Obviously Tam, Deeks and Njoo were afraid to go up against the REAL SCIENCE...DR. Paul, you will go down in history as a hero to all Canadians and Americans some day...!

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Dr. Alexander, I am glued to the data and information coming from the likes of you, Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough, Steve Kirsch, and others. Ten thousand thank yous for showing the courage and fortitude that we all aspire to. I watch from NYC and my heart goes out to you all up there. Stand strong!

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The best doctors clearly were the ones who showed up. You all spoke beautifully. Looks like Dr’s Tam,Njoo,and Deeks are either to busy being elitists or too afraid they might be asked to “follow the science,” instead of their political science. I am sure they received marching orders from Trudeau to behave just like him, in abstentia. YOucan run but you cannot hide…

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I am so PROUD of you Dr Paul...Maybe you should run for office...

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All of you working so hard up in Canada are role models for the rest of us. The world thanks you for what you and the other doctors and the drivers are doing. And I have learned so much from your Substack reporting on covid.

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Empty chairs for empty heads!! Thank you for all you do.

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Thank you for standing up for evidence-based medicine. It is clear that our public health officials are following political science rather than medical science. Real scientists welcome debate. Those with a political agenda fear debate. Our governments and public health officers have avoided sharing their evidence every step of the way. God bless you, Drs. Alexander, Hodkinson and Bridle.

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Thank you Drs, for risking it ALL!

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A true hero

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This is a bit of a thread high jack, but trying to reach as many as possible. Time is of the essence! Canadians who are done with mandates - Write your MP ASAP..sorry for the great length of post and to be off topic. Thanks Dr. Alexander. Peace to all!

Hey y'all,

I'm passing this message on to you:

🆘 URGENT!!! 🆘 The opposition has put forward a motion to abolish mandates! It is in the schedule at the House of Commons for 3pm on Monday. There will be a vote. We urgently need to write our MP an email (phone on Saturday as well!) so that they vote for the cancellation of all mandates. You can find who your MP is here by postal code:


Sample letter to write to MP


I am a resident of <town, province>. It has come to my attention that a motion has been put forward in the House of Commons to end COVID-19 mandates and restrictions, which will be voted on by Members of Parliament. As your constituent, I’m asking that you vote to end all mandates and vaccination passports immediately. It is time to end arbitrary and dangerous divisions in Canadian society, to limit government overreach, to protect our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and to do the right thing for Canadians.




Ask all members of your family, friends to write a separate email. We are pressed with time. Send your email right away and phone tomorrow morning. Monday is too late! The page with list of MPs has been taken down for the last few hours. I found another link that is working. Please share this far and wide.



Thank you!

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The smallpox pandemic response was eerily similar to COVID https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/the-smallpox-pandemic-response-was

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You were SO great in that meeting in Ottawa. Thanks to all of you. Please if you have a link can you share the link to the video of the full event. It needs to be shared and I also want to find the links to your meta-analysis... we still have a long fight to get these masks gone here in Ontario.

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A picture saying a thousand words

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The other "side" never smiles, a "non-confidence" vote for themselves. Great photos of

happy, confident, REAL Canadians —backed by REAL medical Science. "Oh Canada, OUR

 —non split —Home and Native Land . . "

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Be safe. And would you do this old lady a favor and wear a hat please? I am freezing just looking at you!!

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