While everyone is looking at the war, you better be watching the other hand because I believe they have something big planned for us.

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Yeah, the plan asap, is for the Zionist Mafia of the Nato, WHO, WEF and many other 3 letter organizations, to treat all of us, "We the People" as the Palestinians have been treated since their land was stolen from them. We need to stand up to them. Even the people who moved to Israel were duped by these liars. These overlords who are only Fake Jews, which started all this out of the little City of London have been around a long time. Jesus warned us of them, the Pharisees, in the Bible many times, and we haven't caught on, while they took advantage of our lack of Courage and our emotional natures(fear) that can be manipulated to control us so easily. Take Heart- truth and God always win. We just want it now, most of us have trouble with patience. Helena Guenther

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Islamic Supremacists hold up phones invented by Jews with intel chips invented by Jews to take pictures of themselves murdering torturing innocent Jewish babies, toddlers, little children, teens, mothers, fathers, grandparents . Islamic Supremacists Hamas Hezbollah Isis are evil and must be eliminated.

Biden Obama Clinton WEF bioweapon depopulation crime cartel keep stealing billions and billions of our USA tax dollars and sending them to Iran terrorists and Taliban in Afghanistan . They left them our $89 billion Air Force base loaded with weapons. Obama is an Islamic Supremacist. It’s obvious. Biden Obama just sent another $6 billion. Before that was $8 billion and Obama sent billions on a secret plane at night with cash and gold bars! Ours. Wake up and demand the fake news be punished for promoting Palestinian terrorism etc and promoting Obama Biden Clinton crime family cartel. Eliminate all Islamic Supremacist terrorists

it’s Israel’s Land!!!!!!! It has been for over 3500 years!! The people being used as pawns in the media to get sympathy are called Palestinians but there is no such thing or place as Palestine. In 70AD the Romans were oppressing, torturing, and killing Jews, including Jewish believers in Jesus, and they captured Jerusalem they renamed it Palestine or Philistine because they routinely named conquered countries with the name of that country’s worst enemy. The Philistines had been attacking the Jews/Hebrews for many years. The land has always been Israel’s/the Jews’ land. You just dig in the dirt and archaeology bears that out. History books near that our. Israel has not taken anyone’s land. They are not oppressing anyone. The so-called Palestinians are attacking Israel constantly because the Qu’aran tells them to kill the Jews and then to kill the Christians and anyone who is not Islamic or Islamic enough. They are the ones who are wrong. They came from Jordan and Egypt and that’s where they should go. But the Palestinian propagandists know that they can get lots of sympathy by keeping these people as “refugees“ for 70 years. No other people group is called a refugee after 70 years. The Jews have been attacked killed and pushed out of countries all over the world especially Islamic countries and the Jews have gone to other places and made their life there. They don’t keep calling themselves refugees for decade after decade after decade for 70 years. The PLO has gotten rich with American dollars and the leaders live in lavish mansions and are billionaires and they reward anyone who kills Jews with large sums of money and free house and a park named after them.

They don’t care that they promote their own women and children to be pushed out on the front lines as Islamic men hide behind them and allow them to be killed and hurt because they know it will play well for the news camera. They are the ones who push their citizens to go shoot rockets at Israel and throw rocks and bombs and when Israel finally protects itself they have the cameras rolling so they can show it on the corrupt leftist news who spins it to make it like Israel is the aggressor when really they are just trying to protect themselves. Then there’s the issue of Pallywood: fake injuries and deaths acted out for the cameras that have been proven to be fake. And Israel has no choice but to retaliate and protect themselves. I do, however, disagree with Israel on having a scumbag psychopath like Yuval Noah Harrari doing evil WEF Great Reset depopulation and forcing mRNA dna editing synthetic nanoparticle device CRISPR CAS9 quantum dot artificial intelligence platform injections in the people.

Go watch www.pallywood dot com


The Bible describes the sale and the boundaries where Abraham bought the land of Israel and it’s much bigger than today according to the boundaries described in the Bible and it describes what he paid and it says that the one who sold it to him wanted to give it a gift and he refused and said no he wanted to pay for it. It was bought for him to bury his wife Sarah. And God’s promise to his people is through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Not Abraham Ishmael. It’s Israel’s land 100%.

it’s Israel’s land written in the Bible with the payment price and the boundaries described.

Jesus was and is a Jewish Rabbi. He is coming back to the Mount of Olives to stop those annihilate those who are hurting his Hebrew/Jewish lineage and trying to steal the land . When His foot touches the Mount of Olives, it will split open.

You better study your Bible and get this right or you will be punished for leading people astray to hate Israel.

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Really...NAZI JEWS are Holy Innocents, justified in their slaughter of the defenceless Arabs? Carry on...the pen-knives are all that is needed by enraged Muslims to attack Jews far beyond the borders of Israel. Slitting the throat is all that is needed, easy, quick and move on to the next White target. They may not distinguish who is who and you watch the horrors unfold in Western cities.

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This makes sense to me. China and Russia have been very busy building the BRICS coalition, and negotiated the Iran and Saudi working together, plus working with all the Nations joining BRICS. Very pop. in the region. This is a win, win situations for all nations joining (11 by Jan, 2024). It is in the interests of trade, without fear of things like Sanctions, Military moves by US to come in to do regime change, and such things the Bully likes to do, Constantly. They want Trade harmony and respect of Nations. The uglier the USA got, the more they yearned for peace to prosper their citizens. Also, even though Saudi was in the past linked to Israel, the citizens of Saudi are making it very clear that if the Palestine situation, which is very dire, as Israel really just wants them to starve, with the imposed calorie restrictions, or get poisoned by the tainted or stolen water. I could go on and on. The Prince is getting pressure from his people, that he badly needs to be responsible on this issue, like the other nations are. Best place for Israel/Palestine up to date info. from educated people is at Unz Review. Articles get the comment section going which can get from 500-1000 comments. Very educational. Today's article by Kevin Barrett is very good. He is an expert in the area. Helena Guenther

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Self-important Saudis and weakling "green" Joe Biden upset the balance of power. America must drill our own huge oil assets, become self-sufficient oil exporters again, and diminish Saudi political power.

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We could put every tin pot dictator out of biz by flooding the world with 20 dollar barrel oil.

Subsidize if necessary.

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Sy Hersch has been around political war powers for decades.. his take worth a look..


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If Arab governments do not battle NAZI Israel, their enraged populations will rise up and topple their leaders. Nothing like the sight of helpless Arabs being slaughtered, the mosques being bombed, the Arab women and children being massacred, to galvanize all Muslims.

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Analysts say the war has dealt a heavy blow to a possible landmark normalisation deal between Saudi Arabia, home to the holiest sites in Islam, and Israel.

That process has been driven by US President Joe Biden's administration, with Riyadh bargaining hard for benefits from Washington including security guarantees and help developing a civilian nuclear programme.

That's just about the most asinine statement I have ever read.

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MBS is supporting the Palestinian cause, not endorsing the horrors. The NAZI JEWS are now worse than the German Nazis. Just wait for the horrors that will soon engulf Jews worldwide, young, old, men, women and child. The pen-knife is all it takes for enraged Muslim to slit the throats of the Jews far beyond Palestine. Nothing unites Muslims to see their mosques being bombed, to see Arabs being slaughtered. Blood for Blood, Life for Life. You know full well the unifying chant of the Muslims and it is ALL Muslims, not just the jihadists.

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Simply talking, Paul. Mecca and Medina plus Wahābī group are all touchy factors within the Kingdom. Nothing directly going on with the Bilderberg Cartels.

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Is Israel in serious trouble?

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Don't bet against them.

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