Strange thing happened on the way home, my neighbor (elderly lady) has a OB MD daughter who gave birth to a preterm (NICU) and she said...pre-eclampsia...I told her we're seeing a new explosion of pre-eclampsia with NICU babies and she said, "Maybe it's in the diet"...

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Probably global warming?

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Most doctors have no clue or answers. They will blame it on not taking enough big pharma drugs to support your health...lol.

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I always keep in mind that MDs now belong to an establishment, NOT a profession. They work for Pharmas using middle management to indoctrinate Pharma politically corrected science.

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They learned absolutely nothing from Thalidomide. Now they are recommending every pregnancy women take the whooping cough vax which unfortunately also comes with tetanus and diphtheria. There is no longer a stand alone whooping cough vax - another bioweapon ?

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Here, by birth, our Nazi pharma fake intellectuals have twelve vaccines for infants just to the age of four months. link to the Tony Deadbeat site:


So, DTap alone is a known autism maker and killer. SADS and SIDS are same, I suspect. Perhaps infants ALSO take a c19 bioweapon.

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The quote should read, "I will not identify exactly what the medical cause of death is." There. I fixed it.

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At least we know that air pollution is causing heart attacks. Thank goodness that has been ran to ground.

"Even 'SAFE' levels of air pollution can trigger heart attacks - and you can be struck down within an hour of inhaling dirty air, study warns"


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yeah, R, but NOW it's a reality...20M nanoparticles per inhalation ! anamihalceamdphd.substack.com /p/whoever-is-in-charge-of-geoengineering

Whoever Is In Charge Of Geoengineering Operations Needs To Be Prosecuted For Crimes Against Humanity And Our Biosphere Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD 7/12/2023

I have been following the work of Michael Merrick on Telegram - he goes under the name of LAC microscopy. He has not only replicated many of the experiments of Clifford Carnicom and myself, but he has looked at drugs like Enbrel and found nanotechnology. He also recently looked at rainwater and found these filament structures. Humanities blood is getting worse and we are being poisoned via chemtrails with every breath we take. 40 Millions tons of nanoparticles are being sprayed annually and according to Dane Wiggington from Geoengineering watch.org, we are inhaling about 20 million nanoparticles per breath....

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I wish Makis would look into this sudden and tragic death of both mother and child, much closer to home. In Saanich B.C.


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Jul 12, 2023
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NO ONE WOULD DARE to suggest it's the shots.

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Not true... I work in NYC suburbs health care and I know pts who have told me their MDs told them vaxx caused their injuries - one spoke to the pt in the ER AFTER turning off the cameras. They may not be many at this point in time, but there will be more. And the system simply cannot hide the bodies. I think the movement needs to outreach to these MDs and nurses who might flip if they were provided with enough cover. So many have seen the effects in the pts and they all took the same shit, so they are scared for themselves. This is not what they signed up for.

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