Dr. David Martin has been smoldering for years, waiting for someone to turn on the oxygen.

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By certainly is on fire with truth πŸ’―.... So what are we doing about it at our local level?






Why do we have to do it ourselves? lakeshore.sovereignassembly.com/justice-obstructed-and-captured

The solution to the problem is looking us in the mirror and YOU are the hero that you've been waiting for πŸ’―

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My wife and I, our children and their children have not had the "CLOT SHOT" or any vaccine shot in the last 25 years! A "GOOD" Doctor who will do a comprehensive blood test and tell you what supplements you need is all you need. And don't touch anyone who has had the booster "CLOT SHOT" , I did - shook hands with a gentleman then found out he just had the booster shot two days before. next day I had to go to the Doctor and get a steroid shot to get rid of the welts over 50% of my body.

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I think we're winning. The new booster is a non-sterilizing monovalent version. New "variants" should stop being announced in about 100 years. Jabs will be replaced eventually by mRNA nasal sprays, mRNA vegetable and self-disseminating mRNA genetic vaccines. The narrative will eventually collapse. TPTB won't be able to cover up.what is happening indefinitely. The truth will come out in about 150 years, 200 years tops.

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Dr. Alexander, Covid is only part of a long planned takeover of the world by the elite.

Here is what has to happen now in our country...and damn the financial conssequences...becaue until you understand this, you won't get the Big Picture: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/stay-as-out-of-date-as-possible-on

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londonreal.tv/dr-david-e-martin-covid-was-an-act-of-war-against-the-human-race/#popup1 is the URL for the 2:06:50 full video of Dr. David Martin on London Real.

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Can you provide us with a YouTube URL for the 2 hour + video on London Real?

I'm watching it, but the toolbar is superimposed on the YouTube link, which cannot be reached to go direct to YouTube.

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None of the governments' policies worked nor were necessary and they knew it from the Diamond Princess

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