Beautiful ruling! I see Kav has got his gonads back and so has Roberts, though not so sure on Roberts YET, but we take this; great day in America, some sanity returns!
Hopefully they realize that appeasing the loony left is no way to run a country. No doubt they know they may need to defend themselves someday soon, like when Roe is over turned.
To me they said they dont want to be ruled by Globalist Elitist either, so toughen up and wear a pistol at your side at all times as we are under attack.
Dont celebrate so soon. Technically the states have the right to regulate firearms. The Bill of rights in the USC really only applies to the fed government. The “incorporation “ doctrine applied under the 14 th ammendment is not necessarily valid
If a state has the authority to limit abortion. Why dont they have the right to control firearms
Please review what the Supreme Court was ruling about. It is true that states can regulate, but they are limited as this case ruling proves.
Big picture, Biden wants us disarmed so he can announce his son our new king. Laugh all you want but Biden is a walking idiot at this point, so you can't prove me wrong.
I am 54 years old and I got my first firearm as a present when I was 13 yo. i;ve been following this issue all my life.
If we sat down with Thomas Jefferson and James madison and Monroe and asked them: what do you men think of the SCOTUS telling a state ... say the state of NEw York that federal law supercedes NY state law regarding firearms, they would say that the SCOTUS is wrong and is abusing its authority. They would say that it is an abuse of federal power for the general or central of federal gov to override a state law regarding firearms.
If you believe that the US constitution means what it says and should be enforced as law in a strict originalist or constructionist way, then you would agree.
I agree that there is no doubt that whatever craven cabal of marxists is running the US fed apparatus wants a poor , scared and helpless population, but the bill of rights applies to the fed gov not the states.
The incorporation doctrine is not something that the founders would agree with .
The bill of rights was meant to apply ONLY to the federal gov to LIMIT the federal power over the states. but the bill of rights has been gradually expanded to make the states subservient to the fed gov.
Just like the fed gov has no right to set abortion policy in the states, they have no right to set gun policy either.
You’re going to LOVE shooting! I’ve owned guns for decades. My bf and I “compete” against each other at the range-lol! Do you know yet what type of gun you’re getting?
Look into a Glock…I own 3. It’s an excellent firearm for women in IMO. I have small hands and added a Talon grip so my hand doesn’t slip off the grip. It’s also a very easy gun to disassemble, clean and re-assemble.
Im so proud of you! Every time there is a person who learns to shoot a gun or bow and arrow or gets a firearm they are asserting a basic human right.
I grew up in a Jewish home and my uncle was a Korean veteran. My dad and uncle were engineers . I got a shotgun for my 13th b day. I learned to shoot even at an earlier age.
as a youth I learned a great deal of history and i was always impressed upon me in my Jewish education that all kinds of innocent people all over the world for thousands of years have suffered immeasurable harm from criminals, tyrants, dictators. It is naive to be complacent and assume that tyranny could never happen in the US or the West. The second amendment is exactly what it says: A recognition that governments can become oppressive and tyrannical and the people have the duty to resist! Its was obvious to the founders of the US that weapons were necessary for hunting and self defense and sport. So these dismissive excuses like "why do you need an AR15 for hunting?" are idiotic.
There's a reason why we here in US are not still being required to present vax passes for airplanes like in canada. There's a reason why wer are no locked in our homes like in Shanghai. Its because there are 400,000,000 guns in private hands in the US. Women in particular benefit from gun ownership. What does a potential rapist or criminal deserve for praying on a physically weaker woman...a bullet!
“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. "One word of truth outweighs the world.”
I’m pretty sure I’ve shot a bow and arrow before, but if that’s not going to get us very far when they’re hiring mercenaries as police and will use military force against the population.
I hope I never have to shoot anybody and that there’s Divine intervention before this gets any worse.
I’ve been growing food in my apartment since last year and preparing in other ways since 2020.
Are you a woman? Not that it matters.
My family came from Havana Cuba in 1961 to avoid living under communism/a dictatorship. I was raised in a matriarchal family by my maternal grandmother. She could do anything. She learned most things when she had to leave her comfortable lifestyle in Cuba and come to the United States to start over from scratch at almost age 60. She lived to age 99 1/2. The epitome of wisdom.
🤣😂I think I’ll watch that movie this weekend. I haven’t watched a movie in over a year. I’ve Only watch censored videos, read articles & substacks about 12 hours a day and listened to podcasts. I need some humor in my life!
The bill of rights gives the federal gov very specific and limited powers over the states. The 10th amendment says if it is not explicitly spelled out in the constitution or the bill or rights then the fed gov has no authority to do it. The 2A says that that the FEDERAL GOV has no authority to infringe on the owning or bearing of arms. but it doesnt say that the states cant infringe.
