Those who were raised in communist countries already know what all these means. We had a book in high-school, the government plans for the following five years, to bring the country on the highest level of multilateral development. The political science class had only that book, edited by the Communist Party. We all knew is BS. But we had to para word by word ( What an insanity). And ended up with food shortage, ratio tickets, two hours /day TV and that was politics, only other day hot water for 2-3 hours, electricity rationalized ( the food in our fridge went bad), no heating, no infrastructure, no gasoline. Abortion was prohibited and women were lifted with buses from the work place and sent to hospital to check if they are pregnant, in order to register those found seeded. Adults with no kids had to pay what we called the PIP tax ( tax on one’s d**k). There were 1 mile long lines at gasoline stations, and sometimes the waiting time was one day. All for that bright future they preached ,for national interest, for a better, equal and prosperous life. There was not private property or private businesses. It was a centralized economy. No private farming. Stores were empty and meat, sugar, oil, eggs, butter, flour were on ratio. A big, sad joke what changed my beautiful country, people and many of its values. I wonder if any of the readers here are guessing the place I am talking about.

Don’t trust politicians, corporates and those billionaires. Neither their scientists. They are lying, all of them, and do not act in the people interest, but in their own ambitions. Are driven by thirst of money, power, resources. They have the sophisticated technologies what make most humans obsolete. They know that one day, sooner or later people would revolt, will be a lot of social conflict. Who has the interest to feed billions of people? There is not land left. Look at the recent apartment buildings. Deja vu. Look how ugly they are. They are trying to concentrate lots of people in them. Because governments, corporates, riches own the most land. Soon will be tax to hike some place or camp in wilderness.

China is another story, a 5000+ years one. Not our concern. Too many people there to manage. At least they do not pay property taxes, no mandatory health insurance, lots of public spaces for entertainment, good infrastructure, transportation choice, quality food, free and superior education. And they are happy because there is no change in their culture, traditions, values. Many were raised from poverty, thanks to western countries who exported the manufacture. Most are happy. Those who are not, are free to leave. Fair enough. And btw, lock down in China was only in very few major cities. It seems Covid was very selective… The fuss was in most developed countries. Very selective virus…

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Sadly the global connections that our government, corporations, and wealthy individuals have are so far reaching at this point, its deeply embedded in our society and in our legislation, and so many people still don't care. The gulag archipelago volumes really woke me up

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Simple thumb rule: if a person is saying there's too much population, it's not them who are overpopulating, but us, that need to be vanished, so they can have even more....

Is the elite for depopulation or extermination of us, the “useless eaters”?


For example, Kirsh, Malone:

The REAL Robert Malone, son of the Military Industrial Complex


And of course, they support abortion, especially for minorities, as a great eugenic solution.

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It's been fashionable for decades to worry about overpopulation, much like the climate groupies do now. (In fact they are the same cult.) Realize birth control is ingrained in society, and is of the same mindset. The eugenicists use BC to keep the number of genetic undesirables in check. Pure racism, of course.

My point: someone's statement about overpopulation likely comes from virtue signaling rather than doctrinaire eugenics.

Birth control and eugenics are sins against the Good God, and crimes against humanity. And 95% of Americans will dump on me for saying so. Are they all eugenicists?

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SK has done a ton of work to push anti-vax, interviewing and promoting the doctors and scientists fighting the narrative. It's hard to see him as a double agent, i.e., how is he undermining the med freedom movement?

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He does a heck of a lot more to analyze the data and to highlight the anomalies in the degenerative pro-vax research program than Sage Hana does. How much $s does she/it/they get from the spook agencies to run hit jobs on him?

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That's just it: the psyop continues and unmasking the spooks is difficult. Fortunately for those of us who have been scouring the web the last 4 years, we have found honest sources, tie-points to reality. From here it will get rough.

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Be careful who you praise.

Sage Hana has a following of anti Israel, pro Hamas subscribers and commenters. Some of Sage Hana’s posts can be and are seen as anti Israel/pro Hamas.

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And SH suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Makes me wonder who he is supporting. Trump had nothing to do with where we at now!

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Love Sage Hana!

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Love CIA?

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Sage Hana has some issues.

SH’s reply to a commenter today:



1 hr ago

Please speak/write in English. All the slang and goofed up expressions are too contrived. Bloggers are working in vain to sound hip.




author Sage Hana

48 mins ago


Please don't read the shit. Get on out of here.

I don't want you here.

This Stack ain't for you.


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