I had an attending (supervising physician) who used to say "All medications are poisons. It's just that some have useful side effects." If you had a healthy respect for Western medicine, you would use it only in the extenuating circumstances in which this powerful tool is truly life saving.

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so correct Sasha and thank you for reminding us.

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You're welcome.

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Pretty much All but the Basic [electives] the ones many are familiar with and on occasion Overdo or use to excess ! Now that is not to suggest that any test’ them out lol

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its shocking, in Canada and US elderly on average 8 drugs...all the time

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TENNESSEE HAS MADE CHEMTRAILING ( geo-engineering illegal over it’s borders-)HOWEVER THES


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hey Milton, we can count on you to amp us up and boil our blood...you are becoming like medicine...if we want out BP raised, read Milton...;-)

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Got a new ‘Gov Scam” to post today- The 11 million illegals most likely were given SS 3’s

as part of their conditional entrance and funding- as This is how Gov Creates money from your birth certificates or conversely your getting a SS card ( No Employer can hire without this #, all other social amenities are required as well as bank accts, driver lisc-

in short -the system is rigged so to compel you to have or obtain a SS#. - The State when

registering your birth gets a cut of the Fucking Graft about 150 bucks- the Gov creates a

CUSIP # ( all bond buyers know what a cuispi# is) if you look on the reverse side of your SS Card you will find your Cusip #- NO YOU CANNOT RETRIEVE ANY INTEREST PAYMENT OR BOND PRINCIPAL FR OM THIS #- AS IT IS OWNED BY THE US GOVERNMENT DEPT OF TREASURY-YOU--- (OR RATHER YOUR LIFE’S EAR]NINGS CAPACITIES ( actuairlly tabulated) are owned by the Government and used to barter on the open market NYSE to sell the bond listed in youir name-SO YOU SEE COLLEAGUES









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Yeah right! How fucking dumb do they think we are. The Soviets and the US spent decades developing pathogens that didn't exist. Delingpole is a globalist pawn running cover for genocidal, misanthropic global warming crackpots. He wants us to believe that the globalists don't really want to kill half the world's population with pathogens? Pull the other one. It plays jingle bells, as the British say.

UN Author Says “Cull” of Humanity is Only “Realistic Way” to Avert Climate Catastrophe

"The grisly streak of neo-Malthusianism that runs through the green movement reared its ugly head earlier this week when former United Nations contributing author and retired UCL Professor Bill McGuire tweeted that the only “realistic way” to avoid catastrophic climate breakdown was to cull the human population with a high fatality pandemic."


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ABW, people like McGuire if they said humans should be killed with a deadly pandemic, should be called to account. he is a sick twisted freak to go there. how about we start with his children, his entire family...all..let a fatal disease handle them...then the cunt should come back and talk to us

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I reject the entire "climate change" narrative. The depopulation cult appear to be greedy, self-loathing atheists.

I believe the earth's purpose is to provide home to mankind. Any suggestion that the human population be limited for the benefit of the "Earth" makes no sense to me. What point is there to the Earth without us?

Put simplistically: We should be responsible stewards of the land, water, flora, and fauna. We should be more careful about that. And clean up the mess already made.

Couples should not have more children than they can afford to feed, clothe, shelter, educate, and support independently, without government financial assistance. In general, everyone should learn to live within their means.

(And I don't believe third world countries should expect the "first world" to feed their children, no matter the outcome.)

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boom, I love it...the global warming shit is just that, fraud...people should abreast themselves with the only actual data we have, from the Votok ice core samples...


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I watched documentary on Discovery claiming climate change and levels of CO2 are effects of electromagnetic energy, sunspots being the main cause of.

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The environmentalists of the voluntary human extinction movement (VHEMT) advocate for a phasing out of humanity by ceasing to breed. They're different from the abrupt climate change, near term extinction believers, who are hated by the mainstream alarmists. The near term extinction believers say extinction by 2026-2030 is locked in and can't be changed by limiting emissions. In fact, they claim that limiting emissions is speeding up the temperature changes. They were predicting mass death first in Pakistan, India, Yemen and the US midwest followed by the rest of the world once a "wet bulb" temperature of 95 degrees F is sustained for at least six hours. It's now belived that many will die at even lower wet bulb temperatures. The good news is that total extinction by 2026 now appears unlikely, despite the appearance already of the fatal wet bulb temperatures in Pakistan and Yemen. New Hampshire will not have even 90 degree F temperatures for 6 hours by 2026.

