As a concerned individual, I am troubled by the lack of action from the freedom movement in addressing the widespread chaos happening globally. Despite ample evidence of misdeeds and disruptions caused by the global elite, they remain unaccountable. One such individual is Bill Gates, who openly expressed his desire to reduce the population, and his vaccination programs have caused immeasurable harm to countless people. It is alarming that these individuals still roam free and their actions are causing loss of life.

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Stupid question. The word gender is meaningless in terms of defining the difference between men and women, as it refers to how a person presents, not what they are. The statement should have been that "there are two sexes, male and female" (biological reality as we are a dimorphic species).

So long as we go on playing the trans activists' weadsel word games, they will be able to continue spreading confusion, particularly among children. Stop it!

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the only trans there should be is under your vehicle or motorized engine

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It is encouraging to see more people are resistant to brainwashing than the last three years would suggest, but that is likely because they haven’t been fear-propagandized on this issue.

Still, there is always the belligerently bamboozled 30 percent. No matter how much reality crashes their fantasy world, they still zealously cling to the talking points of their programmers.

I don’t even think my 12-step recovery program for menticide could help them:

• “Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step)

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Only 3:1 margin. Should be 1,000,000:1

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It is very simple, you are either a double X or an XY. If you are a chick with a dick, then you are an xy. If you have your dick cut off and split open and a hole dug in you that you have to clean out the rest of your life and take anabiotic’s to prevent infection, you are still in XY you’re just a mutilated XY so we have three genders we have men, women And mutilated. But what the heck the surgeons are getting rich along with the drug companies

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Did the 23% who "don't agree" there are only two genders understand the question? That's an awful lot of ignorant people. Frightening.

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GOD MADE ADAM AND EVE 2 GENDERS NOT adam and steve blame the psychos for choppy chop

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Then 23% that don't agree, should actually be the first and true depopulation targets.

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I expect the 57% who strongly believe there are only 2 genders, M & F will be voting for Ron DeSantis against Joe Biden, in the biggest landslide since Ronald Regan.

I wish there was a way to contact those same people right before or after the November 2024 election.

Regarding Gender vs Sex, they are and should be considered nearly identical.

I supposes some people can be considered more masculine or feminine, wrt gender, but it is ultimately genetics that determines gender. The genetic uncertainties (XXY, etc) is very rare but could include a biological female with a partial penis. I would only allow exceptions if can back up with genetics.

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I wonder how many unvaccinated or minimally vaccinated children suffer from gender dysphoria??

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I still think injecting female embryonic cells into baby boys and embryonic male cells in female babies may be contributing to this crazy increase in gender dysphoria. It’s plausible 🤷‍♀️

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There are Three/3 Genders:



NEUTER GENDER - As in Monarch - Monarch could be a man - King. OR - Monarch could be a woman -Queen

There are Two/2 Sexes:

MALE - Boy, Young Man, Gentleman, Old Man

FEMALE - Girl, Young Woman, Lady, Old Woman

God made Man and Woman, "Male & Female He made them" all the brainwashing in the world, the mutilation will never change that.

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Jun 10, 2023·edited Jun 10, 2023

There are three genders:


FEMININE gender,

NEUTER gender as in Monarch = The monarch could be a man or a woman. King - masculine or Queen -Feminine

There are two/2 Sexes: MALE = Boy, Man, Gentleman and

FEMALE = Girl Woman, Lady

God made Man and Woman. All the brainwashing can or will never change that.

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What value is there in conducting opinion polls reflecting the ignorance of the public about long-known scientific facts?

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It's not a belief...it's a FACT. There can only be two genders and they are never interchangeable.

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