POTUS Trump begged schools to open; he knew the data we had up from states that media hid; mothers & fathers at ER doors with their limp child, and broken bones "We think we may have killed the child"
A beautiful 18 year old girl from an wonderful family in my community tragically took her life by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge in March 2020. That’s the legacy lockdowns left for me.
Within the first few months of the whole corona thing one could argue that the decisions being made by CDC, FDA, and NIH were incompetence. It is long past that point. They are by definition criminal organizations. Knowingly suppressing early treatment caused death and physical suffering for hundreds of thousands. It caused havoc and damage to children. It impacted people's jobs and family connections. And the criminal activity continues. Those who are part of the upper and mid level bureacracy who are aware and remain silent are complicit in crimes against humanity. The MSM is also complicit. They helped suppress early treatment and ridiculed it.
We can not rely on the corrupt to police, investigate or prosecute the corrupt. What is needed is a Citizens Commission of Inquiry. The Commission could hear testimony from both medical and legal experts. State Attorney Generals might participate. The Commission could issue recommendations including recommendations for specific criminal charges against the individuals responsible.
It is no longer just about Liberty. It is also about Justice. Those responsible should not be allowed to escape justice due to status or protection by corrupt co-conspirators.
The final words of the Pledge of Allegiance must be more than a hollow phrase. They are the way forward....With Liberty and Justice for All
A beautiful 18 year old girl from an wonderful family in my community tragically took her life by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge in March 2020. That’s the legacy lockdowns left for me.
Children are being sexually abused and raped mentally in school with the sexualized LBGTQ XYZ curricula also.
Within the first few months of the whole corona thing one could argue that the decisions being made by CDC, FDA, and NIH were incompetence. It is long past that point. They are by definition criminal organizations. Knowingly suppressing early treatment caused death and physical suffering for hundreds of thousands. It caused havoc and damage to children. It impacted people's jobs and family connections. And the criminal activity continues. Those who are part of the upper and mid level bureacracy who are aware and remain silent are complicit in crimes against humanity. The MSM is also complicit. They helped suppress early treatment and ridiculed it.
We can not rely on the corrupt to police, investigate or prosecute the corrupt. What is needed is a Citizens Commission of Inquiry. The Commission could hear testimony from both medical and legal experts. State Attorney Generals might participate. The Commission could issue recommendations including recommendations for specific criminal charges against the individuals responsible.
It is no longer just about Liberty. It is also about Justice. Those responsible should not be allowed to escape justice due to status or protection by corrupt co-conspirators.
The final words of the Pledge of Allegiance must be more than a hollow phrase. They are the way forward....With Liberty and Justice for All
The abuse continues with forcing these injections on kids. We're just one level above the Nazis.
The public school/indoctrination system is the last place I'd want to send a child to be 'saved from the parents'.
Pure Evil.
Things are not what they seem. People are being MOCKED. The entire PLANDEMIC is a prescripted ritual with human sacrifices.
France Detects New COVID-19 Scariant . More of The Satanic Mockery
The Corona End Game The Truth Behind The Symbols
The Olympics Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation:
Paul exposed as incompetent