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Hey Doc, ya just gotta know that there will always be ignoramuses around who strain at a gnat and you do not have to engage their BS. Does a fool ever criticize/defame one whose record is solid and clear? Of course, but in your case it is a given your established history in and of itself quantifies who and what you are. It stands without words. Your history is the proof. In my case now I want nothing to do with a liar so that is the penalty your detractors impose on themselves. I am of course not the only one and anyways, one cannot be of use to the Truth if one cares about what imbeciles think and say of one. Conflicts occur, and I automatically regard such problematic waifs as not worthy of my time. Your detractors only create hostility in me towards them. They lose. You win even b y being silent.

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tremendous words Edward, I read your white spaces too...we are in the same position...I think if you stand up detractors always emerge...the issue is to move past them....and yes, sometimes it is not worthy.

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I see SIngh the traitor is ending deal with turdo so turdo will be gone shortly in a vote of non confidence. There is a God.

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There are times though where one has to walk all over them especially soy boy libbies. I am not particularly inclined towards waifs with big mouths they cannot back up. They are found everywhere.

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I used to work on job sites where two who had a disagreement would walk behind the "tanks" and have it out. Nobody got seriously hurt and it resolved the dispute. It actually worked to keep things under control. The motormouths were kept in line.

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