Hottest Survivable Temperatures Are Lower Than Expected


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they are all INSANE sick people...stupid too...just plain stupid...like Al Gore.

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It's amusing to learn the various doomed-earthers are in disagreement. I just cannot take any of them seriously.

I do appreciate the comforting future local temperature report, though. Please keep that in mind in the unlikely event you become a "climate refugee."

It seems to me the greater "climate threat" to us in the U.S. is Joe Biden whose unrealistic plan is to convert our home heating, cooling, cooking, and auto fuel to electricity from undependable renewable energy sources, eventually outlawing fossil fuels. We'll end up literally freezing in our own homes in winter when the electrical infrastructure collapses from the unmet demand.

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This, presumably taken in Death Valley, is funny:

Grinning dinosaurs posing with the comet.


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Coincidentally this morning I was introduced to the thoughts of Paul Collits via the substack of "Lies are Unbekoming."

I seem to agree with him on just about everything (although I have no opinion on the Cardinal Pell scandal since I'm unfamiliar with it).

Collits addresses the climate hoax in paragraph 9 of the linked interview. He also mentions Delingpole.

Reading his responses to Unbekoming's questions, I was struck and frankly chilled to realize that Australia faces virtually all the same crises and manufactured crises we face in the U.S. Taken together with the similarities shared with Europe, it's pretty clear "TPTB" have a stranglehold on the Western world's (I'm including AU here, if that's an acceptable term) public policy and the international zeitgeist. I never truly faced this until now.


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Astute observations Kathleen. Pell was a reviled figure. He might or might not have been guilty of molesting choirboys personally but there was a determination to find him guilty. He was a highly intelligent, very articulate conservative. Many people consider him a psychopath. He aspired to be Pope and he rose to the third-highest rank in the Vatican. In my opinion he was an enabler of child molestation by priests who were moved from parish to parish as their abuses became known and he was the architect of lawfare used to attack the victims when they spoke out. He was not charged with being an enabler, however, but rather with molesting kids personally.

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Clever caption.

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These predictions are probably wrong. I've experience colder temperature so wouldn't that contradict their predictions? And people make predictions all the time and they don't turn out. The earth is too complex to make accurate predictions and we don't know enough to make them. But what we can do is reverse the trajectory we are on.

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I hope the predictions are wrong Denise. The predictions are for extinction to come through 6 + hour heatwaves. These heatwaves would be survivable if everyone could stay in doors forever in air conditioning. But that's not considered viable. If we had increased, rather than decreased, the carbon emissions and industrial pollution we were putting into the atmosphere we might have been able to slow the process but if the predictions are right then it's too late. The tipping points were reached long ago.

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I think it's defeatist to think it's too late. It's a cop out. Nobody knows if it's too late. Look what happened in Beijing China when the Olympics were held there - they got rid of all the smog in a few weeks. We must not underestimate how nature is naturally geared to be regenerative. We ought to be doing things in small groups and being a sort of example. So far nobody wishes to collaborate, just talk gloom and doom it seems. Just refuse to give up, but we can't sit on our hands either.

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I hope you are right and I hope that's not "hopium." The leading alarmists have retrained as grief counselors. One told me: "When the time comes I won't let my wife suffer." I took steps to make sure the wife would be protected from him.

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I would say didn't exist (misdirection) ways to increase the replication of bacteria and molds to cause imbalances in the human body simulating viruses and disease from them including conductive chemicals that we consume and showered with. Its like calcium carbonate they add to all our food and it was known a long time ago it was bad for human health. Phone wifi and home ELF Conductive + electric field = Antenna/. receiver is how they do it and quantum physics helps control us. read the nested article in this https://normanjames.substack.com/p/welding-mobile-phones-and-the-photoelectric . This is how to remediate it https://normanjames.substack.com/p/electric-diet?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Many Children back in the day… Knew vaxxxx to be Fake science and shared the experiences of family members having contracted the same illnesses by noting symptoms addressed as the (cure) was to Prevent ! Abandonment of the “children’s tea party” for the dangerously strong New (chicken PoPs Vaxxxx) that adults Exposed to these (contracted !) children Commonly came down with a whopper of Herpes Zoster better Known as Shingles , the curse of looking like you were dragged on pavement with what be your bodies presentation of this horrible affliction and wondering Why Your childhood exposure didn’t Hold for you..