At the time of the the ratificcation the state of mass or connecticut I forget which one had a puritan state church . the 1st amendment says that the fed gov cant make any laws dealing with ( respecting) religion. The fed gov was prohibited from establishing a national church BUT the states individually could have a state church. And some of them did.
The states were not subject to the bill of rights.
The bill of rights as interpreted since the 14th amendment has been "incorporated" ... something entirely made up and not found in any of the the original founders letters or notes.
This incorporation has allowed the fed gov to abuse its power and impose all kinds of controls over the states.
Its completely disingenuous for the gun lobby to insist that a state MUST abide by the 2A of the federal constitution.
And dont get me wrong I am a gun owner. but I also think the constititional should be enforce and followed in its original intent. Jefferson and madison would have thought it was fine for states to control guns.
No, they cannot! In fact, the STATES wanted the Constitution amended, so people could have MORE faith in the Federal Government. The States amended the Constitution and wanted more restrictive clauses added-1789, known as the Bill of Rights.
nope , the bill of rights was meant specifically as check or limit on federal power over the states. So if the state of NJ passed a law banning cannons or abortion or marigjuana or whatever, that was the state of NJ's perogative and the fed gov was not supposed to have any authority to intervene
im saying that the bill of rights does not apply to the states. States are not bound by the bill of rights. A state can have a state religion. Connecticut at the time of the ratification of the constitution had a state church. The bill of rights PREVENTED the fed gov from interfering in that establishment. the 2A does not apply to the states. So YES the states are NOT bound by the bill of rights. Jefferson himself would have agreed.
The 10th Amendment: The powers NOT delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
The founders wrote the bill of rights into the constitution to apply to the federal government. The whole point was to LIMIT federal power so as not to violate STATES rights and state sovereignty. So if a state wanted to ban handguns that state had the legal and moral right to do that. If a state wanted to impose a poll tax or voting tax, they had the right to do that
States have the right to limit or ban abortion; its not a federal issue
Similarly states have the authority under the original framers of the constitutions view , to ban or control weapons.
The point of the bill of rights was to limit the federal government power . This latest move by the supreme court is a violation of the original intent and strict constructionist view of the constitution.
You got it wrong. The incorporation doctrine has been used to justify all kinds of federal abuses of power for decades. And dont get me wrong. I am a firearm owner and very much in favor of small limited government. but the idea that the federal gov has the authority to nullify a state firearms law is nonsense. The bill of rights does NOT apply to the states. The bill of rights was intended to limit federal power over the states. If a state wanted to have a state religion , the fed gov had no authority to intervene one way or the other. By celebrating this SCOTUS decision about NY state gun laws, you are supporting the very abuses of power the fed gov is guilty of in all kinds of other areas
You do remember that the Colonists had just left England because of the abuses you’re mentioning, right? England had a state religion-the monarchy was in bed with the predominant religion.
The bill of rights explicity did not apply to the states. If the colonists thought that the new fed gov could cancel their states rights they would have never ratified the consituttion
doesnt make it correct or good. "incorporation" is a scam. its just a made up concept and used as a pretext for the fed gov to exert all kinds of power over the states and you that the fed gov does not have.
Rep. Boebert thinks fentanyl is WMD. Fine. But 2A protects you carrying fentanyl, right? Everybody has a right to how much ever fentanyl they want to carry, right? 2A covers chemical arms, right?
Hopefully they realize that appeasing the loony left is no way to run a country. No doubt they know they may need to defend themselves someday soon, like when Roe is over turned.
You are exactly right.
To me they said they dont want to be ruled by Globalist Elitist either, so toughen up and wear a pistol at your side at all times as we are under attack.
Read between the lines.
Dont celebrate so soon. Technically the states have the right to regulate firearms. The Bill of rights in the USC really only applies to the fed government. The “incorporation “ doctrine applied under the 14 th ammendment is not necessarily valid
If a state has the authority to limit abortion. Why dont they have the right to control firearms
The USC does not apply to the states
Please review what the Supreme Court was ruling about. It is true that states can regulate, but they are limited as this case ruling proves.
Big picture, Biden wants us disarmed so he can announce his son our new king. Laugh all you want but Biden is a walking idiot at this point, so you can't prove me wrong.
I am 54 years old and I got my first firearm as a present when I was 13 yo. i;ve been following this issue all my life.
