This also happened to my friend. 50 year old adult male BMI 24, weight lighter, basketball coach, marathon runner. He got 2 phizer shots. 1 week after 2nd shot he became severely thirsty. His urine and breath odor changed and became “sweet” abnormal smelling. He had to pee all day long. He was abnormally tired. He passed out. His wife took him to the ER and he was in diabetic Hyperosmolar hyperglycemia coma with a blood sugar over 700 g/dl. The ER doctors said he could have had a seizure and died. He developed brittle type 1 diabetes with acute pancreatic failure acutely after the 2nd phizer shot. Now he is totally insulin dependent and wears a 24 hr/day implanted permanent blood glucose monitor and insulin pump.

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If this doesn't deter people from receiving the bioweapon, heaven help them! I had a blood transfusion after a major surgery last year. I asked if the donors had been vaccinated, but in Wisconsin they do not differentiate between vaxxed and unvaxxed blood donors. My D dimer has been very elevated ever since and I do not have a DVT. I have 2 MTHFR gene mutations, and since that transfusion every medical issue that those with these mutations experience, I have developed. Glaucoma, nerve damage, osteoarthritis. Tell me this is a coincidence...

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OMG! Those who persist in promoting these "covid vaccines" will certainly say that this is a "coincidence"... But Type I Diabetes Mellitus is an extremely rare occurrence in a 73 yo person. There is most probably an association between the "vaccination" and the development of DM. They need to stop...

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I am tired of hearing that it’s a coincidence. My brother had a heart attack after his second jab. He had just seen his cardiologist and nothing to worry about. Had a heart attack as he was driving a city bus. Thankfully he recognized it and pulled over. Drs discovered a 98% blood clot in his aorta, that had not been there before. He survived. My other brother suffered a mini stroke, my sister dementia and now falls down, my sister in law developed a rare cancer in the cells that line the blood vessels, very slow growing, chemo couldn’t touch it, went through her like an inferno, dead in 30 days. My daughter diagnosed with LUPUS, my niece now has Alopecia. My girlfriend had a massive heart attack the day after her J &J shot. None reported to VAERS by the doctors. This is criminal. The fox owns the hen house.

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Last fall, I cared for a 14 yo AA male admitted to my PICU with new-onset DKA. He had no medical issues except being mildly obese, but interestingly enough, had just received 2 Pfizer vaxx shots six weeks prior to the admission in preparation for the school year. When I asked the resident if he would make a VAERS report, he said no, he is overweight and would have eventually become diabetic. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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That's just great for her. She has the issues with the jab to deal with that she won't know about for a long time, maybe, and now type 1 diabetes. Her life has changed alot now. I just wonder at this point why someone would get jabbed.

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My grand-daughters, then 11 and 13 started a sudden onset of Type 1 diabetes after their father had a collegue coming back sick from a convention in Wuhan in December 2019 (no test back then. Almost all members got sick but the youngest). The diabetes started the following year for both girls. No heredity involved. We'll never know the truth if these incidents were related...

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I have heard of several instances of individuals having autoimmune diseases reoccur/exacerbate or developing a new 'rare' autoimmune disease. In one instance, the individual knew exactly where it came from and quit her medical job when they demanded a booster. The other, who actually developed paralysis and was hospitalized for a number of days, insist that it had absolutely nothing to do with the jab. She is a nurse - just imagine being so ideologically obtuse for your own personal health and then providing treatment and advise to others.

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Again, wish there were more choices. This is a thumbs up.

It seems any health malady one is genetically predisposed to, one has a definite uptick in symptoms of such, once stabbed/vaxxinated (double “xx” for deadly).

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I know of two young kids who were diagnosed with type 1 after their shots. One was hospitalized for 4 days.

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Susceptible haplotype only makes it worse. Anyone can develop autoimmune disease. Moderna/Pfizer vaccines cause autoimmunity because they are contaminated with E. coli proteins.


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She's lucky she did not get ALS or mad cow disease.

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This happened to my mother in the hospital after her emergency visit for excruciating lower spinal back pain cyst which prohibited her from walking upright. She couldn't move and was hunched over unable to walk upright. Went to ER room. Her perfectly managed type 2 diabetes went full blown type 1 and had to inject insulin. She's not obese, never goes to ER and is very pain tolerant so this was a major signal. She also had a second ER hospital stay where they said it was a heart thing and had to go thru a battery of tests for 3 day stay. This diabetes thing also happened to Steve Kirsch and needs to be exposed!

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