Some scientists believe they are gods. How in their twisted minds could they think that playing with a known cancinogenic virus (Simian Virus 40) could end up well?

Oh wait! Could murdering patients be intentional?



Comparing Vax-Unvax


Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”

This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.


What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?

Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!


Blindly obeying orders to the point of suicide?

From cannon fodder to haccine fodder: soldiers as collateral damage in the DoD jihad against "bugs".


You are an anti-haxxer!


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You're so good at this ,Professor.

I'm glad I subscribed to your Substack.

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Thank you! I've been following the SV40 for a decade. I'll post a deep piece.

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Everything associated with the vaccines is a continuing crime story. And Gates et all is the Don of the family.

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I love Sasha's Newsletter!

Dr Alexander, I need to share some information to you about

Los Diablos de la 42..


Please let me know if you are interested in this.

Now,back to Covid.

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It's New York’s lenient criminal justice system that's robbing people at gunpoint in the US! "Lenient" and "criminal" are diametrically opposed. Obviously, the police are standing down, no matter what they say.

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OMG! It's like Vietnam. where US soldiers were forced to either fight the armed children, or be killed BY them.

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That's exactly right,marline

They arm the children and teach them how to kill. A 9 year old with a Glock,can be far more dangerous than an adult, and we will have to fight these people soon after the election.




Thanks for your interest 🙂

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