And in Canada, Turdeau has Parliament give a standing ovation to a Nazi who fought against Russia when Russia was the ALLY of the USA in WWII.

So who is the real enemy?

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Lavrov is one of the only top notch, first class statesmen on the world scene today. Frankly, I am embarrassed to be an American at this point in time. We are being lead by absolute fools who refuse to admit that they lie, cheat and steal for a living. And citizens themselves are guilty of not getting engaged with the idiots who are supposed to be representing them. Phone calls and texts are worthless! A handwritten note to your Representatives and another to your Senators will make a much bigger impression and it will get opened if only because they wouldn't take the chance of tossing a check in the round file. Tell these morons, politely of course, that we don't want war with anyone and especially not with Russia! That would be a catastrophe for the entire world and we'll be to blame.

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This is horrifying. Everything is wrong! We have no control! They are going to kill so many of our young people.

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Biden is a fool.

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It sickened me, and made me nauseous, to see all the sycophants and toadies bow down to that short-shit in olive drab.

Stealing our money.

Money that should be spent rebuilding our infrastructure, housing homeless veterans, and improving our schools.

Those geezers in Congress were the worst.

Looked liked they were going to kiss Zelensky's ring.

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Russia is winning.

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The United State of Deceptions...yes plural. The majority of the world sees us like that. And I bet even some of our closest allies do too (in secret). All we do now is deceive, let alone our enemies, but our own citizens too. Send our own sons to war and get killed for nothing but LIES. This system is on its path to self-destruction. What are we going to do about it? If anyone thinks voting in Trump will set us right, I’ve got a bridge...because we don’t live in a democracy, we live in an illusion of democracy. A Demockery, more like...

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"Who is the real enemy?"

Whoever is wasting lives. Period.

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Miss meyet.

DJT 2024

25 IN 25

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I thought American Federal Politics -- already worse than Ancient Rome's -- was indescribable under Bush The Son. But the degree of disintegration under the Biden Regime? As Mike Adams more-or-less said, there's nothing to compare it to, in recorded history. Not even the Renaissance Papacy was as corrupt.

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NWO is at war with Russia. Rigged 2020 Pedo, Knight of Malta, unregistered foreign agent, Supreme General of over 100,000,000 Vatican Mexican, et. al., running amok across the border, no means of self support, forcing tax payers to provide all benefits, with the Vatican goal prime directive to destroy ALL AMERICAN IDENTITY. The word, identity,' note how the fake CIA-NGOs use that to legitimate homosexuals-in-dresses; homosexuals-that-invade-women-sports-locker rooms, bathrooms and so on. Contrast the promotion of psychotic criminal-insane-identities with culturally correct American identities of our Constitution that promotes truth, justice and the American way based upon morality. Reveals the entire Trilateral/NWW order psyche Lewin/Adorno plan

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In WW2 Truman supplied the English with the arms, food and weaponry which gave England the possibility to hold out against Hitler and the Germans. If America not done that, England would have been over run by the Germans very quickly, but America was not at war with Germany, at least, not to begin with.

That is no different to what America is doing now, or Russia and China have done in other wars, where countries opposed to America, funded America's enemies against America - Vietnam for example.

The politics of the situation alow major powers to get involved in minor wars, without getting involved directly in the conflict themselves, because that avoids a nuclear war which wipes out humankind, which is never going to happen - except for these vaccines which are doing that internally, to all , instead - rotting all, from within.

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Biden is in a hurry to get us into a devastating war before the elections. Otherwise, how can he postpone the elections? Trust me, nothing they’ve tried so far has stopped Trump, and they will stop at NOTHING to make sure he is not elected. That includes stopping our election as a last straw. You’re naive if you think they won’t go to that length, they will! Martial law is coming…they just need a big enough excuse. Buckle up, folks…

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That is why we need to impeach this imposter Biden now. It isn’t even the real Biden, he died already. This is an actor playing a roll, PRESIDENT TRUMP, HURRY UP. ENOUGH WITH THE WORRY AND THREATS THAT THIS ADMINISTRATION ARE DOING TO US EVERY DAY. Inflation is out of control, it is harder each day to shop for food, this jokester is hurting us, ENOUGH PLEASE.

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This is all wars. The elites start the problem and the sheeple blindly fight for their masters. If you don't take action, you all can be in the trenches...

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Russkies readying for nuclear tests. Necessary prelim, as stock is old. Nato Base in Poland was obvious target. Another reason Poland is backing down.

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