We have an advantage in the US. The right to self-defense can put down this scum and roll them down a hillside to rot.

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boom, this is my argument all along, the 2nd is what keeps USA afloat and must remain and it is actually what keeps the 3rd world scum and radical islamists at bay...

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So why all the fear then? God keeps us safe, never felt the need for a gun and i guarantee I’ve been in way more dangerous then you being a dealer in my youth. No I’m not bragging just stating facts

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Thinking about whether I want to continue as a free subscriber or not.

How does your world view differ from Dr. Ron Paul's?

If it does, why does it?

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I totally agree with you jinc. I’m so sick of people that claim to follow Jesus not even have a clue what he was about. So many can’t follow the second commandment and it makes us no better then the radical Muslims. They call us the big devil and you calling them scum is nothing but divisive. Yes Muslims logic is flawed but it’s not because they are scum just brainwashed like the left in our country. Our God comes in peace there with forced conformity and war. We try to teach while they use threats. We must be better than this and of course defend ourselves. If that’s what’s going on there then it’s no wonder they are fleeing to come here where tolerance is still our best asset. You sound like someone living in fear, again something God told us not do 365 times. A true follower fears nothing since this is not our final resting place knowing we are saved by his grace. I especially fear no Muslim uprising because I know history. Everytime they try they Christians rise up to defeat them. Do we need to have more of our tax dollars stolen out of fear? Look at all the money sent to Ukraine and their wealth went while supposedly in a war. We don’t need people coming in this country to start a war when it’s happening on our own streets like in Chicago thanks to the removal of theology from school. Notice I didn’t say the Bible because kids should be taught all types of philosophic theology. Not everyone sees the world the same due to different experiences and we must accept that as Christians instead of judging leaving that task to the Lord. They will know we are Christians by our love not our hate.

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ok Scott, I have a suggestion...do you have (if you are a man) daughters or grand daughters, young etc. why not take some of the illegal males say 20-25 year old into your home...not for long...just a bit....and come back in a week or so and tell us what happened with your 'Christianity'....I am as or maybe more Christian than you and I call them scum, 3rd world...killers....those that rape and kill...and its latino, middle easterner, north African...etc. any and everyone who does...white, black etc. but ssshhhh, come closer Scott, and you too Jinc, just a little closer...little bit more...ok, now you can hear me...its the fucking jihadist radical islamic adherents, the extremists, the jihadists and some from Latin America (who are islamist too) who are 6th century in their thinking who are killing our women...and killed and raped across Europe...so if you are offended by my words, why read them...why upset yourself so much...do not come here....go listen to CNN...if its latino males raping and killing American women at present and they are illegals, then that is it.

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and btw, dont take things too personally...I am only sharing the news, and well, my opinion...I guess I am not you...I find nothing redeemable or forgiving about this...and they are 3rd world scum, many of my people are 3rd world scum...some Americans are 3rd world scum...I will not get into a back and forth...you have your opinion, I have mine. thats the magic about life...and dont go Jesus on me here...deal with the facts...we have Latino middle eastern north African military aged males raping and killing our women and girls...there is no other way to say it and if it causes you the vapors, I cannot help you. this stack may be too heavy for you. find those that match your 'gentleness'

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Dr. Alexander the Bible says that we are to expose evil wherever we may find it. That is what you are doing unlike your detractor who seems to be happy to say nothing. Good luck with that when he meets the Lord.

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The biggest lie yet is that there are many ways to salvation. There is only one Way and one Savior. The next big lie is "DIEverSHITty is our strength." All western wimps say this and they are liars...turdo, biDUMB, ovomit, etc. DIEverSHITty comes with violence, murders, rapes etc courtesy of turd world ingrates. Exposing evil is mandated. Opposing it is mandated. Condemning it is mandated. Turd world trash embracing apostate religions are not to be coddled or loved, but are enemies of Freedom and Justice. Damned fool leftists are so f*cked in the head they welcome the means of their own destruction by way of multicult madness. Damned fools.

