Sasha Latypova and Mike Yeadon are welcome in my home anytime, complete with all the protection I may be able to provide. The world is a better place because of both of them Doc. Thanks for saying it. You could not ask for two sharper minds to lead the cutting edge of righteousness in the fight for the lives of the citizens of the world against those miscreants who crave to dominate them with disease, fear, taxes and death. Truly, they are both gifts from God to us who love the truth.

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great post David....ditto...actually, that happened with Yeadon as he invited me to his home for the weekend when he was in US. excellent human being, his wife also

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It is sad that there are so many that would sell out the freedom of humanity for money. Can’t you hear them?, “it’s just until I retire”, “just one person won’t make a difference “, “it’s only until I resign.” , “I’m just doing my job.” Etc The unspoken words reverberate around the world. Thoughts like stones fall onto deaf ears rippling through time and space . But some of us feel it. We know what they are thinking. As they become more desperate to speak the forbidden words only bravery and selflessness can free them. All the money in the world will not relieve the guilty mind or the tortured soul should evil prevail. One by one they will sacrifice themselves to bring truth to the world. Bravery is contagious. Who will be the first to break, to make a difference and be remembered in the history books for all time? Only time will tell.

Thank our God of everything good and holy in this world for the brave men and women who stood up from the beginning and risked everything to bring truth to the world.

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thank you for this great piece...

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Thank you!

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UK!---Mike Yeadon is the only one I have trust/faith in. The likes of BRIDGEN/JOHN CAMPBELL/HANVEY all still prattle on about 'COVID' and in general just skirt about the original crime of the MURDER OF THE ELDERLY IN 2020. That needs a proper open and honest debate to get it out in the open!

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You're a man after my own heart Dr A. It wouldn't take me long to make a list of the true heroes of our time and without a doubt, you, Mike and Sasha top the list. Of course Karen Kingston and a handful of others are doing their best as well but it is just a travesty that so many fall prey to the money changers and political hacks.

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One or two swipes at Malone - maybe followed by a 'handi-wipes' clean up of the guy's troubled position might have indicated a dedication to 'weeding out' the dissimulators and imposters from among the cast of "heroes" of the covid-resistance. But this continued blasting away at what's already a sitting duck target betrays something less wholesome. We're getting to the point where the cheeze-whizz is getting spread to thick - to disguise the complete lack of anything palatable in this Dagwood diversion.

Here's where we need to go, to get back on the trail of 'discovery' - and leave behind this sub-industry of busy substackers posing as hexperts in this or that element of medical/biological/chemical\epidemical taxonomy ....

Covid was a 'full spectrum' assault on both psyche and soma of the intended victims. It needs be investigated as such = the application of new 'methods' of warfare on populations targeted - in this case - us! The false distinctions still being employed here by rote - 'medical emergency,' 'was/was not a "pandemic," 'had it's genesis in this or that 'laboratory' are all convenient smoke screen cover. This was a MILITARY operation. As covered by GREG REESE & others, DOD was all over this... and from decades in the making. So we can skip the witless polemics and go right back to the beginning -

here in a paper from 1980 - From PSYOPS to MIND WAR - the PSYCHOLOGY OF VICTORY - by Colonel Paul E Valley and.... wait for it...

Lt Colonel Michael Aquino - yeah... THAT MICHAEL AQUINO... of Presidio(Child Sex Predator Scandal Infame!) Since even a roughing out of this territory will exceed the bounds of a comment, I'll probably to a write up of the whole idea sometime soon. But for now - as a sort of 'teaser' read what Aquino was committing to paper @ 2017 in review of the work they started so long back - and it's 'progress' towards the point where it gets 'unleashed' upon YOU ... in 2020.

"“To approach telepathy at the SLIMC (SL involuntary mind control) level, it's necessary to focus on the magnetic side of EMR, e.g. TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation):“As the phenomenon of magnetism is integral with electricity, and human mental activity is electric, it is unsurprising to find that magnetic fields, while not affecting the body’s metabolism to a significant degree, due to the extremely small amount of ferromagnetic material therein, can influence thought itself.“ As discovered through MRI imaging, the area of the brain in which evaluations and opinions about others’ beliefs and morality are made is the tempero-parietal junction (TPJ). In 2010 MIT neuroscientists discovered that application of a magnetic field to the right TPJ, by means of a noninvasive technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) temporarily disrupts an individual’s ability to make judgments based upon previously-learned morality. In effect, pre-indoctrination is suppressed, resulting in the subject’s tending to judge situations more on a discrete cause-and-effect basis. In theory, TMS could be used to condition personnel to make decisions unencumbered by prior moral, social, or ethical indoctrination; and to remove that same protective indoctrination from a hostile individual being interrogated.

Pandemic? No Pandemic? C'mon, let's stop pandering to the lowest level of understanding here BIG DUKE.... this was/is MIND WAR... and the 'hostile individual' in your GOVERNMENT'S view - is YOU!

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I agree. I was fortunate enough to see a 1 hour plus video by Dr. Michael Yeadon in early 2020 before he was banned by internet media. He is one the most credible voices regarding the plandemic and mRNA Bioweapons deployed against those gullible enough to believe Evildoers. I remember Michael mentioning variants would only be .03% different from the original C19 and that our natural immunity would protect us from variants. Karen Kingston is amazing too as she shared information on multiple Pfizer mRNA recipes and that Pfizer would be liable if they ever got full use authorization. Also she said back in 2021 that the jabs were Bioweapons.

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Most doctors can't treat a virus one when it is in early stages and secondly you can treat a bacterial infection most say it's just a virus it will go away.

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Brilliant. We all LOVE you guys, thankyou!

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Is Yeadon the one who said VIT. D was toxic?" Of course everyone shouted him down. Otherwise I've found him great.

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