spike protein “shedding”, transmission of the protein from a vaccinated to an unvaccinated person, resulting in symptoms induced in the unvaccinated person
Exactly. It was known, fully intended to kill us or make us so sick, we would'nt be able to function properly, our body and mind always preoccupied by illness and despair, for ourselves or loved ones. C'mon, we would pull out from shelves any peanut butter brand killing 3 folks and start an investigation right away. Apparently millions have now died from the side effects. No big deal it seems...
There's a saying, " one death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic". That seems to sum up the corporate attitude on all the harm they have caused. The 1986 waiver of liability for these criminals MUST be withdrawn.
So true, so sad... I heard that Taiwan has heard the testimony from a brilliant scientist and plan to go all the way to sue Pfizer. Their Thai princess (44 y.o) recently had a heart attack while jogging. Of course she was very jabbed. She's still in a coma right now. Their eyes are open now. Let's see this premiere unfolding...
Sucharit Bhakdi is the Thai/German scientist involved. He has been calmly but intensely outspoken all along and warning the public that the jabs are horribly dangerous. I hope the lawsuit prevails. He believes it will.
Far worse than the disease (by orders of magnitude), which was itself the DOD/NWO/WHO/MSM-fueled pretext for the actual bioweapon attack on the whole of humanity via hypodermic injection.
Love Dr Seneff. Have her and McCullough's prior publication. Also have the paper that he and Dr Rose published before it was wrongly retracted for no reason given by the editors.
It’s amazing how prescient this paper was. Check it’s publication date. We’ve learned a lot since, but Seneff was right on top of all the ways these shots would cause harm.
When mandates were being considered I presented this paper to my employer in the summer of 2021 amongst many other medical papers and opinions regarding the dangers of the shots. His response..."I don't understand any of this and we have to rely upon our own "gold standard" doctors for their advice. Those doctors were all connected to the #1 most notorious hospital in the country regarding mandates. I doubt any one of them would have taken the time to read it as it was not an easy or quick read. One of the points I remember from the article was the spike protein's potential to misfold and create amyloid proteins in the brain, causing "mad cow" spongiform encephalopathy and other neurodegenerative diseases. And now we have massive blockages of blood vessels with a rubbery amyloid like substance, not encountered prior to the shots...I would like to read Seneff's take on how and why those are forming. It's too bad my employer and the gold standard doctors running our protocols glossed over it or couldn't comprehend it. In mandating the shots they mandated harm.
All I know is, my husband who was almost never sick before his Covid jabs is now sick REGULARLY. And interestingly, unjab’d me never gets whatever he has. I had Delta in July 2021 but haven’t had a sniffle since.
Same here. Husband 2xjabbed and boosted and all sorts of issues now.
Me. No jab. Caught the crud from Hubby who was coughing sneezing all over the house ( NEVER covers his face).
Bought him some Mucinex for his symptoms. Told him to gargle with salt water and NOT IN THE KITCHEN SINK! Caught him doing just that🤬‼️ Scolded him & told him to do in the guest bathroom.
I Had a very light case of Omicrap with a temp of 99.5 for one day.
Took Alka Seltzer cold flu and slept for 2-3 days. Husband was just winding down from his misery after I was done.🙄
My husband is the same way- they don't think about anyone else!!!! BTW, does anyone know how long the jabbed SHEDD? I'm not jabbed, my other half is- I don't even want to go near him.or breath by him! ALSO, did I say he had to have a quadruple heart bypass? Just a little while after his 2nd jab!!!! Had no heart problems & was in EXCELLENT condition before the jabs!!!!
Why are they getting away with this? I know a woman who had a stroke and passed away after the 1st jab as well. I read that they are planning to inject our livestock with the jab so in turn we will get it by eating our food supply. Cows, pigs. Cattle , chickens. Etc....they will stop at nothing!.( even get to our water supply) They're gonna use the blood of our animals to make fake meat filled with chemicals, They are starting to push eating insects instead of meat!!!! Its pure EVIL -behind all this! I'm so depressed, I never thought I'd see things like this going on in.my lifetime.😥
Back in 2020, no one was jabbed except trial participants in select areas. I visited infectee support groups every day. Some members there battled chronic infections with this pathogen, another, or various ones. A crazy number across ages suffered shingles. This is not a jabbed only issue.
