I don't know, Dr Alexander. Call me crazy, but it's almost as though the Biden administration and the lefty loonies are intentionally trying to kill as many Americans as they can and to destroy the nation. But that couldn't be the case, could it?

By the way, on another note, I just had a chance to watch your testimony before Senator Johnson's committee last night - well done, Sir! You are a credit to the profession that has become far too discreditable lately!

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Biden is a traitor, member of the Council of Foreign Relations, avowed Zionist so he and his fellow new world order types are compromised and have a goal of destroying the Constitution and soverignty of the USA.

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I bet you didn't come to that honest conclusion watching mainstream media news.

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Oh, it be so...and has been so for quite some time. The planned destruction of America got a REAL foothold during the Eisenhower administration. Kennedy rose up against these evil doers within our own government......his ultimate demise.

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Yup. He was the first president I was eligible to vote for, and one of the few democrats.

Then LBJ gleefully took over. Odd (yeah right), they still won't release the information

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LBJ was a lecherous, debauched Dem psychopath who has been linked to election rigging and murders.

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Eisenhower gave a do pass on the FTC investigations on big oil (Rockefellers et al), claimed national security and got his retirement homestead by Gettysburg paid for.

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YES, I lost my BEAUTIFUL 19yr old son to fentanyl 4/8/2022. A $10 hit took his life. I’ve heard countless stories since then. All the state & local policies by law enforcement, prosecutors, etc., will help save “some” lives. BUT the best solution to save the MOST lives is to STOP THE SOURCE. Make the Wuhan makers, Drug Cartels FEAR THE FENTANYL BUSINESS. Not that the other drugs are acceptable but this new demon is like cyanide hits in mass production. It’s cheaper to get Fentanyl laced drugs than to smoke or vape. Enough with the lip service from DC, use the intelligence agencies & military to TAKE OUT OUR GREATEST THREAT, instead of politically charged enforcement initiatives.

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I’m sorry. I almost lost one of my sons on Oct 27, 2022. His brother did cpr in him until ems got their. By the grace of God he was able to be saved by norcam. There was another overdose almost a week later this time a girl on the track team. It’s still pretty raw right now. Please speak out. Speak to other parents. I didn’t know. Help bring awareness to parents who have no idea. I was lucky and my baby lived and we had a great detective who was working with out days off and truly trying to get this poison out of our community. They need help and support. The EMT’s going out on these calls. I have great respect for them and how professional they were. My heart hurts for the parents like you that lost their babies. It happens so fast too. I know you are probably still processing and grieving but when you’re ready-please speak out. ❤️

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I know that you probably don't want to think this way but can you get Narcan to keep in your home, just in case?

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Yes. The health departments are giving it out for free in Texas. You can ask your doctor for a prescription. I got the prescription from the hospital when they released my son. I went to Walgreens to fill it-it felt weird but f it. Pride aside. We’ve got an emerging epidemic and I’m not losing my kids to it.

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That is good that you are prearmed to deal with the situation if it does happen and if it doesn't happen then even better.

We are quite "lucky" in the UK as we have not got the fentanyl explosion that the USA has.

I mean bone cancer patients might get fentanyl patches when they are really close to the end but other than that the illegal fentanyl doesn't appear to be a thing here.

Crystal meth was never really a thing here either, I think it is something to do with it being so crowded and hard to manufacture in towns without being obvious.

I suppose they could smuggle it into the country but that makes it expensive and our transport is a bit broken since Brexit.

Best of luck with your lad!

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Thank you. I have it. I don’t wanna use it. I also got CPR certified. I know God will take over my body and give me the strength to perform should I need to. The sad thing about it is that my sons twin brother found him and didn’t know cpr but did it....God is amazing! It saved his life it just know it. I pray this poison doesn’t make it to your side of the pond but keep learning about it because it’s coming more than likely.

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Yes, people are getting it in their homes. I wish I had it, but in my case I found my son far too late., such pain that I’ll never be able to describe it. I pray that Narcan becomes readily available, more information is provided to the families of addicts. My son was clean for five months, his tolerance level was low so that when he consumed the same amount of fentanyl laced drugs he had consumed prior to being clean, it was too much and it took him from us.

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I am sorry Jon I didn't mean to come across insensitive as I read your post about your son's death.

