The criminal element within US government should be facing prison time for their actions of terrorism.

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Technically, its like a declaration of war. 🚀💥 Not a wise decision on Pres Brandon's part.

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Even Russia laughs at 6 Ukranians in a boat plus a nurse being worthy of a Hollywood movie. 2 nations have profited immediately, USA with LPGas & Norway who opened their new EU natural gas pipeline coincidentally when Nordstream was blown up. Ukr will/is also now part of this new EU gas source. As always, follow the 💲💵💶💷💰💸💸💸...

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It seems to me that the comical, 6 Ukrainians in a boat theory, was likely put out to give some sort of plausible deniability that the USA and Norway didn't do it. Sadly, I suspect that there are many gullible people who will believe this 6 Ukrainians in a boat theory, while dismissing Seymore Hersh's story, even though Hersh has a perfect record of getting things right, while the intelligence community has a nearly perfect record of getting things wrong...like Hunter Biden's laptop having the hallmarks of Russian information, and weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, etc.

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We, the trusting citizens of this nation founded on unique eternal principles, need to realize that increasingly many of our government agencies have been taken over by "rogue actors", which were responsible for terrible outcomes, such as the murder of JFK in broad daylight and now this outrageous attack on critical infrastructure of allies and a nation (Russia), with which we are not in a declared war. (Both of these events hugely benefitted the War Industry -- and harmed our people and the nations we attacked.) We face a huge task of rooting out and prosecuting the rogue actors who have largely taken control of our government and its agencies.

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We further need to realize these rogue actors are jews, the most expelled, devious, lowest integrity people in human history. Concomitantly, the most expelled as well.

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Mar 10, 2023
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Thank you Teresa, I've read his book. Mercifully there are some Catholics who understand who the enemy is, and has been since Jesus was murdered by them.

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WTF.....the war is on them, lying thieving fockers😤all the young men need to walk away and let the elites, cabal fight this on their own, or alternatively hand these mongrels over to Putin as war criminals 😤

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Thanks Dr. Alexander for the retelling of Seymour Hersh's investigation. Very important after the hoax whitewash NYT "Ukrainian Operation"! Merci, merci!

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Although it would mean my own death, I am rooting for Russia, Iran, and China to take out Zionist America and Israel. Destroy it entirely.

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Where is Our Freedom Movement effort with actions that matter to stop ALL the treason…bioweapons events, open borders, election fraud, etc?

HOPE is here IF Americans WAKE UP and get behind a Supreme Court case highlighted in links in the following Lex Greene piece…




Mother/Grandmother Lion (of 6 and still counting)

P.S. Spread the word of this CRITICAL Supreme Court Case…last peaceful option!

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I just looked at the link you provided and found the court case. Other than reading and sharing, how do we get behind it?

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Is there something at the end of the download that gives actions to take?

To download you have to "join" scribed (sp?). I find it offensive that I have to sign up for further tracking, above and beyond the norm for substack followers, to find out this information.

The suit "says" it's signed by several AGs. How do we know that's true?

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I have great faith and HOPE that Lex and others will get the job done on this critical Supreme Court case because Lex is a contributing think tank member and adviser to NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER.

What is NALC? TNALC is not a law firm. It’s a Constitutional research, education and strategic planning think tank developing winning constitutional arguments, evidence and strategies for law firms representing constitutional cases.

They are the only group that has accomplished anything productive in the last 3 years…a serious Michigan Supreme Court case against Whitmer, one of the most maniacal Governors in the country with a 7-0 decision in a liberal court!

Whitmer has tried to take that case down 3 times and cannot because of the excellent work of NALC!

Join NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER with a monthly donation to receive their serious newsletters often and help with this serious upcoming Supreme Court Case!

I am personally involved in helping with donations as any high level case to help the cause of freedom will cost $$$…Freedom is not and never will be Free!

I became a NALC member 15 years ago because this was the ONLY organization presenting peaceful solutions for members to help with while most were so asleep!

This organization was started because forever we have needed one to guard our Freedoms and must continue forever with monthly donations!

I always tell persons to start with a $20 monthly donation and if you like what you see give them more…

I am extremely proud to stand with honorable NALC leaders as they have taken an oath to defend this country and freedom until the day they die!

Judges 7…Gideon’s army!

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Thank-you for the information.

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Great analysis of why we now have natural gas prices in the US more than double and contribute to the inflation caused by Biden policies. Why can we not all just live in peace and stop spying on each other? If WWIII comes..look out..it maybe the last the world will ever see.

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here's a link to monkeywerx's analysis of the article - about 20 minutes in https://www.youtube.com/live/-gAzQ1KaCcE?feature=share

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Seymour Hersh has lied before. I will wait for more FACTS that don't come from secret sources.

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Come on Paul. How can you really believe this? I mean the U.S. intelligence agencies assessment that Ukrainian college students did it and the American government was completely in the dark is way more plausible. Seriously Paul.

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