I don't know why everyone reacts so differently to this agent whether acquired via infection or injection. Some studies show the antibodies created are autoantibodies. New or worsen autoimmune diseases is a common reaction in both groups. Suggest asking for labs to check if you two and/or your husbands have developed this problem.
Other studies show this agent causes immune dysfunction. Suggest asking for labs to check B and T cells for you two and your husbands. This non-jabbed woman posted the results from before and after her first infection.
Some with very screwed up lymphocytes are taking HIV drugs or immunoglobulin treatments to stop recurring infections or other symptoms. If I remember correctly, she's taking IGIV.
A huge problem since at least the summer is people infected with the agent have been diagnosed by doctors or themselves as having the flu or something else. They're out infecting others rather than staying home. Your husbands may be crossing paths with them or shedders somewhere while you two are not.
They run all this stuff through veterinary medicine first. Watch what is happening there and you will know what they’re planning for humanity. They started on the self-spreading vaccines back in the 1990s along with CV vaccines.
One purpose the spike protein “shedding" serves is to induce symptoms in unvaccinated persons so they can blame COVID for the damage the vaccines are causing.
I have experienced shedding. For me it was related to a not well ventilated space and many folks there in the process of taking the 1st booster (may have been the 2nd, but I think it was the 1st - Dec 2021). Spent two days at the place (a fully enclosed 3 story motel, lodged on the below ground dead center on 1st floor). At the end of the stay (2nd night) I had trouble breathing and experienced some heart weakness/damage that never fully went away, it did get a lot better over about 6 months).
1.5 hours after leaving the place I started to feel much better, but never the same.
A fully enclosed, inward facing 3 story motel. It was the most covid conscious place I have ever visited. Once while walking past the the laundry room there were three employees in there talking as they folded laundry. The entire discussion revolved around the latest booster and who was currently out getting theirs.
The nature of the discussion implied they were all very much on board with the idea.
Both Peter McCullough and Ryan Cole recommend Nattokinase. It's a fibrinolytic that addresses the micro clotting common to spike protein infection whether wild or bioweapon induced by breaking up clots that the amyloid plaque piggy-backs on.
I am still not clear on how often this is happening. Could you write another substack discussing how severe the shedding symptom are/ I am unvaccinated
How can we protect ourselves from shedding? Is this only likely in close contact (such as household members)? How does it transmit? I guess a mask doesn't help? We are an unvaxxed household but I worry about children at school or sleep overs, and just the general public, like doctors appointments etc
When my husband caved and took the jabs against my wishes, I made him sleep in the spare bedroom for six weeks. I’d read that gene therapy shedding occurs most heavily in the first weeks following the jabs, which is why they warned husbands to stay away from pregnant wives in all the gene therapy guidance. (They never told anyone that for the Covid “vaccine”.) He didn’t argue with me about it, thankfully.
Good job Aimee. I banned my wife to her own room permanently. She just got her 4th jab, Neuropsychiatric symptoms now worsening by the day as well as physical symptoms. Aortic bridging, tachycardia , myocarditis, fatigue, gasping for breath on and on. Coloidal silver has saved me
We need a spousal support group for people like you and me! I could use a friend who understands what it’s like to go through this nightmare. My husband is in denial that he harmed himself. It literally drives me insane.
Good idea we could call it Jabs Anonymous! I haven`t even suggested to her that the jabs are responsible I just recommended to her that me being unjabbed I could re infect her. I don`t think she is long for this world
I’m in AA and told a good friend last week we need to start JA!!! Great minds think alike! I am happy to start one and set it up as a Zoom meeting LMK!
