My precious mother happened to be in the nursing home, her FIRST time, for strengthening!!!!! She was due to come home the NEXT DAY! She agreed, confused and all, to take their damn bioweapon!!!!! Massive clots! She had a filter! Clotted off! They murdered my mother ONE DAY BEFORE SHE WAS TO COME HOME! And those bastards want amnesty! Kiss my ass! A life for a life!

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Cold, heartless killers disguised as health care workers

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No different than the Nazi doctors in concentration camps.

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Next level evil. We’ll never forget! Know that! And Alicia is also correct. When it’s legit pain treatment, now they won’t give you shit besides Tylenol, which I can’t have. Chronic pain sufferers like those with adhesive arachnoiditis, get turned away & ignored by pain docs who only want to push procedures. Then they deny you pain treatment following their failed procedures! It’s disgusting & criminal what the “healthcare” industry is doing.

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It’s criminal and it’s cruel. And it’s cops practicing medicine. Look no further than the DEA and those people at PROP, et al., who benefit financially from the death and suffering of pain patients.

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It Turns Out

That Doctors Of Medicine

Are The Tin Foil Lunatics.


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They are monsters. They deserve the death penalty. I hope the guilt eats them up inside. All complicit are responsible. Where are the police? Where are the military? Will nobody arrest these murderers? “Just doing my job” doesn’t make it ok. Come on! It’s way past time!

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This is only one story and there are millions of them! What a travesty of justice this has become! When will we see the people responsible for all of this dealt with? We are tired of waiting. We all know someone who died in the hospital during the planneddemic and they probably should not have died. They were most likely murdered! And no one is being held responsible for the many millions who were murdered by the health care system that is supposed to make us well, but instead has been weaponized against us!

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Sheesh! Can’t even be hopeful of getting any ONE of those drugs after brutal orthopedic surgery, but to assist in killing a patient? No worries. These “drs” have got you covered. The rest of us get (no joke now) IV Tylenol.

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Yes..but the same ‘power brokers’ making it priority to get drugs on the streets for free..fentanyl..ect..it kills too..but no pain pills when really needed. Criminal..evil..🙏🏽

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It is criminal. They treat American citizens like infants to be told what they’re “allowed” to take — and at this point they don’t care if you are unable to function. It’s really crazy. If there were pill mills, there are certainly none left now. Only drill mills. And the drs who are compassionate, well, they keep putting them in jail as though they’re drug dealers. But don’t arrest the actual drug dealers. It’s bananas

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They murdered these people for money and we know it!

My husband Jeff was a victim of this evil death protocol. We went in for a simple chest X-ray and they immediately started the protocol in the ER which ended his life 39 days later! When they maxed out the payout money they shot him up with the euthanasia drugs! 8/11/2021

We’re coming for every last one of you! JUSTICE


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Hospitals maimed and patients not just with drugs, but with pure oxygen.

The frail & elderly, particularly those with chronic health issues are deficient in anti-oxidants, particularly zinc and glutathione, the body's master anti-oxidant. Think of how fast bare steel oxidizes and corrodes away (rusts) compared to galvanized and/or painted steel. Cells deficienct in glutathione are akin to bare steel. Pure oxygen damages & destroys unprotected cells quickly.

Hooking up patients to toxic pure oxygen is harmful, not helpful. Respiratory patients without severe lung disease do not need more oxygen, they need improved circulation. The supplement NAC increases glutathione, and thus protects cells from oxidation. (As does Vitamin C, but in a different manner). Tylenol, handed out like candy in hospitals, depletes glutathione, further exposing patients treated to oxidative stress, cellular and tissue damage and destruction, which in turn negatively affects circulation and respiration and overall health.

Furthermore, elevated body temperature, fevers, are beneficial. Giving ailing patients Tylenol to reduce their fever is akin to shoving a cork up their butts to reduce diarrhea.

"Extended exposure to above-normal oxygen partial pressures or shorter exposures to very high partial pressures can cause oxidative damage to cell membranes leading to the collapse of the alveoli in the lungs. Pulmonary effects can present as early as within 24 hours of breathing pure oxygen."

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I concur with your comment: 100% Pure 02 is toxic. Also, Back in the 50's, premature babies in incubators with 100% 02 piped in were BLINDED for life? Oxygen toxicity. Remember Stevie Wonder, the music legend? That's what happened to him.......and many other infants as well.

Then there was that other "safe and effective" widely publicized pop med ( Thalidomide) for morning sickness during pregnancy that they knowingly failed to connect the dots about in time to pull it to prevent limb damage in utero to a large number of babies.

