SASHA LATYPOVA remains a canary in the coal mines, she is brilliant and STRONG! a true warrior in this battle against evil, her recent stack "Who is defending the criminal racket of "Pandemic Prepared
-ness" drips with key input, it's in her white space; 'Nothing to Declare...'she highlights the warning of Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Chief Science Officer Pfizer; she punishes Malone for the fraud he is
These bitches, these COVID medical doctors and scientists hate, I mean hate Yeadon, these Freedom Fighter doctors for he is smarter than them…he is not a money puke fraud like them, a money whore like them…no, Yeadon is in the fight to save humanity…I know, I stand with him as a friend and I have known many who despise him…and I love him…
An example, recently I sat in on a meeting call with him and Foster Coulson, TWC Chair, and no matter who it is, you just sit back and listen to Mike wax and understand his prowess in science, his deep explanations, his graps of it all, his love of people, his want to do good, and the pure fact is that he cannot be bought and wants nothing other than to do good…this man is headed to heaven and his wonderful wife Joanna…2 beautiful precious people…Yeadon is one person in all this COVID shit, this fraud, this thing if I can call it a thing, who is legit.
Sasha stands with him so she is in my army, huge respects…we are not playing a ‘friend’ ‘call out’ ‘money whore’ game, no, this is serious business…the frauds have been separated and she Sasha, is not one of them…
Support her, support her tireless work…
‘Nothing to Declare... - by Sasha Latypova (
Who is defending the criminal racket of "Pandemic Preparedness"?
APR 15, 2024
An open letter by Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Chief Science Officer at Pfizer was recently published. It is abundantly clear that the “covid pandemic” was faked in order to roll out government tyranny and medical-military fascism worldwide:
How was it possible to drive so much fear and compliance with monstrous lies into millions of people?
Pandemic fear porn has been abundant in all mainstream media, entertainment, peer reviewed literature, and government propaganda sources like the CDC for decades. They recycle the same idiotic stories over and over again. If I had a dollar for every time I hear that the melting ice and Siberian permafrost will release ancient plagues! Here is a very recent example of the messaging:
Another one:
Here is a 2 min video made by the DOD “biodefense” psychopaths talking about “rapid public health measures” while showing a soldier operating a machine gun. The hubris is nauseating. It takes a long time to make safe medicines, so we will make medical countermeasures instead, in minutes (!), by robots, and will shoot all of you up! Warfighter readiness and national security, bitches!
Now, perhaps you can put 2 and 2 together by combining Baric/Daszac/Fauci fear porn with this DOD protection goodness? They make propaganda to amplify each other’s propaganda. It doesn’t have to make sense. They just need to repeat a bunch of words - “threat”, “pathogen”, “protect life”, “biowarfare agent” etc.
Or this nice piece of fear mongering biodefense propaganda by an actor playing “Pfizer R&D executive” for James O’Keefe. Unfortunately, James either bought this nonsense, or was complicit (hard to tell) without checking to see that Pfizer has no animal labs anymore. They outsourced it all to Charles River and Chinese contractors eons ago. Furthermore, passaging “pathogens” through animals as “gain-of-function” approach has known to be a dead end for decades. Yet, this perennial fear porn genre never seems to die…
JANUARY 26, 2023
‘s analysis of pandemic preparedness market:
Total US biodefense funding dramatically increased from ~$700,000,000 in 2001 to ~$4,000,000,000 spent in 2002; the peak of funding in 2005 was worth nearly $8,000,000,000 and continued with steady average spending around $5,000,000,000.
In 2019, the global biodefense market was valued at $12,200,000,000 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 5.8% from 2020–2027, resulting in a projected market value of $19,800,000,000 in 2027.
Additional information in this post:
The Waiting-for-Pandemic Cult of Biodefense
MARCH 11, 2023
All this investment had to generate the return. Yet, after trying for decades to produce flying Ebola by poisoning Africans in remote jungle villages, the cult of pandemics have produced zilch of pandemics. What to do… what to do… Well, if the mountain doesn’t come to Mohammed, Mohammed goes to the mountain.