I cannot imagine being married to someone who is all in on the brainwashing. Prayers for you all 🙏. I'm divorced but even my ex didn't do it. JA? I'm thinking unvaxxed singles meet up lo!l But seriously, I don't know how this plays out for my kids in the future, as far as finding a partner etc. The world is so polarized as it is and unfortunately we live deep in enemy territory. My son doesn't even consider dating because the girls here are brainwashed (some of course are actually boys trying to be girls and some girls are trying to be boys. Sigh ) Add this jab situation, and I don't see "mother of the groom" or grandchildren in my future 😔
We have to have a protocol, such as fasting and naturopathic products. Clean food, water and air as much as possible. The Bryan Ardis or Henry Healy's protocols make sense. We have to consider the possibility that there is no "pure bloods" anymore. D-dimer test is a good way of finding out how one has been affected by shedding, but is not the complete picture.
They knew this in their wicked plan (the shedding part). You are blessed because most doctors won't accept this test done to their average patient. Also, please look into Dr Bryan Ardis and Henry Healy's protocols. Looks like the Wellness Company have good stuff too. I think we all have to take this matter in our hands (individually) and stop thinking we're out of the woods if we are not vaxxed. Be blessed and stay healthy!
I hope your luck gets better Sherry. One of my friends is a social worker and unvaxxed of course. Imagine her shock when a new client the other day at the start of a one hour counselling session tapped her shoulder and proudly proclaimed she'd just had her booster. I had to reassure her it would probably take at least a few hours for her to start shedding spike protein.
I have a genetic blood clotting disorder, Factor V. I saw through the ruse in January 2020, knew the so-called vaxx was a Trojan Horse and will die before I take a ClotShot. I’m on all the prophylactic stuff, including my own measures of Lumbrokinase and Nattokinase.
You're very wise! Keep your health regimen. Ok, the genes are are "loaded gun", but let's stay aware of anything that could pull the trigger. Unfortunately many vaxxed folks are waking up to what their weakness was: this wicked smart spike targets that spot :-(
I take NAC and nattokinase in addition to a bazillion other sups. I just heard Ryan Cole and other docs on a Twitter round table discussion last night. They said if you’ve had covid, you are mostly protected from the shedders.
That's what I mean. We cannot take a chance being "pureblood" and go around without a health protection plan (supplements, fasting, etc..). I'm developping a hypochondriac mind unfortunately, and my wallet is suffering the side effects! LOL! I've had Cov 1st time in September, so the shedding from others had been going on for a while!
Same here about border hypochondriac. I got COVID in May. Started taking serrapeptase in June. Now I'm taking mushrooms and herbs against cancer or anything else because I feel like what's happening in the vaxxed can also happen in the unvaxxed with enough exposure. Before May, I taught preschool and of course no little ones were vaxxed back then so I didn't fear shedding. After the approval for jabs in little ones, I didn't return to work. Gotta find something new.
The exposure is real. we do need a plan. Yours looks good! Can you find something where you can work from home? I have a friend who had been working in a Obgyn clinic, fired after 19 years because she refused the jab (for medical allergy issues). One doctor was really fired up against her and refused to give her work from home. Well, turns out she now works from home with better work conditions for the lab they were sending their samples to! As for the stubborn doctor, he quickly developped a rare kind of leukemia for which no treatment worked. I think he passed away recently. Keep hope high Sherry, prayin' for you!
Wow, what a story. There must be possibilities for work at home, if I can find them. It doesn't help that I'm sorta returning to the workforce after raising kids and living abroad (besides that part time preschool job), so I've been out of the loop for awhile. I can't stand where I live, which is a woke epicenter of Fauci -loving yard signs ( I think he may even live near my neighborhood), but I'm stuck here because of the kids.
Were you grateful for the protection your vaccination from the shedding provided Sophie? The other vaxxed would say it would have been a lot worse if you had not been vaxxed.
I'm not vaxxed but almost all the other persons I know, from husband to work colleagues have taken the juice. I just have 2 out of 3 grand children not vaxed (my daughter spared the 2 youngest ones thank God). I take public transportation everyday, cramped up like sardines in the sub. I made rounds of different supplements, horse paste once in a while (that's all we can find in Quebec. as no doctor will prescribe it). I Have breathing issues that have worsened in years, I don't know if I should blame the shedding. My September Cov was a simple cold but then I took the horse paste for a few days. Frankly the only thing I haven't tried was the nicotine patches in the Ardis protocol. Anyone has here?
