Jail is too nice an option for her. Nuremberg!

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Scarf Lady is the kindest description I would have been able to use for this POS, evil, & pathetic excuse of a woman.

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The Scarf Lady Dr. Deborah Birx should have the scarf removed from around her neck and replaced by a very well made Noose.

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Many are still lying and not to only to us, some are lying to themselves.

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Rejoice when she is executed.

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Navy seals should take them at night and drop them off in the desert of Afghanistan

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These people in the highest positions in public health are not able to critically read medical research reports. I, as an interested layman, could see that the Pfizer FDA study report showed little or no efficacy in the raw data in December 2020. The claim of about 95% efficacy was clearly statistical fraud. Relative risk reduction touted as efficacy.

Virtually none of the test group or the placebo group got infected or ill. It was obvious that the test subjects in both groups were very health and not exposed to infection. Either that or the covid was not very infectious. Beyond that there were whistle blower reports of improper trial management.

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Awful lady 😕

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I can guarantee she never even took the vaccine! Do as I say not as a I do!!

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"I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection. And I think we overplayed the vaccines. And it made people then NOT worry that it’s not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization. As a reslt of me deliberately spreading disinformation some people died unnecessarily and that could have been prevented. Now, and I can't understand why but some people think I'm a cruel, stupid bitch and I talk through my ass."

If Scarf Lady had said that it would have been true. But she didn't say that.

She lied, people died.

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Trump is STILL saying the vaccines are SAFE and EFFECTIVE. He claims you will NOT get sick if you get vaxxed. He claims he has personally been boosted along with his kids.

At SOME point, Trump will need to reverse course on this. Not everyone who once pushed the vaccines knew they were telling lies. NOW however, anyone STILL saying "safe and effective" knows they are LYING and must be fully onboard with the DEPOPULATION agenda. So it's hard to care about "sides" when BOTH sides (at the top) want us all DEAD.

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Nuremberg 2.0

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When a nation has descended into fluid identity and gender, truth is infinitely subjective. However, facts remain. We're in the territory of everything is a lie until proved otherwise.

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Scarf Lady = Barf Lady!!! 🤢🤮

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Hang her from the highest tree, with all the others, guilty of murdering so many innocent people

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May 28, 2023·edited May 28, 2023

Good Doctor don't you mean BARF lady Birx.. She knew what she was doing like she said she was following the LIES of her mentor Fauci... These people LIE every time they open their mouths.. If they were truth tellers they would never be in these positions.. You rise in all these positions because you LIE... If you are a truth teller you do not rise period end of story.. Everyone must realize this, the days of telling the truth like the days of the Good Doctor Alexander are all gone.. Fauci and Gates and Rockefeller and all the other corrupt foundations are responsible.. the MSM is all LIES and ALLIES, same thing.. The people need to print their own local newspapers and create their own streaming news channels with truth and utilize AM radio for truth.. We must create and use all media to get the TRUTH out, even dropping flyers all over the place and out of windows and planes.. We must INFORM people with TRUTH, so they will NOT give their CONSENT anymore..

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