Sachs et al.: "The Lancet Commission on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemic": 'the WHO was too slow too cautious they report': NO Jeff, WHO lied about human-to-human transmission, LIED!!
This is IMO a BS type article, typical of LANCET now and each time Sachs grows in respect he goes out and pens garbage like this. Sachs followed up his interview with Bobby Kennedy Jr. with this?
I will sleep with one eye open, one closed as to Sachs, for now. Not entirely trusting. He has work to do.
WHO lied about no human-to-human transmission; WHO, China, and Fauci lied, they were lying.
No, we did not need an endorsement of face masks for all of the evidence, all, still today shows the masks were and are ineffective un unsafe.
Yes, we knew it was aerosolized yet WHO did not know this.
WHO was never ever transparent during this pandemic.
WHO, CDC, FDA etc. never ever followed the evidence and science, they were averse to the data and science that contradicted their duplicitous narratives. Cognitive dissonance ruled their days.
Key remain the lies about the origin. This was manufactured in a lab setting and not a wet market ‘spillover’ zoonotic release. WHO and Fauci and Francis Collins continues to lie.
Everything the WHO said, the CDC, NIH, FDA, NIAID etc. everything, was flat wrong! 100% Every single COVID lockdown policy was wrong and all failed! Yet Sachs writes this more in an explanatory ‘stroll along’ manner and does not address all the WHO failures and we the world paid a devastating price!
This is all just a pretense to build the case for giving more money and power to the WHO 🙄
See these articles by Meryl Nass:
This just echoes the WEF agenda as articulated by Klaus Schwab muse Yuval Noah Harari:
“The skeleton of such a global anti-plague system already exists in the shape of the World Health Organization and several other institutions. But the budgets supporting this system are meagre, and it has almost no political teeth. We need to give this system some political clout and a lot more money, so that it won’t be entirely dependent on the whims of self-serving politicians.
See Part 3 of my “Anatomy of a Philanthropath” series for more details:
• “Part 3: Yuval Noah Harari: Not the Man We Think He Is?” (
I think that we have a good idea what happened.
1)Fauci, Baric, Daszak, and Moderna we’re doing things with viruses that they were not supposed to do (GoF)
2)They farmed some of it out to China, who were probably doing some bad things too....building on US work and adding some of their own.
3)someone f’ed up and a lab engineered virus got into the general population.
4)everyone involved simultaneously pooped themselves and went into coverup mode.
5)Fauci and Birx lied to, and scared the shit out of Trump.
6)The rest of the western world followed the lead of the CDC and they essentially changed the subject from ‘Where the hell did that come from’ to ‘Oh shit, we’re all going to die if we don’t do this, this, and this’
7)Moderna ( and Fauci et al) put forth a half assed ‘vaccine’ that was part of the (gone wrong) original program. It had not been really tested, but it was all they had....or were likely to have anytime soon.
8) The US government pays out gobs of money to press outlets to push these ‘vaccines’.
9) They start forcing people to take them ( mandates).
10) Supreme Court says “ no, you can’t do that.... except health care workers.
11) The ‘vaccinated’ start getting sick.......the coverup starts to fall apart.
12) Now we get the slow roll where bad news dribbles out about the vaccines.....eventually we will start hearing things like:
-well, we already said that the vaccines could be dangerous
-we said that they could make people sick
-we never said that the vaccines were totally safe
Most of what I have written above is in publicly available documents. There is also a video of Fauci and others discussing the need for a universal flu vaccine. I see it as a smoking gun as to the origins of this whole mess.
Sorry for the long-winded post....