When did the bio-war really start?

The plot wouldn’t be possible without Mainstream Media and fear drills: anthrax, West Nile virus, Sars-CoV-1, Bird flu, swine flu, Ebola, Marburg, MERS, mad cow, Zika, etc. And the economic (2008) and ever present weather change fear mongering.

1910 Rockefeller-funded Flexner report1, used by Skull&Bones freemason William H. Welch2, president of the American Medical Association, to destroy all non-pharma medical schools, which went from 160 in 1906 to 69 schools in 1944, turning medicine into the whore of Pharma money and Hospital/Government money:

a) Organ medicine, instead of humane medicine: the destruction of the holistic approach to medicine.

As early as 400 BC by Hippocrates said: “Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. Yet Flexner Med schools promoted organ based specialization: physiology of the organ, physiopathology of the organ, and treatments of the organ.

Specialization is more efficient in many human activities, for instance, fixing a car: it works best to have a workshop dealing with the engine, another with the electrical system, others, simply changing oil or tyres. Yet, we are not cars. The Darwinian ideology that we are a sum of organs working together by chance is lethal !

Instead of a holistic understanding of man as a spiritual being above the biology substrate (which is more than behavioural medicine, prevention, moral psychology), they promoted the hyper-specialization of medicine, a physiological focus on the organs or systems, losing the broad picture and complete understanding of the real origin and effective solutions to many diseases. Medicine was maimed to cure and became pharma dependent, especially on palliative pharma, focused on the symptoms and not the root of the disease.

The worst part of it is the deliberate replacement of the family doctor by the Hospital protocol: medicine became mercenary of hospital administrators.

b) The pharmaddiction and corruption of medicine through the money propelled dependence from Big Pharma drug cartels, killing millions with life threatening “medicines” and even more with life-risk contraceptives, adding sickening adjuvants and components in vaccines: neurotoxins (mercury, aluminium, graphene oxide), polysorbate 80, glyphosate, etc.

Vaccine manufacturers have a long “police” record. For instance, Johnson&Johnson, manufacturer of the Jensen vaccine paid: 230 million USD for its responsibility in the opioid market abuse (thousands of deaths). 3

Big Pharma multinationals, including vaccine manufacturers4, have a long list of scandals5 manipulating approvals, even if they knew beforehand that their products would be deadly or cause permanent disabilities or severe illness. Nobody ever went to jail. 20 billion dollar fines6 were lower than profits (including several billions for Pfizer7 and AstraZeneca8). Nothing changed in the system to prevent repetition. With minor changes, some of those poisons like Vioxx are still being sold by the corrupt “merchants of death”.

Depopulation or EXTERMINATION? (finest quotes):


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I love this...we are agreeing that this has been going on decades now...more even

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Thank you Dr. Paul for your encouragement. You are a hero of the Freedom Movement, the only one I know that has the guts to say what you think, no matter what! Keep fighting the good fight!

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Excellent summary. Well-worded and well-documented.

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Dr. Alexander, I am coming to the same conclusion...no pandemic, PCR jiggery pokery...another FAKE PANDEMIC......because the US HAS TO BE DESTROYED before they can get their one world government.

One of the things about letting illegals pour over the borders is not just to crash the economy, but to replace Americans who know the Constitution with people who wouldn't understand it and have no knowledge about it.

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I had lunch today with a couple in their 70's, whom I've known for quite some time. The wife is from England, the husband is South African.

The wife bought into the covid story and is convinced by it all. The husband is on the fence.

Talking to the wife was like speaking to someone who was part of a cult, and so I laid out my philosophical points and then summarily changed the subject.

Speaking to Jews about Israel is also like talking to people who belong to a cult. And we know cultists usually die on a hill somewhere in Guyana led by a false prophet.

The further we go on in this world, the further the technology will dumb you down, make you fully dependent on it. I will not use ChatGPT.

Over the holidays, I read the first draft of a memoir written by an older French mate who chronicled his career and his life as a French airforce fighter pilot. I asked him who translated the French into English. He said ChatGPT did.

I read it with an open mind, the words weren't that bad and nor was the syntax. Some of it was pure rubbish, but what really came out of it, is it lacked LIFE. It was DEAD. Dead on the page.

The words were there, but there was nothing behind them. Some people call this sentience. I prefer to call it a real person.

There are many people who are not real people any more. They mainly live in the west and fit into the same category. They are like ChatGPT - dead in life. They all write the very same way; eat the very same food; speak using the same expressions. These are educated people, they have degrees, high earning jobs; they are covidians, they are blindly pro-Israel. They are pro-Ukraine.

They are dead to me. I have siblings who are this way. They all buy into the grand story.

Inside they are lost. One-on-one with me, I could rip them to shreds. But these people hunt in packs. They snigger at you - "look at Paul Alexander - he's a fucking nutter."

I am friendly with working class people in South Africa, who mainly are black. They do not buy into the grand story; they never took the injection; they work for a living; they are proud, kind and loving. My sort of people.

One life in the west is worth 10,000 lives in Africa, or the Middle East, or the Far East. Niggas, ragheads, and gooks count for shit.

So, I am not really worried about depopulation or extermination on account of everything that became so blatantly manifest during covid, when the curtains were opened wide and we saw the ugly unadulterated truth in the cold light of day.

The are so many of the living dead walking around. They will tell you what's in your best interests.

But I am not nasty to these people. I do not bear grudges. We can keep the conversation polite and speak about pleasant subjects if we meet each other at the courts, or out and about.

But the very second you go for me and attack the core of my being, I will fuck you up with my mind and mouth, mercilessly; I will piss on you, and leave you to die.