I chew a 2mg piece of nicotine gum before venturing out to the grocery store, doctor’s office, etc. Ardis said to chew it for around ten minutes. It’s no big deal although definitely not tasty.
I’m game for anything that sounds reasonable. But I have to admit I once accidentally took a 4 mg. piece by mistake. It was awful, so if you buy the higher dose make sure you cut it in half first.
The nicotine patches sound like a good idea. I don't know how bad shedding really is. Maybe it's bad. I think I had the Wuhan strain back in January 2020. It was fairly mild but seemed to do some lung damage. I am not sure it's good to get it repeatedly and even once may be too much. Don't ignore any weird or concerning symptoms and have regular cancer screens. It might seem like a simple cold but so does the HIV prodrome about 3 weeks after infection. The Chinese use anti-HIV drugs to treat COVID. It quite possibly stays in the body and hides. Having said that, it may be that Omicron is a much more benign version. Even HIV today is weaker than the original strains.
Ardis treats his patients like it was envenomation. From his theory the glyco-proteins (spikes) stick to tissues and nerves because we have tons of nicotinic receptors for which the spike has affinity with and binds to. But, if you give nicotine to the body, the receptors will let go of those and choose the nicotine instead. The spikes are then released (one can get bad symptoms), he suggests a parallel regimen of Vitamin C, Nac, licorice tea, selenium to desactivate the released glyco protein, then the body will eliminate it. It seems like he's had good results for long cov haulers (also those who had lost sense of taste and smell), The more I listen to him, the more his studies about this whole mess being venom-related makes sense. Any thoughts on that?
Just for an anecdote, I have a cat with chronic sinus infection from an infirmity. I have to clean his sinuses every day. I put a bit of salt and colloidal silver in his water rinse. I also give him some ivermectin once a week. These tools seem to keep infection and inflammation away without rounds of antibiotics.
:-) I should have a patent for a home-made little vaccum pump I use on Bayou. I came up with it adding different parts together. 'works ;-) , saves trips to the vet!
I don't think I'd go as far as making my own colliodal silver though. I'm in Canada and usually the US companies don't reach us. But colloidal silver is definitely "safe and effective". They're discovering the principle would be awsome with "colliodal gold".
Definitely intended and meant to divide us further. When my husband and I took our vows and said ‘until death do us part’ never did I think about him shedding on me 15 years ago… He made the choice to get the gene therapy shots, I did not, and told him I would have divorce papers served if he ever got our 3 children injected. He realized then how serious his decision to proceed with getting them for himself was. He sleeps in the basement now, as I refuse to sleep with him. Talk about sad, I know it is, but this is what the gene therapy shots have done to our marriage. Driven a dagger right down the middle. We still love each other, but have utterly different views of the shots. I grieved for weeks, and have come now to the place of acceptance.
You’re an intelligent Woman. You’re doing what’s right, though it’s hard. It sounds like your Husband, despite his error in judgment, is a good guy, too.
I believe any consequences were actually intended. Everything those evil people do is intended.
When Pfizer documents made it clear they knew of the 1200 "side effects" before rollout there is NO WAY AT ALL that this was unintended.
If it were unintended they would have removed the vaxx AS SOON as thse unintended effects were noticed.
IS someone trying to cover their corrupt and murdereous asses here?
Exactly. It was known, fully intended to kill us or make us so sick, we would'nt be able to function properly, our body and mind always preoccupied by illness and despair, for ourselves or loved ones. C'mon, we would pull out from shelves any peanut butter brand killing 3 folks and start an investigation right away. Apparently millions have now died from the side effects. No big deal it seems...
There's a saying, " one death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic". That seems to sum up the corporate attitude on all the harm they have caused. The 1986 waiver of liability for these criminals MUST be withdrawn.
So true, so sad... I heard that Taiwan has heard the testimony from a brilliant scientist and plan to go all the way to sue Pfizer. Their Thai princess (44 y.o) recently had a heart attack while jogging. Of course she was very jabbed. She's still in a coma right now. Their eyes are open now. Let's see this premiere unfolding...
