Once again proving that no American will actually receive a vial of Comirnaty until the FDA approves it on the childhood schedule and Pfizer is not held liable for these injuries. If the FDA and Pfizer actually claims these vitals are truly Comirnaty then the injured soldiers and Coast Guard who received these “Comirnaty vials” should take Pfizer to court and sue the crap out of them.

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I was thinking I’d seen something recently that was basically an admission that Comirnaty had never and would never be manufactured. Looks like proof that vials were relabeled (or fraudulently labeled in the first place) for administration to the military is forthcoming.

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Ghost Shot: Pfizer quietly admits it will never manufacture original FDA approved COVID vaccines


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Yes! Thank you for providing the link!

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The Health Canada site lists Comirnaty. I have no clue what is being given in Canada, as I make wide-berths around vaxx sites. I think I will call my Health Unit and ask:


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Pls report back!

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I had to leave my number for the nurse to return my call. The general questions hotline couldn't answer. I will let you know.

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In the US, there are no liability protections for Big Pharma unless the EUA "vaccine" is used. Are you aware of anything similar in Canada?

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I got a call back. According to the nurse, the vials do say Comirnaty. So, Health Canada must have given them a blanket liability waiver. I WILL try to find out. The health unit could not answer that question.

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The vials say Comirnaty, but they are the EUA shot. They falsely labeled vials for the US military as well.

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In some ways, I'm not surprised. I've read that Comirnaty is being given elsewhere in the world. Not to mention that there's a bit of a controversy here about "vaccine" vials labelled Comirnaty that are being provided for our military. They may have come from Europe or someone is playing label games ~ folks are looking into it.

Given the "vaccine" injury coverage available to you, maybe the liability issue is moot. We have a very small "vaccine" injury program. It is incredibly difficult to be approved and the damages allowed are miniscule: https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation.

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It is actualy worse than that it appears.

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Yes it is. This is a nightmare!

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How long does it require to recognize tyranny is ensconced and government is the tool used to ensure that they stay in control? After all Trump could do nothing. He hired the people chosen by Tyrants. I am afraid that we are in a moment where Liberty to return to the nation requires each state government and the Federal government to be demolished to the Foundation for the House of Freedom is rotten to the Foundation.

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Maybe not yet.

Trump's not yet heeding Alex Jones' public exhortation -- as "the rats are currently jumping off the sinking ship" -- to come clean, say you've been misled and deceived by bad-faith actors, former advisers, and, owning it all, cannot possibly apologize enough, only somehow attempt to make it up to the American people, the nation. But for now, no more "vaccine" promotion, especially for infants, kids, and young adults, but effectively for one and all. That terrible, tragic era of our history is done and finally over. Going forward, new approaches and practices will be explored, studied, selected, and instituted. America will heal in many dimensions.

I believe he's dithering about saying this because, as politicians are instinctively inclined to do, and Trump's now got some of those instincts added to his life-binder, he'd much rather try putting the whole scam in Pence's lap. While administratively true and a bit over-Machiavellian, that would, I believe, be seen as weak, cheap, and less than fully honest, honorable, and smart -- in a word, unpresidential to patriots. All things considered, you see, Mike, No 2, was just following No 1's lead. As captain in this instance, he really can't blame the lieutenant.

We the People know the difference between real leadership and a mirky, bogus, pretension of it. (It wouldn't, say, be an Eisenhoweresque moment, on June 6, 1944, about how D-Day could possibly still turn out and who, in the Supreme Allied Commander's view, would hold ultimate responsibility for its failure, his best intentions to prepare and train the multi-myriad of troops on land, at sea, and in the air, notwithstanding.)

And we'll take issue soon enough for his unmistakable avoidance of ownership: If no such 45 mea culpa, then no chance of his repeat victory in '24, a chance at being 47. It'd be prime time for others, or a principal other, and sadly, on account mainly of JDT's needing to omit such a critical political action from his resume on account of a salient character defect or insecurity:

He's by character -- owing to growing up in stay-street-smart Queens or die, a survival-of-the-strong ethos -- loath to say, "It was ultimately my huge mistake and really no one else to trust some of my key advisors more than I should have and to follow the advice of such renown specialists almost without question. It was for me truly hard to object. Yet, I should have realized much sooner that the policies I and others ordered implemented were hurting American lives, young and old and, overall, very much and incalculably, the country itself. I'm ashamed of my past, out-of-character need to go along in order to get along without qualification, and sorry beyond words. I've let great harm visit our nation; it was thus, in the end, my responsibility. And so, I'm accountable to you, the American people and, with a heartbroken humility and resolve, ask for your understanding and most strengthening, loving forgiveness as I struggle to make things right and whole for all Americans. I pledge to you today, before God Almighty, I won't make the same mistake twice."