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My family has been foster parents and adopted two so yes we believe in helping others. We took in two inter racial children and one whose mother was a pedophile that kept getting pregnant. We took him without even knowing if he had aids. I’ve spent time in my 20s when I went against God doing a lot of things I shouldn’t but it gave me a perspective that humbled my ass. People love to label addicts all the time not having a clue what they are about or why, same thing with race and religion. I’ve talked to Muslim business owners and at least the recognize Christ was a person unlike the Jews who I’m told we must do everything to support. Let’s not even get into why a person is legal or illegal but it’s only cause they don’t have their corporate slave number or social security number. Out tolerance is our strength otherwise we’d be just like China, a massively failing state. I don’t watch cnn but just like any weak argument or response you can only use an attempted insult and judgement based on no information. I’m a conservative constitutionalist who won’t vote for any candidate supporting abortion and at least Muslims agree with Christians on that. If we were as serious about our faith as they are then perhaps they wouldn’t call us infidels. There is no denying we a serious culture rot but that’s from the entitled people within. I’m not the one who thinks being a doctor is a good thing. The root word of indoctrination and also a meaning for fake like doctoring a paper. The types to be obsessed with titles and labels. The ones out there pushing gender mutilation have no common sense let alone a brain. That piece of paper means less these days especially after all the covid bs. How about some history? Every time a new class of people have moved in they have been demonized, it’s almost a right of passage here. The Irish, German, African American etc all vilified yet here we still are. They have misguided about us as well and when most people come here they can see that we are a caring nation that leaves people be minus the government of course, the true enemy. Going to enjoy my day off, the Republican Party loves to keep in fear the same way. They are all all talk and little action.

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What are you talking about? You sound so ignorant you are ignorant. This is a real threat, this isn’t about religion, they must be deported, and in the meantime, we must protect ourselves every way possible. I can’t believe you just wrote that here. You are what’s wrong with America and why these aggressive foreigners are here in the first place. I can’t believe I read such ignorance and in the name of “Jesus”. Is this Kamala Harris writing?

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Says the idolator of Trump. You support a man pushing abortion. Sorry you have so much hate in your heart unlike Christ who even forgave those that killed him. Can’t stand Kamala Harris either or the Dems but just cause I don’t agree with you doesn’t mean I’m ignorant. Mensa member my ass and what low esteemed person needs to put that in their bio? I don’t put college graduate by name because I don’t need that self validation. How many more groups must the government tell you to be afraid of? Learn the path of surrender and your life will go better. Whatever is happening is exactly how God planned it and I trust he knows what he’s doing. Our own government is more of problem then some poor people living in the sand thousands of miles away. I thought it was the Hispanics replacing us? Keep buying the fear, that’s what’s wrong with people in America. Fear made them put masks on and take experimental shots that your idol pushed warp speed ahead while giving piece of shit companies like Pfizer complete immunity. People that support Trump have daddy issues and people that support the Dems are brainwashed, glad I’m not in either camp. Oh and stop living off the coattails of your father which you had to mention in your bio.

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Look on the bright side. Once the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and Scandinavia are completely destroyed by uncontrolled immigration of third world dregs and our welfare systems collapse, the migrants will have no reason to come anymore.

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Are we not a country of immigrants? Compare the past to the present and it isn’t that bad

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Isn't that bad? How much more do you think the welfare systems of Western countries can afford to hemorrhage money to economic migrants coming to the West specifically to sponge off taxpayers? 20 million unvetted illegal entries into the US alone over O'Biden's term in office. It's not sustainable.

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Matthew 25:40

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” We are a prosperous, generous nation thanks to the Lord and following his word we will never fail. We have an over bloated military budget that is misused by evil actors in the government instead of a budget to raise up the countries where they are coming from. We also donate way too much to the main churches full of charlatans that live in massive homes, drive expensive cars etc. The church is the people not some building that has become coveted like the Vatican. Jesus gave us all the answers but we are caught up in our materialism. What’s not sustainable is usury. When I found out places like Iran don’t charge interest on homebuyers, it’s no surprise we are told they are our enemy. How dare the central bank system not get their money so best to cause division. We will show we our Christians by our love.