We know that covid “pandemic” was faked. There was no “circulating virus”. It is highly likely that instead a bio-chemical synthetic agent used to seed the non-deadly illness with some unusual symptoms, just to create a bit of realism and freak everyone out.
The DOD/DARPA recipe for faking pandemics is described in these series:
How to Fake Pandemics - Part 2. I Do Not Believe Science, and Neither Should You.
If you noticed lately, the propaganda of avian flu is back! It’s like they are recycling the same stories every few years, aren’t they?
I won’t address this in detail here, but I am working on a series of articles discussing these “hoax-bioweapons” aka bio-mimetic synthetic drugs. Stay tuned.
Suffice to say for now that “covid illness” and “covid deaths” have different causes, albeit these populations overlap. Neither involved a “virus”, natural or lab created. The bulk of the deaths was produced by false-diagnosis by PCR with subsequent denial of proper treatment, hospital kidnap and murder protocols.
If you are about to call me a conspiracy theorist for suggesting US and other governments attacked the population with synthetic toxins, here is an extensive list of prior deployment of biological, chemical and psychological weapons on unsuspecting civilian, military and prison populations by US government. All sourced to mainstream media!
In this article, I am going to revisit Robert Malone - Doc Malik interview published on January 16. Link to video on Rumble. Recall that Malone et al famotidine paper played a significant role in creating a fig leaf cover for the FDA to issue an EUA for the DTRA/Gilead asset, remdesivir, as a “medical countermeasure” and enforce it in the hospital protocols covered by the PREP Act.
Let’s recall what Bob Malone stated in the interview in response to the question: was there a covid pandemic? (1:40 min clip)
He states that a pandemic is an infectious virus circulating the globe, regardless of mortality or pathogenicity or any detectable impact. I believe this means that if something can be “detected” by PCR-ing papaya-based enzyme or some other commercially available primer common to practically all creatures on Earth, at 40 cycles, then the government can claim a “pandemic of novel virus”. And that people who demand evidence of any serious impact, e.g. a detectable increase in mortality, are “full of shit” and “make their own definitions”. Interesting, isn’t it? He styles this as a “moderate position”. I call this shilling for the DOD Pandemic Preparedness Mafia. It is quite convenient that Biden admin has finalized the Pandemic Preparedness Plan, which Bob appears to be in full agreement with. It gets even more interesting later in the interview, at around 20 min.
3 min clip:
Transcript (slightly abridged, emphasis added):
At 20:30, Ahmad Malik: “All cause mortality data shows no pandemic” (referring to Rancourt’s data)…
Robert Malone: (increasingly angry, interrupts Malik before he can even finish the question) “I know all that bullshit! Pandemic is something that is declared and it involves an infectious disease. It doesn’t require that there be certain level of mortality. So what we are arguing about here is the semantics of a term, a definition. This was declared as a pandemic, it was treated as a pandemic, and it resulted in circulation of a disease, a novel infectious virus. It was a low pathogenicity (0.02%), but it has nothing to do with whether or not it was a pandemic. So, what they are arguing is characteristics of a pandemic, they are arguing that they hold what is the definition of a pandemic, and based on their definition, this does not meet those criteria. I call bullshit on this”.
AM: “But what about deadly pandemic? We were told it’s a deadly pandemic of a novel virus with no known treatments!”
RM: “You are splitting hairs, you’ve gone down the rabbit hole, and pretty soon we will be talking about whether this is a flat earth and whether viruses exist”. […] “are you going to argue germ-terrain theory…” […] “I never said this was a deadly pandemic, you are setting me up for a line of attack…” […] “this was a pandemic, defined by WHO and by health agencies throughout the world. It definitely was a novel coronavirus that spread throughout the world. In terms of its mortality and morbidity, it was largely the consequence of public health mismanagement, not the primary disease. But having been infected by Wuhan 1 in February 2020, I can tell you that this was not the flu. Now, we’ve had a progressive evolution of this to become more highly infective and less pathogenic, as is the normal trajectory for any virus…” “…it was a globally circulating novel coronavirus that entered a new species and was associated with a, quote, health response by WHO and health organizations of virtually every nation in the world.
