Whether we realize it or not, we're all living in an episode of "The Twilight Zone."


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That was a good stack Bill. I've binge watched Dexter but could try doing the same with the Twilight Zone. It does seem like we're in an episode of it.

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Twilight Zone and / or Black Mirror . Those are Definitely worth a watch. Upside down

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Yes we are Bill. Thank you!

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As I commented on Sage’s stack on the same subject Dr Kory needs to clarify his position and admit to his information on masking and other Covid protocols such as ventilators and remdesivir were not safe and effective measures in preventing and treating Covid. Dr Reid Sheftall breaks it down beautifully.

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The least we can do is keep passing the article and getting the story out.

I wish someone with a following would post Charles’ questions on X/Twitter.

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I feel the exact same way about Sage's page. It's what attracted me to begin with. The way he speaks his mind, voices his concerns, beliefs, questions authority and he values these traits in others. No cow towing to authority figures

Many blessings to you for bringing Sage's stack to peoples' attention

I love the 2 posts you chose

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Boom!! this is also on Sage's substack....read, and pass it on...... clears everything up.....answers all your questions about what has been going on.... it's a gift really..... https://sagehana.substack.com/p/the-1969-day-tapes-predicted-the

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Sage's writing style is like a synthesis of of Charles Bukowski, William Burroughs and Hunter S Thompson. Everyone's a suspected spook now, thanks in no small part to Robert Malone. If she/he/they, whatever Sage Hana's pronouns are, really is CIA, running a psyop, and not merely controlled opposition, as rumored, then the CIA is churning out some interesting substacks. However, as a conservative, I'm not impressed by biological men pretending to be women. As an anti-authoritarian, I say each to their own. The state should stay out of people's personal lives. If consenting adults are into that sort of thing, good luck to them. I don't care if Sage pole dances at strip clubs, as long as no minors are in attendance. However, whether he/she/it is CIA or not, the whole "progressive conservative" thing with biological men pretending to be women is not my cup of tea.

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A key piece of evidence pursued by Sage-Hana is the Day Tapes. I definitely recommend listening to the tapes/reading the transcipts he provides. Whether or not Sage Hana is controlled or a direct CIA psy-op is TBD, but, I agree, the substacker is good. I've heard 'sage' and 'hana' are software programs or some kind of language-based AI. If that's true, then it is not really a guy pretending to be a girl, but more like a guy with an AI pseudonym. That he doesn't care how he's addressed I've interpreted as a high level not caring, keeping his eye on the prize to figure out what's happening.

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What is wrong with being wrong and then admitting the mistakes???

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I will NEVER belong to a HERD

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Glad you found an "elite dot connector" via Sage and find myself wondering what you might think of her Orange Man dot connections ; he leaves nodots unturned , viewed, and considered in the best syncopation of language ; absolutely refreshing indeed.

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