That, or some facsimile thereof, I believe, will work to get 45 transferred to the 47-slot in '24.

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Here's the problem though. The Democrats are already pivoting on this as we speak. They will denounce the mandates in unison throwing Biden under the bus for that specifically so it clears the stage for them. Then the democrats will blame Trump for the vaxx damage as it peaks into the 2024 election season. That's their plan....guaranteed.

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Right, agreed -- which is why his immediate ownership/disclaimer, if you will, and preemption, before they pick up their grand momentum, is critical. There's still a little time, but only a very little until he'll sink due to his own weighted baggage.

But if it's too late for Trump, it won't necessarily be so for Rs in '24; to wit: DeSantis. Anyway, the Ds themselves will pretty much determine, except maybe for a few places, like PA, GA, & OH, and that's more than enough, the fate of the midterms.

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Agreed...just frustrated he didn't take the political lifeline Navarro threw him in Nov 2021 which might have been palatable foe the Trump base to accept. Instead he went on publicity vaxx tour with that boomer moron Bill O'Reilly pushing the shots. OMG...that was a monumental blunder.

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100% with ya! Navarro's a prince and a persona gratissima, a most pleasing and popular, especially welcome maven-in-chief -- a/k/a Counselor to the President; his advice appears accurate, loyal, and prescient. With his Harvard PhD in Economics -- and Trump loves those real smart, glamor-attracting Ivy Leaguers all around him -- he's a shoo-in candidate for Counselor (see ya Kelly Anne and take your fat, girly, megalomaniacal, biochemically and legally disordered ex with ya!) or some other key, but this time higher and closer post, than in the 45 WH as Assistant to the President, Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, and the national Defense Production Act policy coordinator. Say, COS would be an exquisite -- and, for all in the R 47 WH concerned, especially Navarro -- and richly redeeming fit as the main buzzer in 47 (ie, 45)'s ear, next time around. And he'll give the CCP a real run for its money, too.

Now, we've got to get all those battleground and other key Secretaries of State, along with their election rosters, actual voting and other critical processes on the same constitutional, Art 1 & 2 page. And keep those judicial channels open and greased!

And damn it, Ronna, you overpaid, let-off-easy, spoiled-rotten, fake-smilin', pretty but obese b***h: You've got one more, ever lovin', infamous-uncle-from-Utah-ridden chance to get the aforementioned state electoral structures/judicial avenues, such absolute necessities for irrefutable victory, set up right and truly ready for legal, free and fair democratic electoral activity. So, gid 'er done and I mean, let us win legitimately, as we would, could, and should -- or come out, once and for all, as the freakin' undercover, RINO-kissin', Dem-Lefty-in-hiding that you still just might be two-timin' as!

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the fungal-like interpenetration of government by the self-seeking is evident in very many national (once-)jurisdictions. Indeed, in a free society, the attractions of a job in government, or "nearby" always end in tears due to persons of excellent character not wanting to participate.

Many Original societies have an SoP that nobody who wants to be a Chief will ever be given that position. In Perú we have a classic example of someone who dreamed of being President when a kid: and did eventually get there. The psychological issue here is something like the corruption of personal integrity not by greed for money but rather by the activation of a latent hubris rooted in those childhood dreams.

My opinion is that the promoters of Democratic Government need to address this dilemma. It is always going to get out of hand and once the citizenry figure it out it's too late (a) to correct the process and (b) to instigate (I should say: to agree on) the survival plan.

So we drift, maybe, to imagine a world where a form of government exists which, without the paraphernalia of democracy and its eventual, inevitable, collapse, yet enables a form of existence which both protects and invests in our humanity.

Or, something like that..

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The tension between Freedom and Unfreedom in both the polity writ large and the chosen instrument to preserve the general welfare requires an education in freedom. Modern education, since the creation of the public school system built off the Prussian model is not teaching freedom but training people to obey and inculcating slavery. A nation of scared consumers is unfree. Any government created by such people will seek to perpetuate fear and slavery. I do think that the absence of higher notions, a common myth if you wish, is also a problem. After all, when this nation was born religious observation was not on Sunday only, nor did people solely seek wealth. We had regular assemblies of citizens in their communities discussing issues as they arose. Of course by the 1830's this had changed. People did actively seek wealth and Mammonry was enthroned. Jefferson argued that if a people wished to be ignorant and free they wanted what never was and never will be.

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May God bless Ron Johnson.

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We need to support Senator Ron Johnsons campaign. He’s down in the polls. We need him to be re-elected. He is a true hero.