He then essentially agrees with Rancourt and Dowd…
If this seems incoherent and illogical, that’s because it is. Cult narratives do not have to be coherent or logical. And perhaps anger and frustration is due to Bob’s desperate need to deliver baloney as expertise. That requirement would get me angry, too. Let’s review:
He starts by “calling bullshit!” on those who point at the lack of any real morbidity and mortality from covid before government’s “public health measures” ensued.
He vehemently defends and re-asserts both US Gov and WHO claim that there was a global pandemic.
He repeatedly asserts that pandemics are something government-declared, implying that an un-validated, non-diagnostic PCR alone is the only basis necessary for declaring a pandemic.
He then admits there was no real morbidity and mortality (0.02%) due to the illness, and that it was largely induced by the government’s “mismanagement” of public health. I.e. “mistakes were made”…
Here, he conceded 1 and preserved 2 points, the ones that are his real job to defend. Millions of deaths, poisoning, sterility, paralysis, loss of livelihood and misery - all of these amount to mere “mismanagement”. The Pandemic Preparedness money castle, however, must be preserved!
His sequencing of events is very curious. Notice that he says “it was declared a pandemic …. and it RESULTED in a circulation of a novel virus” - was that a Freudian slip? Did he get this backward, or is this some kind of ritual honesty, i.e. they have to tell you what they are doing? If this was indeed a viral disease spread, wouldn’t it be virus first, then mass illness, and the result is a pandemic, not the other way around? The way he sequenced it is the following [I fill in the blanks]:
a declaration of [military action];
[deployment of non deadly bio-chemical weapons (hoax bioweapons, bio-mimetics) + heavy psychological weapons of fear propaganda];
and as a result => “… circulation of a novel virus”;
followed by [a military kill program disguised as] “…mismanaged public health measures”.
It turns out, Bob’s sequence of events with regard to the covid “pandemic” is corroborated by the DOD. Here is Col Wendy on March 5, 2020, proudly announcing that the DOD has received the virus, and is growing stocks of it in a BSL4 biolab at Fort Dietrick. This is when there is zero “circulation of a novel virus” in the US, and practically none in the world:
Malone: “and it resulted in circulation of a disease, a novel infectious virus”.
Why, yes, it certainly did happen in this sequence!
Pandemics do not exist naturally. There was nothing to declare in early 2020, so a carefully planned attack was launched…
To be continued…
Art for today: Crossword puzzle, watercolor on paper.’
Sasha Latypova and Mike Yeadon are welcome in my home anytime, complete with all the protection I may be able to provide. The world is a better place because of both of them Doc. Thanks for saying it. You could not ask for two sharper minds to lead the cutting edge of righteousness in the fight for the lives of the citizens of the world against those miscreants who crave to dominate them with disease, fear, taxes and death. Truly, they are both gifts from God to us who love the truth.
It is sad that there are so many that would sell out the freedom of humanity for money. Can’t you hear them?, “it’s just until I retire”, “just one person won’t make a difference “, “it’s only until I resign.” , “I’m just doing my job.” Etc The unspoken words reverberate around the world. Thoughts like stones fall onto deaf ears rippling through time and space . But some of us feel it. We know what they are thinking. As they become more desperate to speak the forbidden words only bravery and selflessness can free them. All the money in the world will not relieve the guilty mind or the tortured soul should evil prevail. One by one they will sacrifice themselves to bring truth to the world. Bravery is contagious. Who will be the first to break, to make a difference and be remembered in the history books for all time? Only time will tell.
Thank our God of everything good and holy in this world for the brave men and women who stood up from the beginning and risked everything to bring truth to the world.