...with SARS-CoV-2. We conclude with some potentially ominous public health implications and recommendations for investigations of these possibilities.
Thank you Dr. Although I have heard interviews of Dr. Seneff, I find it helpful to reinforce her message by seeing her information in print. She is a true genius.
I've seen three of her interviews and to be honest I could not pass them on to my few friends who lined up for the 'vaccine' as I could not inflict the kind of worry and stress they would undoubtedly suffer, especially knowing there is very little they could do now about their decision.
I could hardly deal with hearing it all and I'm un 'vaccinated' !
It is just too frightening all in all.
Dear God, can they please stop this campaign of misery and death soon.
I agree. Whenever I hear her interviews, there is such passion and urgency about getting this important information out. I'm grateful I'm not vaxxed, yet worry for those who got vaxxed, not knowing this. Kinda makes one feel helpless for them, like you mentioned. I cling to any optimism or guidance Dr. Seneff is able to offer. Every once in a while things are brought up in her interviews to help one not completely lose hope. Whew! What else is there?🤞🙏
Yes, it is like everyone needs to begin anew wherever they are in this mess. Can only go forward with honed awareness. The " No more vaccines of any type" approach feels wisest to me too. For all to seriously consider. Judy Mikovits makes that loud and clear in her interviews. Feels right to me. A lot of people out there don't like to hear that. Especially if they took any recent shots. 🙄
This must be the first time in medical history the cellular mechanism of the human body has been used to produce such a dangerous toxin ( spike glycoprotein). The long term effects are still to be studied and evaluated, also the children and pregnant women are a diaster waiting to happen. May GOD help and guide us all during this time of trial.
I still can't get my head round the extremely depressing fact that over 80% of western populations, cheerfully, willingly and unquestioningly took these jabs. Is there any hope for those in the UK population who only took the AZ DNA jab ( once they survived the clotting risk)?
Maybe the first injections. Many NOT taking anymore due to severe reactions. ' They' post the numbers!! We are supposed to believe it? I'm not so sure. I know many who gave up after just one
Even this article talks about antibody levels, equating them with efficacy against infection, in spite to the fact that blood antibodies don't stop respiratory infection. Never mind that these are antibodies against an extinct virus.
Just saw a sad story of a woman my family is acquainted with dying of Crutzfeld-Jakobs at 64. I have NO doubt it was the vax that caused it. What a horrible way for a brilliant, accomplished person to end their life. https://www.lpga.com/news/2022/dana-rader-remembrance
Clearly expresses what transpires when an uncontrollable nano drug injection Is introduced into human tissue without any ability to control its final destination! Reprogramming cellular function for nefarious reasons diverts key essential nutrients amino acids etc. from their normal role for good cellular health!
Thank you for the information Dr. Paul Alexander. This is preventable tragedy. What will it take for people to stop drinking the Kool-Aid. The power is within the people .... Do Not Comply ...Stop the Shots.....
Thank you. Dr. Richard Fleming has been discussing the prion-disease piece as well - as you likely know he's written a book on the bio-weapon that is SarsCov-2 and the bioweapon we call the vaxx. Not a virus, not a vaccine - Bio weapon as a virus and Bio weapon as a vaccine. I think it's essential we use the right words here and use them to overcome the lies and redirect the conversation, which is designed to confuse.
Thank you Dr. Although I have heard interviews of Dr. Seneff, I find it helpful to reinforce her message by seeing her information in print. She is a true genius.
I've seen three of her interviews and to be honest I could not pass them on to my few friends who lined up for the 'vaccine' as I could not inflict the kind of worry and stress they would undoubtedly suffer, especially knowing there is very little they could do now about their decision.
I could hardly deal with hearing it all and I'm un 'vaccinated' !
It is just too frightening all in all.
Dear God, can they please stop this campaign of misery and death soon.
I agree. Whenever I hear her interviews, there is such passion and urgency about getting this important information out. I'm grateful I'm not vaxxed, yet worry for those who got vaxxed, not knowing this. Kinda makes one feel helpless for them, like you mentioned. I cling to any optimism or guidance Dr. Seneff is able to offer. Every once in a while things are brought up in her interviews to help one not completely lose hope. Whew! What else is there?🤞🙏
The only way to help is to not get another shot not even flu at this point. Now other vaccines on top of the weakened immunesystem is not good.
Yes, it is like everyone needs to begin anew wherever they are in this mess. Can only go forward with honed awareness. The " No more vaccines of any type" approach feels wisest to me too. For all to seriously consider. Judy Mikovits makes that loud and clear in her interviews. Feels right to me. A lot of people out there don't like to hear that. Especially if they took any recent shots. 🙄
They won't stop until they ARE STOPPED!
I like Dr. Stephanie Seneff. Here's a link to a Bitchute results page that features videos of her talking on this topic: https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=seneff%20prion&kind=video&sort=new
This must be the first time in medical history the cellular mechanism of the human body has been used to produce such a dangerous toxin ( spike glycoprotein). The long term effects are still to be studied and evaluated, also the children and pregnant women are a diaster waiting to happen. May GOD help and guide us all during this time of trial.
Thank you from Australia … for doing what you do … never give up ! We’re with you
Can you please link to the study?
Here's one (I think): https://www.authorea.com/doi/full/10.22541/au.166069342.27133443/v1
Thank you very much.
Yes, that's it, D.K. Thanks!
Vaccine induced prion diseases are an end game scenario. By the time it becomes evident in the broader population it will be too late…
I still can't get my head round the extremely depressing fact that over 80% of western populations, cheerfully, willingly and unquestioningly took these jabs. Is there any hope for those in the UK population who only took the AZ DNA jab ( once they survived the clotting risk)?
Maybe the first injections. Many NOT taking anymore due to severe reactions. ' They' post the numbers!! We are supposed to believe it? I'm not so sure. I know many who gave up after just one
I’m calling on all Doctor’s. Start calling the shots and stop given them!
Even this article talks about antibody levels, equating them with efficacy against infection, in spite to the fact that blood antibodies don't stop respiratory infection. Never mind that these are antibodies against an extinct virus.
Just saw a sad story of a woman my family is acquainted with dying of Crutzfeld-Jakobs at 64. I have NO doubt it was the vax that caused it. What a horrible way for a brilliant, accomplished person to end their life. https://www.lpga.com/news/2022/dana-rader-remembrance
Clearly expresses what transpires when an uncontrollable nano drug injection Is introduced into human tissue without any ability to control its final destination! Reprogramming cellular function for nefarious reasons diverts key essential nutrients amino acids etc. from their normal role for good cellular health!
Thank you for the information Dr. Paul Alexander. This is preventable tragedy. What will it take for people to stop drinking the Kool-Aid. The power is within the people .... Do Not Comply ...Stop the Shots.....
Thank you. Dr. Richard Fleming has been discussing the prion-disease piece as well - as you likely know he's written a book on the bio-weapon that is SarsCov-2 and the bioweapon we call the vaxx. Not a virus, not a vaccine - Bio weapon as a virus and Bio weapon as a vaccine. I think it's essential we use the right words here and use them to overcome the lies and redirect the conversation, which is designed to confuse.
Let the zombie apocalypse begin. Locked and loaded.
Just to tickle your funny bone: in French "prions" also means "let's pray". Like Forrest Gumps puts it: That's all I have to say about that.
Yes, “Stop the shots, stop the shots”, stop the f’ng shots already!!!!