Sucharit Bhakdi is the Thai/German scientist involved. He has been calmly but intensely outspoken all along and warning the public that the jabs are horribly dangerous. I hope the lawsuit prevails. He believes it will.
Yes! thank you!
I wish that were possible but with pHarm paying off politicians, it will never happen.
Just ask the World Economic Forum about intent. We've got their number...
But remember so does God.
Far worse than the disease (by orders of magnitude), which was itself the DOD/NWO/WHO/MSM-fueled pretext for the actual bioweapon attack on the whole of humanity via hypodermic injection.
Love Dr Seneff. Have her and McCullough's prior publication. Also have the paper that he and Dr Rose published before it was wrongly retracted for no reason given by the editors.
It’s amazing how prescient this paper was. Check it’s publication date. We’ve learned a lot since, but Seneff was right on top of all the ways these shots would cause harm.
When mandates were being considered I presented this paper to my employer in the summer of 2021 amongst many other medical papers and opinions regarding the dangers of the shots. His response..."I don't understand any of this and we have to rely upon our own "gold standard" doctors for their advice. Those doctors were all connected to the #1 most notorious hospital in the country regarding mandates. I doubt any one of them would have taken the time to read it as it was not an easy or quick read. One of the points I remember from the article was the spike protein's potential to misfold and create amyloid proteins in the brain, causing "mad cow" spongiform encephalopathy and other neurodegenerative diseases. And now we have massive blockages of blood vessels with a rubbery amyloid like substance, not encountered prior to the shots...I would like to read Seneff's take on how and why those are forming. It's too bad my employer and the gold standard doctors running our protocols glossed over it or couldn't comprehend it. In mandating the shots they mandated harm.
Sounds like a "mandated" law suit.
The "gold standard" doctors are all sellouts.
All I know is, my husband who was almost never sick before his Covid jabs is now sick REGULARLY. And interestingly, unjab’d me never gets whatever he has. I had Delta in July 2021 but haven’t had a sniffle since.
Same here. Husband 2xjabbed and boosted and all sorts of issues now.
Me. No jab. Caught the crud from Hubby who was coughing sneezing all over the house ( NEVER covers his face).
Bought him some Mucinex for his symptoms. Told him to gargle with salt water and NOT IN THE KITCHEN SINK! Caught him doing just that🤬‼️ Scolded him & told him to do in the guest bathroom.
I Had a very light case of Omicrap with a temp of 99.5 for one day.
Took Alka Seltzer cold flu and slept for 2-3 days. Husband was just winding down from his misery after I was done.🙄
My husband is the same way- they don't think about anyone else!!!! BTW, does anyone know how long the jabbed SHEDD? I'm not jabbed, my other half is- I don't even want to go near him.or breath by him! ALSO, did I say he had to have a quadruple heart bypass? Just a little while after his 2nd jab!!!! Had no heart problems & was in EXCELLENT condition before the jabs!!!!
I have a friend who was on no meds whatsoever , athletic, great shape. 2 months again she had a heart attack. Now she is wearing a pacemaker.
Why are they getting away with this? I know a woman who had a stroke and passed away after the 1st jab as well. I read that they are planning to inject our livestock with the jab so in turn we will get it by eating our food supply. Cows, pigs. Cattle , chickens. Etc....they will stop at nothing!.( even get to our water supply) They're gonna use the blood of our animals to make fake meat filled with chemicals, They are starting to push eating insects instead of meat!!!! Its pure EVIL -behind all this! I'm so depressed, I never thought I'd see things like this going on in.my lifetime.😥
Back in 2020, no one was jabbed except trial participants in select areas. I visited infectee support groups every day. Some members there battled chronic infections with this pathogen, another, or various ones. A crazy number across ages suffered shingles. This is not a jabbed only issue.
I don't know why everyone reacts so differently to this agent whether acquired via infection or injection. Some studies show the antibodies created are autoantibodies. New or worsen autoimmune diseases is a common reaction in both groups. Suggest asking for labs to check if you two and/or your husbands have developed this problem.
