaporates and they simply go to ground.

The real Q is, what's real in this world, because everyone complains about how virtual has taken over; however, they wouldn't really know what to do with a living breathing stranger.

The Guardian, before it become a piece of leftist agenda rubbish tabloid, used to do good work. One of their exposes was a person who was the ultimate troll, hate speech sadist and sexual pervert on bulletin boards and public fora. They tracked this person down to a physical address in London via their IP address and to the utter shock of the presenter and camera crew, it was a sweet looking 70yr old granny.

So, the thing is, I am prepared to meet you on zoom, and then in person if I like you; I am not afraid of physical one on one, and if I really like you and we get on, then we can become real mates and spend time together and who knows we can fulfil each other as mates one way or another.

Life is not scary, but certain people definitely are.

The funny thing is, just like nutter granny lady, even when you get a Jeffrey Dahmer type person one on one in a court room, or in a restricted/controlled environment, all his power evaporates, and all that's left is a frightened, scared, lonely and very sad person.

Go well brother ANW, I'm going to make some dinner now.


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Hi Barry

I'll get back to you a bit later.


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Hi Barry

Do you have WhatsApp?

I've been flat out at work on little sleep.

Just when I was about to go to bed I got a WhatsApp call from an old flame in France to tell me that the father of her 9 year old had shot himself through the heart last Friday

I was on the call for nearly 2.5 hours.

I've had another communication from Glass/Sida.

Let me know if you've got WhatsApp.


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ugh. The mud slinging is EXACTLY WHAT THE GLOBALISTS WANT US ALL TO DO. You're all being played if you go along with it. Dropping a million "pedo" bombs into the center of a debate is EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO DO. So who ARE you really working for, Dr. Paul? Because you're throwing gasoline onto the fires you claim you want to put out.

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I have to agree that the elitists want everyone to divide us to disrupt the medical freedom front. There is no good reason behind Malone suing the Breggins at the very least of this entire mess. Like I mentioned in a previous comment Malone lost my support based on his own choices and who his past connections and research are associated with.

If one pays attention then it becomes clear who’s intent is sincere. I don’t like mud slinging either, but Paul didn’t start it and Malone has a cog in his wheel. Something he wishes to hide. I have a great deal of respect for Dr Ryan Cole. I would hope that he has not been co-opted by those with I’ll intent. Any organization who has financial ties to pedophiles has ties to child trafficking and this is the epitome of evil. I’m glad Paul doesn’t want any ties to such business. That defies what the Freedom Movement is all about.

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Is there a link to the Cole tweet? I'd like some context for this, plz.

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No one wins if we can't stop the mRNA snowball rolling down hill to hell.


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Thank you that was a helpful post. Keeping the focus on the big picture, not the people involved.

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Or stop and repair the internal damage caused already.

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Dr. Alexander:  It's a busy day for me, and I don't have the time to read your entire article. I noticed your remarks about the PCR tests, and you are 100% correct. Just over a year ago, I contacted a lab that runs the test for parts of South West VA. The lab wasn't aware the higher cycle rates created false positives (their claim). The media's attention on case numbers and the false positives was a combined and fraudulent effort. 

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Oh thats interesting — did you write about that on your stack? Skimmed & didn’t find…

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looks like you're over the target, Paul

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Doc, your honesty and integrity are a breath of fresh air in this ongoing fight against this mass genocide of humanity today. I love your posts and am behind you 100%. Don’t stop and don’t change your ways as you have earned the trust of many. Please keep up the good work as you truly are helping so many. God bless you! 🌷

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I think the world of you Dr. Alexander, but I don't know why you continue to get involved with this fight. Isn't it enough that we are in a fight with "almost" the entire world?

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Disagree- if there are issues with some who purport to be doing what they are doing to save lives, get the truth out, etc., I appreciate Dr Alexander making us aware of them. I feel foolish that I’ve recommended Dr. Malone’s stack in the past, knowing what I now know about him. He makes us all look bad - we don’t need that.