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I've made it to sixty without any vaccines, my kids are in there thirties & have never been vaccinated. My kids were home schooled & we joined eduction otherwise & at least 75% of the families we met hadn't had there kids vaccinated either. Look at the over use of antibiotics in animals & the lies that pour easily out of the mouths of scientists, no the antibiotics are not present in the milk or the meat. Its the same as history, all of that is a lie. Carbon dating is also a lie, human civilisations have been here far longer than they like to admit too & America has been colonized for thousands of years, each civilisation disappearing due to disease, famine, wars, natural events & theres plenty of evidence to show that we were hit by a comet during the dark ages 1200-1300 & that the wave generated sweep the across the Americans, New Zealand where Chinese ships were found miles inland halfway up a cliff. The elite hate us & I don't blame them, you can't walk around my local city without being approached by some meth head, alcoholic, asylum seeker that wants your possessions, I can't even leave my push bike anywhere without some thug with an angle grinder trying to steal it. So the vaccines along with wars, trans, blm, big oil & global warming fruitcakes divide & conquer us & meanwhile these morons line up to get vaccinated. Why are people so afraid to die, most of the religious beliefs of this world belive in a kind of heaven, reincarnation so why are they so afraid, 🤔

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I agree with you Robert up until you wrote,

“The elite hate us & I don't blame them”

There’s nobody else to blame but the elites, if anything, they’re the most degenerate part of this species called “Human”! It is because of the elites that fentanyl and rampant drug proliferation has become, well rampant and proliferated!

There comes a point when we have to call these “radicalized” determined to eradicate humanity! They’re playing with fire! Why? Because they can! Bill Gates, aside from being as creepy as the strung out addicts, is far more DANGEROUS!

Most of these addicted people don’t want your life nor do most take life! Bill Gates and others want to murder and depopulate! For what? Because they can!

Our problems are problems because of the

“ELITIST ZOMBIES”! You know of whom I speak? I hope you do.

Whatever the problems of society or climate or fossil fuels or anything else, man, specifically “Elitist Man” are the root causes! Plain and simple!

Unfortunately our problems have now gone off the rails! The overwhelming and deliberate infiltration of human trafficking, jihadist, terrorist and criminal gangs! Yes this is also thanks to “Elitist Extremism” being waged against us all!

Does anyone wonder why they’re building underground bunkers? Or why they’re cloud seeding? New Hampshire has the motto correct, “Live and Let Live”! Just don’t tell an “Elitist”, they’ll find a way to destroy it!

Other than those few points Robert, you’ve hit the proverbial “nail on the head”!


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Robert, please pardon my last post, not entirely though. And here’s why. When you said “the elites hate us and I don’t blame them”, I misread and or misunderstood what you were implying.

I agree the “elites” hate portion of your statement. Simply because, we’re an “obstacle” in their way for complete and utter destruction and domination of the Western Way of life.

Regarding the last portion you said, “I don’t blame them”, I believe you’re also correct. “Blame” was my fixation point. I do blame and if it weren’t for the “Globalist Elites” wanting complete domination over the world, a host of problems would have already been resolved.

The fact that these absolute and determined individuals we call “Elites” have nothing better to do with their time and unlimited wealth should give us reason for concern.

They’re literally “obsessed” in their “dwarfed and twisted”ways of thinking mindset, believing their solutions to the world’s “inequality” is to tear it down and make everyone suffer in the process! EXCEPT THEMSELVES!

Think about this for a minute. Educational programs have become indoctrination portals for everything “DEI” and “CRT”!

Radical leftist agendas have now enforced these tools and today they are being forced down our throats! Especially “women children”!