Other studies show this agent causes immune dysfunction. Suggest asking for labs to check B and T cells for you two and your husbands. This non-jabbed woman posted the results from before and after her first infection.
Some with very screwed up lymphocytes are taking HIV drugs or immunoglobulin treatments to stop recurring infections or other symptoms. If I remember correctly, she's taking IGIV.
A huge problem since at least the summer is people infected with the agent have been diagnosed by doctors or themselves as having the flu or something else. They're out infecting others rather than staying home. Your husbands may be crossing paths with them or shedders somewhere while you two are not.
Exosomal communication.... thoroughly exploited by our precious dod.
They run all this stuff through veterinary medicine first. Watch what is happening there and you will know what they’re planning for humanity. They started on the self-spreading vaccines back in the 1990s along with CV vaccines.
If it's evil - NO reason to think it was unintended.
Perhaps so, but .......... doubtful. We are now at the "guilty" until "proven innocent" phase.
Exactly. They always have wiggle room...
One purpose the spike protein “shedding" serves is to induce symptoms in unvaccinated persons so they can blame COVID for the damage the vaccines are causing.
I have experienced shedding. For me it was related to a not well ventilated space and many folks there in the process of taking the 1st booster (may have been the 2nd, but I think it was the 1st - Dec 2021). Spent two days at the place (a fully enclosed 3 story motel, lodged on the below ground dead center on 1st floor). At the end of the stay (2nd night) I had trouble breathing and experienced some heart weakness/damage that never fully went away, it did get a lot better over about 6 months).
1.5 hours after leaving the place I started to feel much better, but never the same.
Was this some kind of medical center?
A fully enclosed, inward facing 3 story motel. It was the most covid conscious place I have ever visited. Once while walking past the the laundry room there were three employees in there talking as they folded laundry. The entire discussion revolved around the latest booster and who was currently out getting theirs.
The nature of the discussion implied they were all very much on board with the idea.
Thank you for your informative reply, Torgul. I had imagined it was some kind of quarantine center.
Both Peter McCullough and Ryan Cole recommend Nattokinase. It's a fibrinolytic that addresses the micro clotting common to spike protein infection whether wild or bioweapon induced by breaking up clots that the amyloid plaque piggy-backs on.
I suspect Lumbrokinase is also a great idea.
I am still not clear on how often this is happening. Could you write another substack discussing how severe the shedding symptom are/ I am unvaccinated
How can we protect ourselves from shedding? Is this only likely in close contact (such as household members)? How does it transmit? I guess a mask doesn't help? We are an unvaxxed household but I worry about children at school or sleep overs, and just the general public, like doctors appointments etc
When my husband caved and took the jabs against my wishes, I made him sleep in the spare bedroom for six weeks. I’d read that gene therapy shedding occurs most heavily in the first weeks following the jabs, which is why they warned husbands to stay away from pregnant wives in all the gene therapy guidance. (They never told anyone that for the Covid “vaccine”.) He didn’t argue with me about it, thankfully.
Good job Aimee. I banned my wife to her own room permanently. She just got her 4th jab, Neuropsychiatric symptoms now worsening by the day as well as physical symptoms. Aortic bridging, tachycardia , myocarditis, fatigue, gasping for breath on and on. Coloidal silver has saved me
We need a spousal support group for people like you and me! I could use a friend who understands what it’s like to go through this nightmare. My husband is in denial that he harmed himself. It literally drives me insane.
Good idea we could call it Jabs Anonymous! I haven`t even suggested to her that the jabs are responsible I just recommended to her that me being unjabbed I could re infect her. I don`t think she is long for this world
I’m in AA and told a good friend last week we need to start JA!!! Great minds think alike! I am happy to start one and set it up as a Zoom meeting LMK!