If we sat down with Thomas Jefferson and James madison and Monroe and asked them: what do you men think of the SCOTUS telling a state ... say the state of NEw York that federal law supercedes NY state law regarding firearms, they would say that the SCOTUS is wrong and is abusing its authority. They would say that it is an abuse of federal power for the general or central of federal gov to override a state law regarding firearms.
If you believe that the US constitution means what it says and should be enforced as law in a strict originalist or constructionist way, then you would agree.
I agree that there is no doubt that whatever craven cabal of marxists is running the US fed apparatus wants a poor , scared and helpless population, but the bill of rights applies to the fed gov not the states.
The incorporation doctrine is not something that the founders would agree with .
The bill of rights was meant to apply ONLY to the federal gov to LIMIT the federal power over the states. but the bill of rights has been gradually expanded to make the states subservient to the fed gov.
Just like the fed gov has no right to set abortion policy in the states, they have no right to set gun policy either.
watch this video with professor Kevin Gutzman
and especially this article
I’m 63 and I’m about to get my first firearm and learn marksmanship.
You’re going to LOVE shooting! I’ve owned guns for decades. My bf and I “compete” against each other at the range-lol! Do you know yet what type of gun you’re getting?
No idea. Need to do some research and see what a shop suggests.
Look into a Glock…I own 3. It’s an excellent firearm for women in IMO. I have small hands and added a Talon grip so my hand doesn’t slip off the grip. It’s also a very easy gun to disassemble, clean and re-assemble.
Thank you I will. I don’t have small hands and I’m very strong. I practice yoga weights, and boxing.
Im so proud of you! Every time there is a person who learns to shoot a gun or bow and arrow or gets a firearm they are asserting a basic human right.
I grew up in a Jewish home and my uncle was a Korean veteran. My dad and uncle were engineers . I got a shotgun for my 13th b day. I learned to shoot even at an earlier age.
as a youth I learned a great deal of history and i was always impressed upon me in my Jewish education that all kinds of innocent people all over the world for thousands of years have suffered immeasurable harm from criminals, tyrants, dictators. It is naive to be complacent and assume that tyranny could never happen in the US or the West. The second amendment is exactly what it says: A recognition that governments can become oppressive and tyrannical and the people have the duty to resist! Its was obvious to the founders of the US that weapons were necessary for hunting and self defense and sport. So these dismissive excuses like "why do you need an AR15 for hunting?" are idiotic.
There's a reason why we here in US are not still being required to present vax passes for airplanes like in canada. There's a reason why wer are no locked in our homes like in Shanghai. Its because there are 400,000,000 guns in private hands in the US. Women in particular benefit from gun ownership. What does a potential rapist or criminal deserve for praying on a physically weaker woman...a bullet!
“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. "One word of truth outweighs the world.”
― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn
Just replace the first line with " Im about to get my first firearm and learn marksmanship"
AMEN!!!! “The Gulag Archipelago” tells one everything one needs to know about TYRANNY!
I agree! 🙏🏼🙏🏼Thank you!
I’m pretty sure I’ve shot a bow and arrow before, but if that’s not going to get us very far when they’re hiring mercenaries as police and will use military force against the population.
I hope I never have to shoot anybody and that there’s Divine intervention before this gets any worse.
I’ve been growing food in my apartment since last year and preparing in other ways since 2020.
Are you a woman? Not that it matters.
My family came from Havana Cuba in 1961 to avoid living under communism/a dictatorship. I was raised in a matriarchal family by my maternal grandmother. She could do anything. She learned most things when she had to leave her comfortable lifestyle in Cuba and come to the United States to start over from scratch at almost age 60. She lived to age 99 1/2. The epitome of wisdom.
Im moving to Florida in a year. One of my thoughts was the Cubans will be the best fighters against these commie bastards
🙏🏼🙏🏼Not all Cubans realize what is taking place!! Most of my Cuban friends are brainwashed and not thinking critically!!
🤣😂I think I’ll watch that movie this weekend. I haven’t watched a movie in over a year. I’ve Only watch censored videos, read articles & substacks about 12 hours a day and listened to podcasts. I need some humor in my life!
Great movie! 🤣😂🤣🤣👏
How is abortion and the right to bear arms the same? I don’t think it is.
The bill of rights gives the federal gov very specific and limited powers over the states. The 10th amendment says if it is not explicitly spelled out in the constitution or the bill or rights then the fed gov has no authority to do it. The 2A says that that the FEDERAL GOV has no authority to infringe on the owning or bearing of arms. but it doesnt say that the states cant infringe.
At the time of the the ratificcation the state of mass or connecticut I forget which one had a puritan state church . the 1st amendment says that the fed gov cant make any laws dealing with ( respecting) religion. The fed gov was prohibited from establishing a national church BUT the states individually could have a state church. And some of them did.
