So, no other virus causes these actual changes in liver or lung cells. Does this lend proof to the fact that the COVID virus is man-made?

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This is interesting. The authors also point out these cases are from before the injections were available. There were some nasty clusters on the East coast (my memory), and I remember seeing comment that the virus in NY was different enough from patient zero's in King County WA to be remarked upon by those sequencing, etc. I do not doubt that there were seedings of nastier ones, and there was a too coordinated set out "outbreaks" in places. I also believe the virus was going around a year plus (Italy, France) before 2020, but like any virus, became less vigorous in 6-9 months. What with certain comorbidities upping the likelihood of worse outcomes, and Hospitals and ERs, depending on the practitioners and the hospital policies, were under different duresses in treating.

This virus was made to harm people, if not in the near term, in the long term. Common post-infection sequelae for Wuhan versions were suppressed CD4+ and CD8+, iron anemia. fatigue, susceptibility to other respiratory infections.

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And no jabs either

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And leads to the next question: is it also caused by the vaccines?

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only an intentionally created chimeric bioweapon would account for these findings

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Hmm I had alpha variant and great liver function tests about 6 mos later. 🤔

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