I cannot imagine being married to someone who is all in on the brainwashing. Prayers for you all 🙏. I'm divorced but even my ex didn't do it. JA? I'm thinking unvaxxed singles meet up lo!l But seriously, I don't know how this plays out for my kids in the future, as far as finding a partner etc. The world is so polarized as it is and unfortunately we live deep in enemy territory. My son doesn't even consider dating because the girls here are brainwashed (some of course are actually boys trying to be girls and some girls are trying to be boys. Sigh ) Add this jab situation, and I don't see "mother of the groom" or grandchildren in my future 😔
A pediatrician I know who is strongly involved in the medical freedom movement advocates NAC.
Looks like NAC is much more potent with bromelain (enzyme).
I take bromelain with quercetin.
We have to have a protocol, such as fasting and naturopathic products. Clean food, water and air as much as possible. The Bryan Ardis or Henry Healy's protocols make sense. We have to consider the possibility that there is no "pure bloods" anymore. D-dimer test is a good way of finding out how one has been affected by shedding, but is not the complete picture.
I had an elevated D-dimer and I'm not jabbed. Unless you are a hermit you may be a walking spike protein factory.
They knew this in their wicked plan (the shedding part). You are blessed because most doctors won't accept this test done to their average patient. Also, please look into Dr Bryan Ardis and Henry Healy's protocols. Looks like the Wellness Company have good stuff too. I think we all have to take this matter in our hands (individually) and stop thinking we're out of the woods if we are not vaxxed. Be blessed and stay healthy!
It's Henry Ealy.
Thank you! I'm so bad with names!!! LOL!!!!
I am basically a hermit. Looking for a job. Trying to find something not around anyone. But not much luck so far.
I hope your luck gets better Sherry. One of my friends is a social worker and unvaxxed of course. Imagine her shock when a new client the other day at the start of a one hour counselling session tapped her shoulder and proudly proclaimed she'd just had her booster. I had to reassure her it would probably take at least a few hours for her to start shedding spike protein.
I have a genetic blood clotting disorder, Factor V. I saw through the ruse in January 2020, knew the so-called vaxx was a Trojan Horse and will die before I take a ClotShot. I’m on all the prophylactic stuff, including my own measures of Lumbrokinase and Nattokinase.
My, life certainly is an ADVENTURE, isn’t it?
You're very wise! Keep your health regimen. Ok, the genes are are "loaded gun", but let's stay aware of anything that could pull the trigger. Unfortunately many vaxxed folks are waking up to what their weakness was: this wicked smart spike targets that spot :-(
May you live long and prosper! I hope you don't change your mind about taking the clot shot!
I take NAC and nattokinase in addition to a bazillion other sups. I just heard Ryan Cole and other docs on a Twitter round table discussion last night. They said if you’ve had covid, you are mostly protected from the shedders.
That's what I mean. We cannot take a chance being "pureblood" and go around without a health protection plan (supplements, fasting, etc..). I'm developping a hypochondriac mind unfortunately, and my wallet is suffering the side effects! LOL! I've had Cov 1st time in September, so the shedding from others had been going on for a while!
Same here about border hypochondriac. I got COVID in May. Started taking serrapeptase in June. Now I'm taking mushrooms and herbs against cancer or anything else because I feel like what's happening in the vaxxed can also happen in the unvaxxed with enough exposure. Before May, I taught preschool and of course no little ones were vaxxed back then so I didn't fear shedding. After the approval for jabs in little ones, I didn't return to work. Gotta find something new.
The exposure is real. we do need a plan. Yours looks good! Can you find something where you can work from home? I have a friend who had been working in a Obgyn clinic, fired after 19 years because she refused the jab (for medical allergy issues). One doctor was really fired up against her and refused to give her work from home. Well, turns out she now works from home with better work conditions for the lab they were sending their samples to! As for the stubborn doctor, he quickly developped a rare kind of leukemia for which no treatment worked. I think he passed away recently. Keep hope high Sherry, prayin' for you!
Wow, what a story. There must be possibilities for work at home, if I can find them. It doesn't help that I'm sorta returning to the workforce after raising kids and living abroad (besides that part time preschool job), so I've been out of the loop for awhile. I can't stand where I live, which is a woke epicenter of Fauci -loving yard signs ( I think he may even live near my neighborhood), but I'm stuck here because of the kids.
Trust God's mission on your life. His plan is not ours many times! Be blessed! Shine your light!