The states were not subject to the bill of rights.
The bill of rights as interpreted since the 14th amendment has been "incorporated" ... something entirely made up and not found in any of the the original founders letters or notes.
This incorporation has allowed the fed gov to abuse its power and impose all kinds of controls over the states.
Its completely disingenuous for the gun lobby to insist that a state MUST abide by the 2A of the federal constitution.
And dont get me wrong I am a gun owner. but I also think the constititional should be enforce and followed in its original intent. Jefferson and madison would have thought it was fine for states to control guns.
read this:
You are telling us the states can violate the Bill of Rights with impunity?
They Can Not.
No, they cannot! In fact, the STATES wanted the Constitution amended, so people could have MORE faith in the Federal Government. The States amended the Constitution and wanted more restrictive clauses added-1789, known as the Bill of Rights.
nope , the bill of rights was meant specifically as check or limit on federal power over the states. So if the state of NJ passed a law banning cannons or abortion or marigjuana or whatever, that was the state of NJ's perogative and the fed gov was not supposed to have any authority to intervene
im saying that the bill of rights does not apply to the states. States are not bound by the bill of rights. A state can have a state religion. Connecticut at the time of the ratification of the constitution had a state church. The bill of rights PREVENTED the fed gov from interfering in that establishment. the 2A does not apply to the states. So YES the states are NOT bound by the bill of rights. Jefferson himself would have agreed.
The 10th Amendment: The powers NOT delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
The founders wrote the bill of rights into the constitution to apply to the federal government. The whole point was to LIMIT federal power so as not to violate STATES rights and state sovereignty. So if a state wanted to ban handguns that state had the legal and moral right to do that. If a state wanted to impose a poll tax or voting tax, they had the right to do that
States have the right to limit or ban abortion; its not a federal issue
Similarly states have the authority under the original framers of the constitutions view , to ban or control weapons.
The point of the bill of rights was to limit the federal government power . This latest move by the supreme court is a violation of the original intent and strict constructionist view of the constitution.
It is your that is mistaken
Please go to 2cnd Smartest Guy's Sub and read
"We don’t need no steenking 2nd Amendment."
If you want to know the truth of the founders.
Feds or States can't 'ban' God given rights, period.
Affirmed by the 14th Amendment the lawyers tell me.
And no, abortion isn't mentioned in the Founding Documents anywhere, so it is among the poorest of 'comparisons.'
You got it wrong. The incorporation doctrine has been used to justify all kinds of federal abuses of power for decades. And dont get me wrong. I am a firearm owner and very much in favor of small limited government. but the idea that the federal gov has the authority to nullify a state firearms law is nonsense. The bill of rights does NOT apply to the states. The bill of rights was intended to limit federal power over the states. If a state wanted to have a state religion , the fed gov had no authority to intervene one way or the other. By celebrating this SCOTUS decision about NY state gun laws, you are supporting the very abuses of power the fed gov is guilty of in all kinds of other areas
read this:
and listen to this
You do remember that the Colonists had just left England because of the abuses you’re mentioning, right? England had a state religion-the monarchy was in bed with the predominant religion.
The bill of rights explicity did not apply to the states. If the colonists thought that the new fed gov could cancel their states rights they would have never ratified the consituttion
Already incorporated under McDonald v Chicago
doesnt make it correct or good. "incorporation" is a scam. its just a made up concept and used as a pretext for the fed gov to exert all kinds of power over the states and you that the fed gov does not have.
The bill of rights does not apply to the states.
Abortion isn’t in the Constitution.
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”…
What is arms, nukes are covered? I'd like to buy a couple of Minuteman silos.
Well I’d like a rocket launcher.
Yeah, where does this arms race end? We are replacing civilization with militarization. We live in cities, not mities.
Who decided bear arms means guns? May be they meant Swiss army knife ...
If arms means ANY arms, how about carrying some white anthrax powder?
2A, no one should stop me right? Who said 2A does not apply to biological arms?
Just in time for the people that do carry to now be "Red Flagged" and have their guns taken away.
Someone convince me this wasn't the plan.
2A destroys civilization and replaces it with militarization.
Sometimes I feel as if the courts are simply throwing all of us a bone to pacify us while we wait for the gov to show us their final hand. Congress has been busy for the last 30 yrs amending laws to make everything they are doing today "legal" and it is horrifying! This woman has done an excellent job explaining this in her article:
Rep. Boebert thinks fentanyl is WMD. Fine. But 2A protects you carrying fentanyl, right? Everybody has a right to how much ever fentanyl they want to carry, right? 2A covers chemical arms, right?