Good post.

I think these aspects were all gamed, with the goal to destabilize society in order to offer "solutions" that fit their NWO socialist/feudalist vision for the world.

All this besides the obvious damage the forced vaccines themselves are doing to brains and cognitive ability. Who doesn't know someone who seems markedly different in personality post-vax? Some are shadows of their former selves and ripe for these MK Ultra type killings.

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It’s so obvious to us here in this Substack space that the cabal handling President Demento (FJB) are doing everything to destroy our country since day 1. The gallows are too good for this bunch!

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We can start with the Cuban Communist DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. I loathe him. He's targeting White Christian men who support Cheeto Man.

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I should have written “The cabal that IS”. My inner grammar police really got on my case!

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everyone just fills in the word you want, so np. ;)

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how many were orchestrated by the FBI?

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The Buffalo killer was literally in chat with and probably being "groomed" by an FBI officer if I remember right.

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That's 1.

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This is a good, thoughtful article Dr. Alexander.

I also wonder though about what caused the cowardice of the Uvalde police who allowed the killer to go about his slaughter unchecked while they cowered in fear before emerging later to publicly praise themselves as heros.

The footage released later showd one of these officers sanitizing hishandswhile other checked their cell phones as the slaughter took place.

What possessed these cowardly LEOs to prioritize sanitizing their hands and providing no help over saving children's lives?

Were they cowering in fear not just of the gunman but because they thought they may catch the virus if they tried to save kids' lives?

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What if they were told to stand down from WAAAY above their paygrade?

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The whole of "America" showed its cowardice. Exceptions were out there, of course, but the sorry state of the nation revealed itself. It did this when the vast majority of its "adult" population cooperated happily or otherwise with that which was wholly and obviously unlawful. This includes the doofuses in "law enforcement." I know exceptions in that cohort, too, but they are exceptions.

The credulity and cooperation with the absurd official story of Sep 11 was a preview. This cooperation included the willing dispensing with of Fourth Amendment protections as if they meant nothing -- nothing at all compared to the "importance" of safety. In this context, at least the whole basis of the "reasoning" behind the discarding of liberty was "terrorism."

Less than 20 years later, an entire nation gives away 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 that matters. This includes the lives of its young on the off chance that a small portion of them might get a bad respiratory infection and some of those might die. Pure cowardice and infidelity to human freedom and choice.

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George Webb and Housatonic.Live are publishing excellent research connecting the Anthrax gang of 9/11 with the same gang's participation in the scamdemic. These parasites are repeatedly recycled throughout "emergencies" - we definitely need to pay attention to their manipulation and destructive behaviors.

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*or* fear of getting in way of FBI

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This is a spiritual battle. This was the intended outcome. Those in charge are in complete resonance with Satan. Those who went along, the teachers yelling at kids to put their mask over their nose, all those who don't resonate and have a faith in Jesus Christ, tacitly agreeing to these harms by not standing against it, or actually perpetuating it, are resonating with evil. I pray for more to awaken. I see the change in many, not all, but too many kids at school and it's heartbreaking. It doesn't provide much hope for the future, unless we stand against all that is being done to tear down this great country, now. It's time for every one to get off the bench. Run for office or support someone on the right side of all that ails this nation. Silence is a tacit agreement. The Lord does not give you a spirit is fear. Stand in his strength and get out there and do something!

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This constant lying without consequences will be the death of our civilization. When did lying become the norm?

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HAPPY SUNDAY Beside Me There Is No Other God

“For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant . . .”


— Romans 11:25 https://bbn1.bbnradio.org/english/listen-now/

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Paul, many variables apply. Primary is the mRNAs. Pharms techs know how much strength their nanos encased in hydrogel has in the realm of controlling behavior as defined by violence to self or others. Recall old timer Delgado's primitive behavior experiments during the 60s. The nano guys are light years beyond Delgado. Secondary variable is simply Trilateral controlled Knight of Vatican Malta Pedo and his cabinet of traitors. Kids all need solid structure, a given in all Protestant cultures. Vatican Pedo has constantly attacked all Americans, and on the record doing so.

The layers of homosexual legitimacy in combination with fake organized women publicly promoting the slaughter of our most innocent, sets the perception to search for understanding. The child plugs into a website and plays there thinking he's found truth. We know kids nothing zero and absolutely need solid parents and teachers. I seriously am thinking that most guys do not mature these days until age 60 or so.

Link the above points with Pharma nano mind control tweaking behaviors, then add medication, hormone homosexual gender change and so on, with Pedo's and Dem elite plus RINO trash refusing to hold criminals accountable, many kids and others are tipped easily into psychoses.

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https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fxp2MjoaAAAakhI?format=jpg&name=large As we become less white, we become less intelligent, and more violent. This is happening in every once white nation in the world, all of the forced miscegenation is driven by groups like HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, funded by jewish central bankers. They also led the Psyop-19 campaign, both the fake virus, and the deadly GMO shot.

America has one disease, which spawns many symptoms.

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That's interesting. The two religions that get the most money to help with illegal aliens: Catholic churches and Jewish nonprofits. There are no coincidences.

Nigerians are smarter than Black Americans and they are by far the most successful amongst minorities - I'm happy to accept them into my family of Immigrants. They're despised by AA elites, one more reason to encourage them to start businesses in the US.

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I'm from Cuba, does that make me a Communist and murderer?

It is unquestionable that Nigerians are the most successful within my community in the US. They outperform Black Americans - maybe because they've experienced real oppression and they're in the US to work and create generational wealth.

The US government murders its own people and innocents around the globe - does that make all Americans murderers?

The same analogy can be used for countries around the globe.

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Statistics matter. jews vote 75%+ for communist issues. So do Latinos. Blacks over 90%. In one case, you have the most expelled group in human history. In the other, you have two demographics, Latino and Black, who overwhelmingly cost the two races that are net contributors, Asians and Whites for each one brought here.

So, I do not care about Cubans, Nigerians, jews, queers, or any other group that is not conservative white. And, given the overwhelmingly higher levels of crime, I do not want any of you in what was a nation doing quite well, 91% white.

I prefer my own kind, and will fight to my dying day, to make America 2.0, a white ethno state, and return white founded nations across the world to that. Just like China, Japan, and the shittiest nation on Earth, Israel.

Hail Victory. Hail the white race.

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Youth has always been rebellious and non-conforming. Only this time they have become little zombies stuck in a virtual reality which does not play well in the real world.

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The few times I wore a mask in California I would fly into a road rage type of rage. I avoided tests because I was terrified to be ventilated and of course I cried over the poison shots that miraculously I avoided. It screwed up adults just as much as wild youths

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