My group sued the CEO in office (Trump) just before they rolled out the covid jabs. Here's what we learned by confronting SCOTUS 4 times:

1. All of the Justices are fully onboard with the extermination of the American people.

2. Trump is fully onboard with the extermination of the American people.

3. The U.S. government, and most state governments REFUSE to permit the American people any pretense of a CIVIL remedy to prevent our extermination at the hands of government.

None of this is about "framing the case correctly" or "standing" or the EVIDENCE. It's about the fact this is not a self-governing Nation and this is also something our judicial branch will never permit us to remedy via a CIVIL mechanism.

Therefore, whatever the remedies might be, they are not going to be civilized. This is truly what we are down to because both "sides" (at the top) are fully onboard with exterminating the majority of Americans, and they're determined to pull this off ASAP. The only thing we can do is NOT COMPLY with our extermination or ANY of their BS. They NEED us to go along with the falsity that they have the "authority" to do this to us, that it's somehow legitimate. NONE of it is actually authorized UNTIL you go along with it. Then it's just voluntary because YOU consented.

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Her take on Trump's silence is spot on. No more excuses.

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Excellent. This -- liability immunity -- is the underbelly of this horrific crime. More people -- people like Dr. McCullough who has the respect of tens of millions -- need to start talking about this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thank you, Dr. Alexander, for cross posting this important and highly informative, article by Sasha Latypova and, as always, my deep appreciation for her careful and clear work.

We are dealing with criminals. Anything they tell us to do, any command, mandate or suggestion, regulation or advisory should be viewed as so suspect as to be rejected.

That means non compliance, in fact, it is the very definition of non-compliance.

I urge you to visit https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/i-will-not-comply-declaration and sign the Universal Declaration of Non Compliance and then forward it to everyone you can reach, urging them to use their powers of reason and choice to do the same.

We will, if we are to survive this criminal assault on our lives, our fortunes and our sacred DNA, have to put real muscle into the simple declaration that we will not comply by determining what that really means and then doing it.

Humanity's very existence is at stake.

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This is a good recap of what happened during Trumps time in office during the plandemic.


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If the DOD and the whole system of medical authorities is legally protected from committing democide, those harmed by the vax may find no option but to take matters in their own hands. If they and their families are going to die from this jab eventually. Maybe the threat of trial and incarceration, or even execution may not seem too high a personal price to pay to avenge their family.

I am not advocating anything, I did not take the "poison death shot" but thinking this through, some may feel compelled to get justice any way they can. Especially for their kids.

I saw Bill Gates get harassed in his car while traveling to a recent event. Trudeau has been harassed recently too.

I have heard a prediction that "they won't be able to walk the streets."

Their legal protections may not protect them from threats while traversing the public square.

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How is Trump responsible for a law passed in 2005?

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Thank you Sasha for clarifying and explaining why, Trump can’t nor will he say anything against the HHS and COVID rules, for lack of a better word. I appreciate your guidance and as I mentioned and posted earlier on another Substack blog, we as Americans and people around the world must understand and learn all we can from those who understand and know, medically and legally, etc. The only way I believe “GOOD VS EVIL” can win this battle, is to help each other learn and share what we know and have been taught. It shouldn’t be about one person, it’s about all of the “GOOD” vs all of the “EVIL”! I honestly can’t see any simple way through or around what has been deliberately and militarily executed, “MASSACRE”! I don’t believe that word is to course. Thank you again Sasha, I do appreciate all you knowledgeable informed post.


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I would love to know Karen Kingston’s opinion about this.

I have never trusted Latypova. She is slick, and well spoken, but there’s something about her that makes me wary....a little bit too cool and measured, like she could be a host on NPR. Propagandist? Same goes for Malone.

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None of this will matter...they are winning...... no amount of evidence will ever overturn this now that this has happened..... WHO welcomes historic commitment by world leaders for greater collaboration, governance and investment to prevent, prepare for and respond to future pandemics https://merylnass.substack.com/p/who-welcomes-historic-commitment?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=746368&post_id=137242310&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=c55mw&utm_medium=email

...now what?

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Murder is wrong and passing laws to make it “right” doesn't make it right. That's what I don't get about these supposedly clever government people who wish to kill us. They can pass all the laws they want but they are off and will have to face an angry God. He doesn't change and these laws they make up don't faze Him.

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Trump shut down China, closed border.

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I appreciate Dr. Alexander but at times his hyperbole makes me squirm. The message is good but delivered with over the top language that precludes me from sharing with those I’m trying to wake up. His passion I admire.

His coverage of happenings inform me of things I might have missed otherwise.

Debate here & exchange of ideas are healthy, but snark is not.

BTW, this “new & improved” Substack just obliterated all my “Saves.” My Archives still live. But Saves - kaput. Why?

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Wow! Awesome Dr Paul! Thanks for sharing this. Only the truth will set us free !

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