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Knowing what you know; can you elaborate for me. I’m totally confused by all the back biting.

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Don’t ever change Dr.

Your integrity and self control are staggering and I must say I admire you for it.

God bless

Thanks for all you do good sir

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Dr Alexander aren’t you doing exactly what you tell Dr Ryan not to do by jumping into the ring with Malone on behalf of Breggins and Kakiro (sorry can’t check her name right now)??? If Malone is suing Breggins, why are you jumping in to fight the fight for him, same for the woman scientist who is challenging Malone’s truthfulness? Why can’t these people defend themselves, as you advise Dr Ryan Cole to let Dr Malone fend for himself? You are getting all of us distracted and yourself also. The Breggins law suit will be handled in a court of law. The case does not need to be fought in the court of public opinion by those of us, your followers, who know nothing about the circumstances nor the extremely technical knowledge that these accusations involve. You have tremendous gifts, do not waste them on unnecessary pursuits? My humbly offered 2 cents.

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Personally, I find all of this troubling. It’s coming down to who do we trust in the Freedom Movement? Maybe this is the objective, so that we are all aimlessly wandering around trying to find our tribe. 🥲. But I do love your forthright approach Dr. A ❤️

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As an additional note, let’s face it - many people in the Freedom domain Love the fame and fortune this is bringing and that means they have lost their initial goal of helping mankind.

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Absolutely, just take a hard look at the Simone Gold grifter, makes me sick!

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What about Dr. Gold? She was one of, if not the, first I learned about who had actually saved lives with HDC as I recall. She saw the resemblance to SARS a few years prior & put that knowledge & treatments used then to the patients she was seeing. I remember her saying the way doctors had treated patients in the past was to consult, talk, collaborate with each other - who tried what, what helped, what didn’t, etc. But with this new virus that collaboration collapsed & Docs followed the protocols declared & that was that.

Well, she didn’t comply; treated her patients as she saw fit. Then I learned about Dr. Zelenko, then McCollough, Kory, Cole& others. All brave; all living out the Hippocratic Oath.

I saw that the doctors’ group she co-founded booted her & still don’t understand why. America’s Frontline Doctors.

I’m super disturbed by the divisions & lawsuits. But at the same time if there are truly evil happenings in the shadows, we need to know.

If abuse & trafficking of children (or anyone defenseless) is part of any group or individual, may they be exposed with proof & let hell rain down upon them.

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That old saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

It’s good to know what Malone is into and it’s also good to know not to affiliate yourself with it. Actions are volumes compared to thoughts.

If Cole don’t make the right choices his actions will show all. Only time will tell with Cole.

Dr. Alexander does not have to worry about the clock of time , he has shown his faith is strong and convictions true. One thing amongst the many I have learned in the past three years is that this Dr Alexander is man amongst men and he tells it how it is! Period! Thanks again

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Dr. Alexander, as always I appreciate your honesty and your integrity.

If Malone's goal was to create dissention and chaos within the health movement he seems to have succeeded. People have divided off into factions and are more preoccupied with fighting each other than working against the more powerful real enemies.

Do what you must to defend yourself, but when you spend most of your time fighting internal movement battles is there any time left for anything else?

Then the Deep State/Globalists win. They've "played" you successfully.

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Time to move forward. If evil doings are behind the scenes of Malone’s business and he is profiting from the tragedy of others, I don’t believe this will come out in his favor. What is the purpose Malone’s DMED business exactly? Support the Breggins every way possible. Stay true to the goal of a parallel system that will educate and provide care that our broken healthcare system doesn’t care to do anymore.

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Yes. I think we need a new parallel healthcare system that also incorporates the best of holistic medicine. People have been talking about this kind of thing for a while, but never has it been more dangerous to use the orthodox "traditional" healthcare system. So there is an increased need.

The advice that's been rattling around in my head lately is to "find your tribe." I'm still looking.

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Doesn’t fighting involve exposing?

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It can. But it can also generate more heat than light. Sometimes it's a distraction.

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