This is where everyone must draw the line! “Leave The Kids Alone”! Leave women alone! Also, this attack on women and children, is the prime example of how “dwarfed and twisted”, drunk with power these “narcissistic psychopaths” are!!

Nothing is off limits! IMO, this attack on women and children is so egregious and dangerous! But we must consider the source and why they’ve targeted women and children. Aside from being “cowards”, they target the weakest, plain and simple!

So I understand why you made this point and please understand why I misinterpreted your comment / statement.

Thanks for sharing your insight and thoughts. Something we mustn’t take for granted given the way things are currently happening.


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I'm with you on the outrage of child rape (and all rape but particularly child rape which is endemic) but cannot be with you on the death penalty. What other solutions can you come up with? None, I see. And that's the problem. We are immersed in a predatory man's world and men ask for blood and life but nobody should EVER take the life of another for any reason. I mean intentionally. What is the cause of pedophilia, have you stopped to question the reasons? What if it is a symptom of our species killing itself? It is against biology to systematically kill one's own species, especially the human species. Are you going to hear me? Or are you going to keep calling for killing? What other solution can you come up with? If it is none then your advice should not be followed. We humans need a good schlapping, we are doing everything wrong and you know why? Because we only see things from a predatory male perspective. That's who runs things and has been for eons. It's time now to get both sides, both perspectives and to live in reason, not in death. I love that you are honest and come right out and say things so please don't think this is against you, it's against the idea of the death penalty, or any intentional killing of our own species. We just have to do better, that is all.

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hi Denise, can you show us ways that these animals can be fixed and made to pay for their deeds? IMO, sometimes you got to meet madness with madness and it will stop...it is the predictability, the rapidity, the harshness, and the surety of punishment that is missing...criminals need to see these again...

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Paul you are the real deal Your actions and heart are pure.

We love the amazing Sasha, and all the warrior work she does.

Paul, please hold 45 to the same standards you hold yourself and others.

If you asked Sasha what she thinks of 45 straight from her heart, it might be a good mirror for you.

Stay strong and fearless Paul.

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thank you, I know what you mean! I really do. I hope you do also understand the play of life we are in...and I know you do. sometimes we have to work with what we have and help craft it to what we want...

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Except she's now trashing Dr. Paul over the Malik/TWC stuff, and the trolling by Jim Torma. There's a problem here.

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I will not make it personal with her, but she should not with me...have respect. when you are not within your depth and know not what you are talking about...many of us leave our lane...wrongfully. story was simple, Malik had talks with TWC for a job, they were considering a Europe branch, did not work out...they have the right to decide to open or close their business, right...he made demands they could not match...he then responded with smack on them...why? why is the COVID born doctor and scientist so self absorbed and moronic to think they 'deserve' this or that and you MUST give them it, just by talking to you...look, it did not work out, people should always walk away, part as friends, it may work another day, but no, COVID doctors feel they are bigshots, can use their media to fuck up others...happens all the time...they are sick in the head. problem is they are drunk on the free juice, donor money...so fear porn they cant stop to keep raping the poor population...all of this is a fraud, even the Freedom Fighter portion...frauds...again Jonesy, please let me know in email etc. as if so, I will no longer promote her work...I will not thrash her, I will leave it to Malone et al...that is what they do. I just need to know

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I must to say I really haven't followed this Malik/TWC saga at all. On the surface it appears he was perfectly willing to accept a position, but when they couldn't pay him what he asked he turned on the company. Now he's out there rolling his eyes and claiming people are paid 10K a month to do nothing, and it's all just a shady money grab. (Yet he was perfectly willing to ACCEPT a position at this "shady" enterprise if his demands had been met.).

Sasha's real problem with you is nothing to do with TWC. It's that you're willing to give 45 a second chance, and she believes he was in on it all. Trump is revolting to her.

By the way, thanks for the replies.

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dont even bother with it...hugs...cant you see, one of these COVID doctors take a shit, they run to TWITTER and stack like anyone gives a shit...but actually, there are some who will donate money because you just told them you took a shit...I am not being crude, I am just sharing the issue today...this is why these fraud doctors in COVID fear porn can continue putting on fraud shows...conferences. its all a scam...