I was thinking it might be a good idea for CutePuppyDogs to get some in her / his home.

I am so sorry for all of you who find yourselves in this awful situation.

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I didn’t take it that way. I wished I had covered more bases and knew more. The word should spread, my family should’ve known since he had been in and out of rehab but not one person mentioned having Narcan or that once he’s off drugs and his tolerance level is low that we must be over vigilant if we suspect new drug use after being clean for an extended period of time. Late afternoon one day we thought he relapsed and asked him to go upstairs ti his room, sleep it off and we’d talk in the morning. Apparently at about 2am he woke up and took a $10 hit of fentanyl (he probably thought was heroin) which took his life. I kicked in his door shortly after 8am and found my son.

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I don't know what to say Jon. you are a lovely man and I hope you find a way forward.

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Have you heard abt or checked into the once per month injectable that suppresses the cravings & has Narcan within the dosing? A co-workers son overdosed on Fentanyl, survived, went to rehab and over the last couple months he’s received this injection. I was unaware of the injection earlier this year, or even if it was available. Good luck

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I haven’t heard of that-this is all new to me but I’m learning more and more about it and I will certainly ask about that.

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You let-in a spiritual plague into your country in the 1870s and still need to figure that out.

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Cheaper and more potent. It costs .75 to produce and traffic it. They sell it in the slums for $2 a pill and in the nice affluent neighborhoods for $20-30. Parents-go get your kids phones. Got to their texts messages and thumb down to get the search and put in “perk” or “perc”. Then read the texts and don’t ask your kids-get them to a counselor or rehab immediately. Go to their Snapchat-look-see anything interesting? Probably not because they have a secret hiding place within Snap that is password protected....not their snap chat password. It’s separate. It’s called My Eyes. You need to pry it out of your kids. This is real. Our kids are extremely effected by Covid, woke bs, division and hare and vaccines and death. We need to reject it all - our kids need help.

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I am so sorry for your loss! How infuriating it must be to see this killer drug ignored or treated as though it doesn't matter by the same authorities who claim they are keeping us safe whilst forcing us to take experimental products, causing terrible mental health issues with their insane policies and refusing to examine the REAL causes of ill health. As a mother of 4 children, I can't even comprehend the pain you must be in. Thank you for speaking out! ❤️🙏

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Thank you for the comment. It’s disgusting, negligent and just about criminal and/or impeachable for any politician that’s held office eight or more years. THEIR most important duty is to protect us. Up until about eight years ago the overdoses were under 50k per year, which is still horrendous, but now we are starting to pace out at 150k, soon we will be at 1/4 MILLION people PER YEAR. Most will be under the age of 40,. A lot of them will be young teens/adults that will leave parents & siblings in this same numb eternal hell my family is stuck in, another large portion of the DEAD will be young adults just starting their own families that will leave a spouse widowed & young children to be without one of their parents for the rest of their lives. OUR GOVERNMENT MUST BE CONSIDERED COMPLICIT IF THEY DON’T ACT IN A SERIOUS MANNER SOON.

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They're complicit with the WEF. reduce the population in any way possible. Which will then reduce the future numbers of people on the planet. Get rid of as many as possible before they reproduce.

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How horrible, I'm so sorry. My prayers go out to you and your family.

Sadly, when you have the brain ded bye den family up to their eyeballs in china payoffs, and kickbacks, nothing is going to be done. He was elected to cover up the take down of this country. Who is actually doing the dirty work, Multiple possibilities.

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I've used fentanyl and other opiods for pain and am grateful to have had them available.

Maybe the problem is not in the existence of chemicals, but the spiritual life of the society people find themselves in?

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Putin knows how to blow bio weapon labs to bits. Nazis running USA will kill us before they act.

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It’s sad when Putin is starting to look good. Everything is local now-dive into your communities and we can’t give up hope. We are stronger as one. A cord of 3 is stinger than one. Ecclesiastes 4:12.

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How insane is this. They don't even pretend to stop the junk coming over the border, or the trafficking. Let's just stockpile meds at school to offset it.