Were you grateful for the protection your vaccination from the shedding provided Sophie? The other vaxxed would say it would have been a lot worse if you had not been vaxxed.
I'm not vaxxed but almost all the other persons I know, from husband to work colleagues have taken the juice. I just have 2 out of 3 grand children not vaxed (my daughter spared the 2 youngest ones thank God). I take public transportation everyday, cramped up like sardines in the sub. I made rounds of different supplements, horse paste once in a while (that's all we can find in Quebec. as no doctor will prescribe it). I Have breathing issues that have worsened in years, I don't know if I should blame the shedding. My September Cov was a simple cold but then I took the horse paste for a few days. Frankly the only thing I haven't tried was the nicotine patches in the Ardis protocol. Anyone has here?
I chew a 2mg piece of nicotine gum before venturing out to the grocery store, doctor’s office, etc. Ardis said to chew it for around ten minutes. It’s no big deal although definitely not tasty.
I’m game for anything that sounds reasonable. But I have to admit I once accidentally took a 4 mg. piece by mistake. It was awful, so if you buy the higher dose make sure you cut it in half first.
Awsome! Thank you Bridget for the testimony! I have a pack of patches waiting, I should be making a round on those things!
Sounds yuk. I've tried the patches.
The nicotine patches sound like a good idea. I don't know how bad shedding really is. Maybe it's bad. I think I had the Wuhan strain back in January 2020. It was fairly mild but seemed to do some lung damage. I am not sure it's good to get it repeatedly and even once may be too much. Don't ignore any weird or concerning symptoms and have regular cancer screens. It might seem like a simple cold but so does the HIV prodrome about 3 weeks after infection. The Chinese use anti-HIV drugs to treat COVID. It quite possibly stays in the body and hides. Having said that, it may be that Omicron is a much more benign version. Even HIV today is weaker than the original strains.
Ardis treats his patients like it was envenomation. From his theory the glyco-proteins (spikes) stick to tissues and nerves because we have tons of nicotinic receptors for which the spike has affinity with and binds to. But, if you give nicotine to the body, the receptors will let go of those and choose the nicotine instead. The spikes are then released (one can get bad symptoms), he suggests a parallel regimen of Vitamin C, Nac, licorice tea, selenium to desactivate the released glyco protein, then the body will eliminate it. It seems like he's had good results for long cov haulers (also those who had lost sense of taste and smell), The more I listen to him, the more his studies about this whole mess being venom-related makes sense. Any thoughts on that?
Silveredge.com Make your own colloidal silver. Everybody drink 2 oz a day keep shedding away and all the bad critters
Just for an anecdote, I have a cat with chronic sinus infection from an infirmity. I have to clean his sinuses every day. I put a bit of salt and colloidal silver in his water rinse. I also give him some ivermectin once a week. These tools seem to keep infection and inflammation away without rounds of antibiotics.
Lucky cat to have such a kind and caring owner!
:-) I should have a patent for a home-made little vaccum pump I use on Bayou. I came up with it adding different parts together. 'works ;-) , saves trips to the vet!
Wonderful. My pets get the silver as well and i give it to people i like
I don't think I'd go as far as making my own colliodal silver though. I'm in Canada and usually the US companies don't reach us. But colloidal silver is definitely "safe and effective". They're discovering the principle would be awsome with "colliodal gold".
Definitely intended and meant to divide us further. When my husband and I took our vows and said ‘until death do us part’ never did I think about him shedding on me 15 years ago… He made the choice to get the gene therapy shots, I did not, and told him I would have divorce papers served if he ever got our 3 children injected. He realized then how serious his decision to proceed with getting them for himself was. He sleeps in the basement now, as I refuse to sleep with him. Talk about sad, I know it is, but this is what the gene therapy shots have done to our marriage. Driven a dagger right down the middle. We still love each other, but have utterly different views of the shots. I grieved for weeks, and have come now to the place of acceptance.
You’re an intelligent Woman. You’re doing what’s right, though it’s hard. It sounds like your Husband, despite his error in judgment, is a good guy, too.
My worst nightmares.