We have deadly islamists coming in via Southern border now, dressed like Latin men, they are NOT & end up in classrooms with your 12 year old daughters; we have Chinese flooding too? Trojan Horse?
In NY, WA, CA and OR laws are being changed to ease the path to murder Americans with Refugees. Oregon is pushing a law thru that allows Homeless to sleep on your property. That how it starts. Next the homeless will be told to "remove" the owner because they got the property under a racist system.
If you own a nice house, enjoy it because soon you will own nothing.
This process, with unique tweeks has played out many times before with Cultural Revolutions.
Problem is the school system. They're not being taught life skills, they're being taught that they have no permanent resources, such as parents. They're being taught that anything goes sexually, they're nothing but bodies to be used by others. They have no capabilities to assess and make appropriate decisions in the voting booth or anywhere else for that matter. Just as planned.
Do not live in NY,WA,CA,& OR then. I don't, never would. Get Out of the Cities, Now. regardless of state. I did. Make decisions while WE still have Choices, otherwise they will be made for Us by others. Not Easy, but Simple. Relocate now or Refugee later???
There will be resistance, nothing is inevitable. All the best Bull Dog, and to everyone else here. CYA, conduct yourselves accordingly.
I'm an Ex Fl Resident having left in 2014, after 20+ years, due to excessive cost of living, real estate taxes (increasing), thuggish Law enforcement, and so many Prog democRats.
I would suggest the Southern Appalachian Redoubt areas of TN, NC, GA, VA. Also northern AL, and central TN plateau areas.
If FL is a destination, then Central Rural Areas, avoiding cities of course, are better, but it wouldn't be my first choice.
La Gata Politica is correct, FL still is democRat infested, it just got so bad people had to vote Repub. & Estab Rino State Repubs are just worthless politicians.
But Move!!! if you are behind enemy lines in a democRat state or Any larger city Anywhere. You may not have a year, but then my Estimates on "Time" have been premature, but Not erroneous.
Sadly a possibility. I don't favor DeSantis for president, but had my hopes earlier on that he would remain governor and get Florida squared away. There are many democRats living in Fl and never say never to their comeback.
GA Repub Governor Kemp attended Davos this year and certainly deep sixed Trump in GA 2020 sElections along with the Crooked Sec of State also a Repub.
Miami girl, Refugee from Communist shithole here. Florida is flooded with illegal aliens, they're destroying our state and the US. The Feds give millions of dollars to Catholic churches and Jewish organizations to handle the illegals- it's a huge business. Be prepared for the humongous insurance expenses and real estate prices. Florida doesn't have State taxes but it's a very expensive state to live in. Amelia Island is my favorite spot in Florida followed by the West Coast where the beaches are beautiful. Miami Beach, where we once owned a restaurant, is now a Democrat shithole and a hangout for out of state thugs. It's sad to witness the destruction.
It's like everywhere. Sad. We need more actual republicans in congress, and to get rid of the bottom feeders on both sides. We have a bunch of willy-nilly rinorats. Bitch mc commie, kevin is like the wind. blows here and there. Add in the demoncraps - drunk nasty piglousey, a damn schitt, another brain ded fedderman or whatever his name is, fiendsteen on and on.
Having read/studied the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, I will never cease to be amazed that this generation that considers itself the most enlightened of all so far, is unable to perceive what’s happening right before their eyes. Had they studied history, they would understand that there is little difference between the symptoms and causes of the fall of Rome and USA. In case of Rome, they were called Barbarians. Here, they are called illegals. Both invaders….
Sharyl Attkisson exposed Fauci's H1N1 Fraud in 2009. She was the star investigative reporter for CBS back then. Even though CBS attorneys cleared her story and they ran it on their web page, CBS refused to air the story, and covered it all up. That is when Sharyl went independent.