Too much of this nonsense goes on in Rockefeller medicine for them to be all "accidents". They just gaslight the gulluble and deny the obvious.

2 of the prominent You Tube Covid "dissidents" that Amazing Polly mentioned extensively by name as being highly "questionable"; I also got a hinky feeling about early on. So it corrborated my perceptions of these influencers:

beware controlled opposition. There's a lot of deception out there.

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Thank you for your heartfelt advocacy for all of our loved ones murdered by the atrocious Covid protocols. Amnesty doesn’t answer the charge and won’t change the course of this ongoing genocide. Pierre Kory should stop pretending to care about the Covid nightmare if he is advocating amnesty. How a Dr or nurse can hear even one story of a murdered loved one and spend more time protecting their white coat cronies than acknowledging the purposeful wicked evil done is unconscionable. #Justice4OurMother #ProtocolKills.com

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Off topic: but I'm seeing a lot more glaucoma and macular degeneration that suddenly increased in severity for old people. Thinking the spike protein is wrecking havoc in the eyes of the elderly. Going blind then being put on the drugs in this article seems like a great 1-2 punch combo to cull elderly.

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Also reports of blood clots in the retina after the covid shot.


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They knew! Malone knew! I can’t believe they are going to allow him to speak at CPAC! The guy who started CPAC said that he had a panel that has been attacked and sued and CPAC would be a place for them to go!!!!!! Malone sued! He did not get sued! You can bet Malone wanted his “drop of blood”. Well I want my “bucket of blood” from those evil demon bastards! YOU MURDERED MY MOTHER!

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Paul and all,

2 critical issues America needs ASAP to save herself…



Figure out where you can help after 4 shameful years and 17 million continuing murders…

1. Pushing the decent American doctors and scientists to work together with the support of strategic planners…a necessity for wins on the STOP THE VACCINE FRONT!

Encourage doctors and scientists to Contact

Janci Lindsay, PhD at…


2. ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT…YOU can encourage EVERYONE who is not a doctor or scientist to help with ELECTION INTEGRITY on your substack!

To help on the ELECTION INTEGRITY issue please contact Leaders at…



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We need to quit banging the drums for "voting" when "INSTALLATION" is the name of the game they're playing now

What do you think Klaus Schwab's WEF sponsored and home grown YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERS op has been about all along? Do you REALLY BELIEVE that the globally situated MotherWEFers are going to chance their Man Or Woman NOT getting in by leaving the process up to a fair and honest ELECTION or by an equal and equitable playing field with the hoi polloi opposition??? You need to pay attention to what is happening behind the scenes. Leaders are PLACED in strategic positions, not fairly elected. Even if you achieve a pristine election process, Your choice of candidate is going to be from a carefully prepared roster: Democrat senile incumbent or RINO 1, RINO 2, or RINO 3. Take your pick. Or some "independent" closet RINO. Do you have any viable candidates that are not bedfellows in the muck and mire?

No, chances are your son or daughter is not going to grow up to be president.....

Seriously consider moving on to Plan B. I am not at all convinced that you are actually going anyplace with Plan A. In case you havent noticed, Babylon America is on an ever darkening trajectory from which it will not be restored to its former idolatrous and Godless glory. It is under the Judgement of God who is ultimately in control and He does not bless and sanctify deterioration, sin and corruption.

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You have already given up!

If I am wrong I dare you to join this rewarding critical 2024 project working with the best in America!

I have the perfect project for you if you want to MAKE A DIFFERENCE for America!

Please join us in the 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT…giving at least 10 hours or more of your time for a VERY rewarding project for future generations!

Only those with motivation to win, mostly working brain cells and love of America need to apply!



Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties…really ALL lions!

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Time to stop talking and do something real for your country!you

Here is something that matters most in America for 2024…


America falls then so does the world!!!

Please help!

Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

NEEDED…smart awake citizens to help with this critical 2024 project!

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Feb 10, 2024
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We need more persons to help on this rewarding critical 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT…ASAP!

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I believe it! The demons killed our loved ones for control and money.

The demons will not be able to hide from God.

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Thank you for expressing so well the rage we all feel over this, Dr. Paul. I can barely contain mine when thinking about it -- it scares me to have such a yearning for vengeance. "Vengeance is Mine," sayeth the Lord, and I know that's true, and that His Divine justice will far exceed any possible human justice.

But I can't help hoping we get to watch when those murderers pay.

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