Not really. Look at what so called learned men did to Jesus Christ, the only perfect man who ever lived. I am not surprised at the attack on the Doc. H/e who does something always gets criticized. Let her words be as the buzzing of flies in your ears. By her insolence she has distanced me forever. And I am sure the same with others. She is calling good as evil. Bad news for her.
Not really. Look at what so called learned men did to Jesus Christ, the only perfect man who ever lived. I am not surprised at the attack on the Doc. H/e who does something always gets criticized. Let her words be as the buzzing of flies in your ears. By her insolence she has distanced me forever. And I am sure the same with others. She is calling good as evil. Bad news for her.
Not really. Look at what so called learned men did to Jesus Christ, the only perfect man who ever lived. I am not surprised at the attack on the Doc. H/e who does something always gets criticized. Let her words be as the buzzing of flies in your ears. By her insolence she has distanced me forever. And I am sure the same with others. She is calling good as evil. Bad news for her.