(Notice: we have a very short memory of the last Fauci Fraud in 2009, and most people never knew what happened)
fwiw- I collected some links on that--Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, who was in some of the interviews with Reiner Fuellmich, called out the 2009 fraud too:
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Chairman of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Health Committee, accuses the WHO of conspiring with pharmaceutical companies to create a false pandemic with the Swine Flu of 2009:
Channel 4's John Snow reports on the Council of Europe's investigation into the manufactured swine flu hoax. The former Chair of the Sub-committee on Health of the Parliamentary Assembly Dr Wolfgang Wodarg had accused the World Health Organization (WHO) of lowering the definition of a pandemic in order for the pharmaceutical companies and their share-holders to rake in massive at the expense of tax payers in targeted countries.
The Council of Europe's Head of Health also claims the World Health Organisation colluded with major drug companies and changed the definition of pandemic. Doctor Wolfgang Wodarg says it ensured maximum profits, but no risks, for the firms. Now, countries like Britain, France and Germany have stockpiles of vaccines lying unused, as infections spread far less than the panic surrounding it.
Excellent information and documentation! I hope you don;t mind if I re-post your article (crediting you) on my substack. This needs to get as much notice as possible!
And yes, I know quite a bit about Fauci's First Fraud. I produced this documentary back in 1996. (after is failed in the first attempt in 1992.) The documentary was blocked by all major distribution but eventually went viral on the internet and finally reached millions.
It’s too late. Biden can definitely “win” the next election again just like he has raped us in 2020 with the massive frauds.
Dominion voting machines and software are controlling the ballots and altering the results, so it’s a fallacy to count on future elections to change the United States.
“We need Trump to fix this NOW! No one else is capable.”
Sorry to disappoint you, but…
TV Entertainers/newscasters are not in the solutions business and neither are politicians. WHY? Giving solutions will never be profitable?
What part of this do you not get?
When The People do nothing that matters, evil will prevail. When good people fail to unite against evil, evil will prevail. When good people refuse to stand together to defeat evil, evil will prevail.
The buck stops with The People…NOT Trump!
I DARE YOU today if you still have critical thinking brain cells left to heavily ponder this piece…
Well, for better or worse, like marriage, people need Leadership. If We All went outside our homes and yelled "Hell No!!!" or marched with guns to the town square.... Someone would have to be In Charge, with subordinates to co-ordinate. Otherwise it's a Rabble & easily defeated.
The Founding Fathers were the Leaders, they Assumed Authority, it certainly didn't come from the "Authorities" the British.
So Trump could issue an Appeal to the Militia. Would you then turn out armed, with provisions for a week, ready to fight in mortal combat??? Are you capable, trained to assume command of 20 men???
Hence, I commensurate with you and Lex Greene, and have for 10 years. What Are the practical steps After Pondering??? I do not know.
I Know that this DC Feral Coup Gov is Illegitimate, but We need Someone to Declare it So, beside You, me, or even 100,000 other Patriots. CREDIBLE LEADERSHIP is needed, and Yes.Time is Short in the Reports from the Border and elsewhere.
It's all good, but that's not going to "save the day" any more than your tirade to Paul Alexander about Trump. Laws under Tyrants are Lawless. Sure pushback is needed, but it doesn't win by itself. imo. All the best, do what you can, I will do likewise.
I read that Obama, Clinton and a Bush operative are flying Afghans in overnight and Fedex, Goodwill, Starbucks are some of the sponsors. It's treasonous!!!
thanks Mrs Attkisson for all your hard work. I took that definitive list you wrote on trump about all the Lies the media etc said about him & woke several brainwashed people in my family up that watch CBS NBC ABC etc. as Proof the media & government Lies to us on a daily basis. if they will lie about a sitting president they would lie about anything. even if people hate him he shouldn't be lied on or used to hurt others. hope you & your family is doing great God bless
Thank you Sharyl Attkisson for reporting on this horrific reality. We are at war, with a Coup running DC, and rogue shadow government agencies operational.
Please note: We also have cell towers and directional weapons lacing neighborhoods, Smart Meters in most homes pulsing deadly radiation much higher than the lying Electric Companies and complicit Public Utility Commissions represent, and it's increasing. We need people with Radio Frequency and Electromagnetic Radiation METERS to verify this activity taking place while we sleep, and in early morning hours.