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“They” is the federal government. The boarder patrols and local law enforcement see it. It’s their communities-the innocence is being robbed from us. They are working their asses off-I’ve seen it first hand. It’s the fed gov that is the great Satano. I remember when 9/11 happened and all of the Muslims were calling America the great satano. Now I think I know what they were talking about. Has our government Ben doing this to other countries for years and now they’ve turned on it’s one people?

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Another death machine brought to you by big pharma and their thirst for profits and murder.

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Dec 11, 2022·edited Dec 11, 2022

Back in the 80s, the CIA smuggled and sold cocaine in US ghettos, and sold arms to Iran to illegally fund the Nicaragua contras, an anti-communist guerrilla group. Who knows what involvement the US govt. has with the current crop of drug smugglers, or what they are doing with the money they may be making off the trade.

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Hunter knows. Joe knows.

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I cannot believe people are still sending their children to school.

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Crotch groping two term Governor of New Mexico let the borders open and never investigated the Zorro Ranch of Epstein. $5 today I am told gets you high all day on fentynal in Albuquerque.

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Dec 11, 2022·edited Dec 11, 2022

Commiefornia apparently made it OTC (gotta preserve their junkie herd!), but do these schools elsewhere have DEA prescribing licenses? How are school children getting exposed? People slipping it into their lunches? Where are the school police? Bullying gone wild!

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I pray the Canadian customs and the good police are stopping this poison from coming into Canada as much as possible. I read of some of the massive busts for hard drugs being stopped and some illegal guns. With everything Canadians are going through we don't need more insanity to deal with. The population needs to know all the people are who seem to be against humans because how can they love humans if everything they do is causing harm one way or another. A few years ago my step daughter was confronted in her car with the grand kids by a naked man with blood all over his body hollering and pulling at his genitals, this was from something called bath salts. Not sure what that is but I pray all this can be stopped.

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I never overdosed in high school. Because I didn't use drugs. It's really that simple.

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Did you go to high school during a pandemic with social media and TikTok? I get what you’re saying completely but you need to go into the community and roll your sleeves up and assess where our kids are. We need to pull together-lots of things are easier said than done. We adults need to engage - that’s what these kids need. They need people mentoring them and showing them love and compassion during these times. They don’t have to be yours. These kids are losing their loved ones from the vaccines or their parents won’t take it and lost their jobs and low in funds. Like-we are a country and theses are are people. I’m just saddened by what I’ve discovered in the last few months.

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Interesting that it originates from the same country that supplied the US with the mRNA code that was used for the jabs but won't use those jabs itself.

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Yes, the problem is the evil ones at the top who control these wars. Do you remember the opium sent to China by the deep state long ago to wreck China? Now the US is being wrecked by carfentanyl. Today they are mixing so many different chemicals and trying to poison as much as the Evil ones can. Anything of benefit is being poisoned. Look at glyphosates in everything, removing the ability to use minerals. Look at the dental products, amalgams and others. Look at mercury, thermosal. Look at the lipid nano particulates. If it does not poison you, it will not be advertised or pushed on you. Look at Trisodium Phosphate (TSP) in cereals. This is a wall cleaner. Look at soy. Look at sugar. Look at canola. Poison, poison and more poison.

Everyone and everything is being poisoned. Look at the strontium from Fuk-U-Shima. If I am meant to die, I will, but at the same time, purifying is becoming more and more difficult. We live in a place which is upside down. Evil masquerades as good and good is called evil.

Let it all destroy itself already. Take it or leave it.

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The UK only "owned" Hong Kong for years because of the Opium Wars

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I don't think its just being made in Wuhan. How difficult is it to make? all you would need is someone with manufacturing experience with a generic drug company or a name pharmaceutical so they could make knock off capsules or tablets and lace them with fentanyl. Maybe its not all outside of the US, maybe its your northern neighbour. Remember the owner of a generic drug manufacturer murdered gangland style. I have learned in the last 3 years not to assume anything. The weirder it is the more likely its true.

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It is so. 20 years ago i saw a huge increase in terribly addictive and harmful drugs being flooded into our small towns in Canada. Never before did I see this happening and directed at the youngest people. This is an operation by the shadow criminal organizations including factions of the CIA and FBI to destroy the middle class and by taking out whole generations of young people. I am not that intelligent but even I saw this a long time ago and warned the teenagers in my family that the Chinese wants you dead so they can replace you

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