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45. must open this up to us media or at least circulate this info at the rallies and rightfully accuse the us media of complicity in the illegal political invasion of illegals to swell the demo voting rolls

and point out the murders and rapes ocurring asd a direct recult of these illegal action -

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yes yes yes...great point

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and list the killings one by one

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Make me a puppet

If I am to follow you blindly then paint my eyes so I cannot see

Make me praise you on bended knees

Drill holes through my hands for strings

I believe you are a King of Kings

Take my soul and make me wood, mold me, oil me, as you should

Present me to the world now I believe

Rest your mind I am naive

More strings will

make me more real

Prance me around,

I cannot feel

I go through the motions day by day

If you forget me, there I'll lay

Do what you want until you are done

But pull my strings so I can feel the sun

I have been placed in many homes where I have been forgotten

My hatred grew and my strings have gone rotten

I surround myself with other wooden factions

Who chant and justify my cruel actions

I've been placed in a theatre with a leader, a kindly puppeteer

He is different from the person who brought me here

When he saw me I heard him cry

You've lost your way, you can't see why

He held me close and cut my strings

He surrounded me with love, and peaceful things

It is not your maker who caused you to suffer, to murder and cause fear

It is not your creator who brought you here.

Wipe the paint from your eyes, chizzle the wood from your heart and your brain

Set your soul free to see again

Your creator gave you freedom, a choice to be a giver not a taker

For goodness sakes child it was not your will, it was the puppet maker

A puppet maker of flesh and bone from this earth

Not the creator from before time and before your birth

By Sharrie Wing

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Sad to see Dr. Alexander under attack by well-intentioned saps.


In his defense, below, the articulate Jason Charles "The Angry Prepper" .. a 46 year old, ex-firefighter put his finger on the pulse of NYC Lawlessness. Lives in the Bronx, I think.

Best info on NYC, Tren de Aragua, Eric Adams' nonsense & what it will take to stop chaos & restore order there.

Citizen action. Not unlike what Dr. Alexander speaks of, but more specific as to methods.

9 hours ago.


.. .!*÷*! ..

He's put out 4 other Rumble pieces in last 2 days, all concern NYC Lawlessness/Immigrant Violence vs NYC Cops

All good. Short. 6 to 8 minutes long. Eloquent.

This one streamed from his suv. Observe his Situational Awareness @6:35



Always funny too..

Interviewed 6 months ago at SHOT Show in Vegas, Feb 8th

Interviewer: "Why angry? What are you angry about?"

Angry Prepper: "It was an easier name to come up with than saying The Black Prepper or The Chocolate Prepper.. those two were a bit on the nose, so I went with The Angry Prepper."


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The fact is these people who break the rules or laws must be deported asap. This madness will not stop!! This is a Marxist plan to create chaos fear. Finland Germany Europe USA BEST WAKE THE F UP and deport these people and the snowflakes who are offended please grow some balls.

It’s naive to think you’re going to teach these people acceptable behavior or love them while they

Stab your puny asses to a bloody end.

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correct... and frankly, it does not bother me who I offend. they should go talk to the parents of the dead girls now, go talk to Nungaray's parents, 12, who they brutalized, raped, dumped in the river. we 'pontificators, like to sit safely and armchair and talk smack...don't like my views, get to fuck off the stack and go write your own and go read others who you like...this ain't no 'like' game...

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Second commandment pal and you offend God with your hate

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Yes it’s not a popularity contest!!

Christ upset the money changers

People who get offended by words

And not consider the real life being played out.

These people will not play nice

They will rape and kill

And if that is not offensive


Your words are

Then go be offended else where

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deletedAug 1·edited Aug 1
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You are what you think, say, and do. That defines you and anyone as either good or bad.

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