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I did not know this, thanks for clueing me in...but does not matter what she thinks about my view on 45...its my business....as her views are hers...and who am I or anyone to be concerned...I dont give a rats ass her views on anything...not anyone else's as they should do same by me...we are each entitled to our views and we respect each other for it...we seem some of us to have lost our way...forgetting the battle and looking into people's personal views...ugh...people should not think their views matter that much...I dont...mine maybe is pure garbage...I can be an idiot that way...and maybe not too smart....and I certainly dont go about thrashing other folk doing good work...shame, sad...I hope she renders me the same respect I give her and no, I wont thrash her, I have no reason to, I like her smarts, I admire her....I do also think she is a good human being...she gets a bad rap in media and is disrespected and I actually started showcasing her work to hit back at the fucks who slam her in media and there are lots......thats all and to help her make some money in subscribers...thats it...she has her views and is respected for that....I could tell you if 45 got back in power and I would hold a senior post in his govn again, Sasha was someone given what I have learnt in her sharings, I certainly if I were asked to bring in top folk, I would have looked to. I still would. I hope she can set aside her disdain for 45 and recognize she is nothing in the game, as am I and most...we need to get to places FIRST to make that difference and influence....until then, we piss in the wind...that if a POTUS comes calling, or a chance to serve is there, we set aside our TDR and focus on whats best and we help by bringing our skills to the table. thats how I look at things for Biden people asked me to serve in a senior FDA role, I said sure, asked me for my resume, I sent, but then I got word that senior folk did not want me near FDA at top level...ha ha ha...their loss, I likely will have reach inside there soon...he he he...

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huge hugs to Sasha and all she does, I admire her

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Very interesting story at the end. Of course they wanted no part of you, you'll never be a psychopath in lockstep.

The work/research that Sasha and Katherine Watt have done is beyond jaw-dropping. It's the only explanation that rings true. But when they arrive at the conclusion that Trump had to be in on it, they lose me. If he were in on it, and carrying things out exactly as instructed, why persecute him throughout his entire presidency? Why steal 2020? If he's your guy, why not just let him continue? She has no answer for that.

Anyway, once again thank you for the replies and your continued efforts here.

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she should focus on her work and not be bothered by other people's personal views same way she wants them to not be bothered by hers...and btw, I went to Moscow twice when I worked as a Regional epidemiologist for WHO in Europe, Russia was one of the nations that reported to me, my desk in the projects I headed...some really great Russians I met and worked with at the WHO country office.

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if Sasha is, she clearly has no idea what she is talking about. on that matter. none. I hope not for I always praise her work. I find people have all gotten too big for their pants, using media to rush quick to say something. she should not get involved. thats wrong, has nothing to do with her...when people give you respect you leave it there...we have a situation where many people go at companies today demanding money once they talk to you, make unreasonable demands...a good initial talk can degenerate for the doctors and scientists in COVID and other morons feel they got some media so can use it as leverage. Malik asked for an unreasonable payment, TWC I was informed could not meet it for it had no Europe operation...where would they get the money? print it? they need an established situation, same as within Canada...issue is everyone is too fucking greedy and feel they are too big with their little teeny media...it can go away...just as it came. its so filthy...so these people rush to their media to near hold it over the head of others. I caution them, the same media they think they have will hurt them too...Jonesy, can you send me where she is thrashing me...if so, I do respect her work, and while many hit her and ridicule her, I have stood up for her. I WILL not anymore if so...I will never thrash her, I am not that person but wont advance her work...I have been trying to and asking folk to support her...but I am not Jesus...can you show me this please...I am very busy and cannot read everything.

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Totally agree all vaccines have conductive chemicals in them, which then react to the environment depending on where they go If you have wifi in your bedroom Leaky Brain (RFK on Joe Rogan). Here some ways to remediate the blood clots from the vax https://normanjames.substack.com/p/natural-ways-to-potentially-help. and An exhaustive compilation of patents related to weather modification technologies, cloud seeding, atmospheric aerosol dispersion, and other geoengineering methods dating back to the late 19th century. https://normanjames.substack.com/p/an-exhaustive-compilation-of-patents. These increase the conductive nature of the body to react with EMF

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Thank u for sharing. We all appreciate it!🙏🏻

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