SAGE HANA's recent substacks again (I recently began reading these in more detail & grew to admire the content, bravery & the different style; I learn; these 2 stacks below are dear to my heart; why?
Because I have been on record saying Jay (whom I know & have written with, he is a decent principled intellect) was FLAT wrong on the vaccine being safe/effective; Weinstein was FLAT wrong on lockdown
This is how I read these stacks, and no doubt SAGE’S manner of writing is different and IMO provocative to me, actually makes you think differently, even if you were fighting the establishment, its actually refreshing; I like the style, direct and obnoxious and obscene and I love it! For it is honest, raw and truthful and actually is IMO acccurate.
I love reading someone who thinks the same as me yet differently to me, quite, for in it I can learn, I like to learn for there is much I do not know; SAGE gets to where we go yet with some finesse, nuance, yet eviscerating, I love it! IMO better than some of us….I like these 2 particular stacks for they raise 2 keys issues for the information was relayed by 2 top people in the COVID so called ‘FREEDOM MOVEMENT’….
Jay…the idea at any time that the COVID vaccines were safe, effective was just wrong, for still today, we have no data, no randomized controlled comparative effectiveness research trials that show any benefit in terms of reduced infection, hospitilization, death from the vaccines…there is no evidence to support this claim by Jay and never was and I have said so openly
Weinstein was very wrong in his contention of the effectiveness of lockdowns. The idea that you can lock down hard and for long and tight enough to achieve the objective is ludicrous. You can theoretically yet you will emerge to no society with economy in shambles, you will place the pathogen under pressure (natural selection) and drive evolutionary adaptations that could be noxious and importantly, you will deny your population moving further to HERD immunity which is the aim of any intervention to curb infection etc. You wish to break the chain of transmission. If you lock down ZERO COVID style, your population will be defenseless and will have built up no background immunity for when you open up. Your population then will act as a huge sponge sucking up pathogen and infection. Your population will become infected and possibly very ill. So not in the past, not now, nor ever will lock downs work and Weinstein was wrong.
Again, in my reading of this post by SAGE, I think the poster deserves credit for they are tabling something that deserves debating for these positions by these high level advocates were wrong. Remains so.
Whether we realize it or not, we're all living in an episode of "The Twilight Zone."
Please read Charles Wrights Substack “questions for Dr Pierre Kory”... he’s asking the right questions that need to be answered by the medical “professionals” on the remdez/ventilator treatments and deaths.