That is my standard for 2024.

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Hello Barry,

Happy New Year 2024. I read your comment and have a few thoughts. Let me start with Bilbo (or is Bilbao? no, I think it is Bilbo as in Baggins). What happened to him?! He was on the wild side, but in mid-November 2023, he was awful, even to you! He called all of us HASBARA + expletives. You had been so courteous to him. I tried to be too. I gave up.

Your comment, see below, is particularly ironic? Eye catching? Amusing maybe?

If you ever have questions or would like to discuss some of the peculiar inconsistencies that you noted, I would be glad to talk with you here. I have some ideas about some.

By peculiar inconsistencies, I refer to the contrast between covid-topia meekness toward authorities versus the response to Israel/Gaza. Also, the response to Israel/Gaza versus indifference by most of the world, including libprogs, to the U.S.’s broken promises and de facto assassination of Gaddafi plus the havoc and civilian lives lost. The same is true for Arab Spring meddling that resulted in tens of thousands of civilian deaths including those in Syria due to Hillary’s bizarre obsession with overturning governments from Libya to Tunisia to Egypt to Bahrain. https://bilbobitch.substack.com/p/zog-cuck-scott-ritter-says-hamas/comment/43089679

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Hi Ellie,

Thanks for the good wishes.

Same back to you.

I'll answer you briefly now, more another time.

Bilbo (Baggins Hobbit) I figure is/are two people.

One male. Another female.

The male is less eloquent and clearly abrasive as all hell.

The female one is the exact opposite.

The gig is ostensibly ZOG hatred/self-loathing; alternatively, an antisemitism barometer.

The male one and I had some personal discussions and exchanges on the comments section. Then perhaps the female Hobbit told him not to get so close and then he deliberately alienated me by being awful. I felt hurt, but not betrayed. Internet nutters cannot betray you because you're the fool from the get-go.

I told the male Hobbit he's barking up the wrong tree. Then he dropped the veneer and said there's only space for one of us in this tree which was telling on many levels. I told him I'd unsubscribe which I did. I also told him I'd delete all personal content which I did. He said never give your name on the internet. He and she will probably read this comment.

But I couldn't care less.

I don't understand what his and her gig is and what they get out of it.

Because it's really at the most basic level just a one-liner: "Jews are cunts" with which I fully agree.



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Thank you for explaining! I was SO confused! That makes much more sense now.

We'll talk more another time. I wrote a second, more on topic comment/reply to you. We can talk about that another time too. It is night time for you, and I need to eat lunch here in Arizona!

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Stay away from ChatGPT. What you described, about your friend who used it to translate his memoirs from French to English, is consistent with what I have observed. It is a shame he chose to do that.

I have not used ChatGPT nor Dall-E (generative AI for images) or any of the other AI tools. They can often, but not always, do even idiomatic language translation correctly. They cannot do mathematics, which is odd!

They also have a disturbing behavior called “hallucinating”. It’s a euphemism for lying, i.e. fabricating, dissembling, making things up. It can be a citations of a journal article that don’t exist; or attributing a quote or authorship incorrectly but in an entirely authoritative tone. These are just a few examples. There is no way of predicting when they will do this. So an entire answer, can be wrong, or a mistruth might be interspersed in the midst of correct information.

AI developers were keeping track of examples of ChatGPT and Bing AI fails. Click on the black triangles to see an excerpt or the link to read the full story. Looks like they gave up on updating the list in February 2023


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And so will the coming SARS CoV-3, mentioned in 2007 by Chinese virologists in the Journal of Microbiology.

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How many ways was the Scamdemic SCAMMED?

Good thing they gamed the scam before the kickoff.

Liars, charlatans and fools…was it good for you?

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Paul we totally agree, most wicked PSYOPS since the Nazis in 1940, we are the 7% who never took the 666 microchipped Beast vax


Ohio univ Athens

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https://watchmanscry.com/?p=6550 Trump is a 33er Zionist stooge. Bravo for your work Paul but Trump is not who you think he is.

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That it was "always" around may be truer than you think.I have an article from Spain in Mar/20 that said the virus was in the water supply even then.An area with alot of Chinese immigrants as it turns out.

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ok Paul - here's my theory. we know that that governments, ngo's, and big finance were laying the ground work for the plandemic for more than a decade.

we also know how both parties have used fraudulent computer systems to manipulate elections.

maybe trump was allowed to win in 2016 because if hillary had been in office, the backlash against her lockdowns would have been too fierce to crush and the plandemic would have collapsed at that point?

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allowed even...they studied him...

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good point. btw i noticed this preprint from last summer, the lancet gets a LOT of things wrong and they listed you as being affiliated with HHS...still as of 2023 https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=5996183

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The Evidence shows that the CONvid19 SCAM-DEMIC was/is a Hoax created by Obama, John Brennan, James Clapper , Gina Haspel , et al, to destroy President Trump's administration.

Do U.S. Politicians Need to Fear Our Intelligence Agencies?

An example of what I’m talking about emerged when Senate Democratic leader Charles Schumer was asked by Rachel Maddow about Trump’s spurning of the agencies’ findings. Trump is “taking these shots, this antagonism, this taunting to the intelligence community,” Maddow pointed out. The response by Schumer—who has been in Congress since 1980, and in the Senate leadership for ten years, and presumably knows his way around Washington—should send a chill through the heart of every American:

Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you. So, even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this.


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See sage Hana clip of Kennedy. This pandemic was real, others were not. He said. Paraphrasing.

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none are real.

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Bio weapons!

So called virus and the jabs, my opinion.

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