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I remember in the bait and switch letter from FDA re: approval of covid vax. They wanted us to believe that they gave full approval to the killer shots when in fact they lied and gave approval for Comirnaty to be developed and manufactured in Germany. The crap here was still EUA, how they tried to lie over and over and got caught. Why should anyone believe any thing that they say. We have seen the effects of these shots in VAERS and the truth is finally starting to come out. I would tell every soldier there there is a FEDERAL STATUTE, that CLEARLY states : anything EUA whether it is masks or covid vaccines CANNOT BE MANDATED!!! PLEASE save your life, shove the Statute in their faces.

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Robert Barnes has been on this bait and switch since it occurred. If my memory serves me right, I am certain that Barnes took this to federal court and the judge didn't want to hear any of it. Biden and Co. wanted a deathvaxx mandate in the military. Military members are NOT required to take ANY EUA products, so they needed an FDA approved deatvaxx. The FDA gave them approval of Comirnaty but did not remove the liability waiver from pfizer and there NEVER was any intention of producing this deathvaxx called Comirnaty. Our fighting men and women got the same jabs as everyone else. Prison is too good for these criminals and I'm livid that it has taken this long for these oversight snails to finally draft this sternly worded letter.

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Well, let me make a prediction: Senator Johnson has made a very powerful inquiry to the DoD Secretary, CDC Director and FDA chief. They should and must reply asap.

But these top government officials are thugs. Thugs don’t give a damn about accountability. They have learned thoroughly how to “F” little guys from the counter parties in the Chinese Communist Party.

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You are absolutely right. Pure thuggery.

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Those monsters want the jabs on the childhood vaccine schedule so they never have to face a lawsuit, thats why they're pushing for it so hard, they will be exempt forever.

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Ron Johnson should talk to Naomi Wolf. She says these particular vials are made by, with an agreement with Pfizer, a Chinese company literally owned by the CCP.

Further, Karen Kingston has said these shots are not identical to the EUA version and has an ingredient that has been known to attack the immunity over time.

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". . . and the plot thickens!"

Now what are they up to? Pfizer supposedly didn't want to distribute any Comirnaty in the U.S. because of liability for deaths/injuries. The EUA versions are immune. Why would they now be releasing lots that make the company vulnerable financially? And why have they been releasing Comirnaty anyway in Europe? Is Europe less litigious? Or do laws there protect the manufacturers of dangerous products better? They usually do a better job of protecting consumers there. Does Pfizer think that U.S. Service personnel won't sue them for injuries caused by their fake vaccine (maybe they have an arrangement with military top brass that commanding officers will order their underlings to NOT sue for damages???). And why the misidentified lot number? What is it, really? From France? Belgium? Michigan? The whole thing sounds pretty fishy!

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You're quite right; however, "fishy" sure is a nice way to put such regulatory, "legal" gamesmanship as a "bought and sold," storefront gimmick to allow the fact of widespread, systematic mayhem and murder. I'm just sayin'; no insult intended.

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Expose each and every single lie and post it everywhere!!! Hold the Evil to account!!!!

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I thought that the NAME Comirnaty was licenced and not a product unlike EUA Pfizer vaccine. Then there's this idea of interchangeability between name and product https://gettr.com/post/p1n6s62bad6

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The end goal is the world banking cabal (and the elitist orgs) take over a world of controllable numbers (500,000). The weapons being used are many: bio weapons delivered in air, water, and jabs; bought and paid for (or compromised) politicians at all levels; control of MSM, destruction of sovereign military and growth of mercenary military; removing any private control of food production; digitizing currency to one controlled by the WEF. The unknown is how many of the 8 billion people will comply or say no way! The fight is on and the "no way" numbers are increasing. What must come forward is a leader/leaders that will honor the pursuit of life, liberty and freedom. The take away for all individuals is to never fall asleep and allow this to happen again. How do we perpetuate that one?

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Another fighter for what is right. I will be donating to his campaign . 👏👏💪💪

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I guess when the military is decimated by vaccine injury and illness, they are counting on the globalist takeover of our country to get their big payoff. It doesn’t matter that they pulled off a bait and switch operation and they got caught. There doesn’t seem to be anyone really interested in criminally charging them. The very fact that the cabal had to mandate the shots to begin with was disturbing. How did anyone not think what is in this concoction that they so desperately want injected into everyone?

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I have a few Q's.

Perhaps someone in the know can answer them.

1. Does Ron ever get replies to his letters?

2. What was the result of his interrogation of Fauci about his gain of function chow-mein virus lab run by bat lady?

3. What sort of traction is any of this getting?

4. I see Malone is suing the Washington Post for USD 50.35M for defamation. Bezos only paid USD 250M for the entire operation. Is Malone living in a double vaxxed mRNA fucked his mind dream world?

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Another thumbs up and “stop the shots!!!”

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