People with high heavy metal ratios (like Lyme Disease) can both hear and feel this.
Studies not used (cherry picking) show the old Cell Towers delivered cancer at 4x the normal rate if a person lived within 1/2 mile, and 10x the rate, if on the building or rooftop where you work or live.
It looks like a chaotic culmination of sorts to mandate mRNA injections still....and kill off the Medical staff, Dentists included, take out a wide swath of Law Enforcement, Pilots, Athletes, etc. damaging America's infrastructure, weakening the country while it's being 'Globalized' by invasion, etc.
Are the Chinese, Islam, WHO/WEF/UN looking to evict America on some schedule?
This sounds like grand b.s. There are no data to support this nonsense. Sounds like lies about the fraudulent election or the denial of J6. Stop this divisiveness and bigotry. It's way too old to keep repeating.
In NY, WA, CA and OR laws are being changed to ease the path to murder Americans with Refugees. Oregon is pushing a law thru that allows Homeless to sleep on your property. That how it starts. Next the homeless will be told to "remove" the owner because they got the property under a racist system.
If you own a nice house, enjoy it because soon you will own nothing.
This process, with unique tweeks has played out many times before with Cultural Revolutions.
End times.
Yes! My grandparents lost ALL possessions when communism “came” to Poland.
The state owns everything under a Communist or Totalitarian state.
These kids voting for Biden are fools.
And plenty of adults. Mind boggling.
Problem is the school system. They're not being taught life skills, they're being taught that they have no permanent resources, such as parents. They're being taught that anything goes sexually, they're nothing but bodies to be used by others. They have no capabilities to assess and make appropriate decisions in the voting booth or anywhere else for that matter. Just as planned.
Do not live in NY,WA,CA,& OR then. I don't, never would. Get Out of the Cities, Now. regardless of state. I did. Make decisions while WE still have Choices, otherwise they will be made for Us by others. Not Easy, but Simple. Relocate now or Refugee later???
There will be resistance, nothing is inevitable. All the best Bull Dog, and to everyone else here. CYA, conduct yourselves accordingly.
I am moving to FL in a year, but not sure how much that will help. Maybe give me a few more years
I'm an Ex Fl Resident having left in 2014, after 20+ years, due to excessive cost of living, real estate taxes (increasing), thuggish Law enforcement, and so many Prog democRats.
I would suggest the Southern Appalachian Redoubt areas of TN, NC, GA, VA. Also northern AL, and central TN plateau areas.
If FL is a destination, then Central Rural Areas, avoiding cities of course, are better, but it wouldn't be my first choice.
La Gata Politica is correct, FL still is democRat infested, it just got so bad people had to vote Repub. & Estab Rino State Repubs are just worthless politicians.
But Move!!! if you are behind enemy lines in a democRat state or Any larger city Anywhere. You may not have a year, but then my Estimates on "Time" have been premature, but Not erroneous.
All the best.
Just watch Desantis implementing noahide laws. Soon. He is also WEF graduate or plant.
Sadly a possibility. I don't favor DeSantis for president, but had my hopes earlier on that he would remain governor and get Florida squared away. There are many democRats living in Fl and never say never to their comeback.
GA Repub Governor Kemp attended Davos this year and certainly deep sixed Trump in GA 2020 sElections along with the Crooked Sec of State also a Repub.
Miami girl, Refugee from Communist shithole here. Florida is flooded with illegal aliens, they're destroying our state and the US. The Feds give millions of dollars to Catholic churches and Jewish organizations to handle the illegals- it's a huge business. Be prepared for the humongous insurance expenses and real estate prices. Florida doesn't have State taxes but it's a very expensive state to live in. Amelia Island is my favorite spot in Florida followed by the West Coast where the beaches are beautiful. Miami Beach, where we once owned a restaurant, is now a Democrat shithole and a hangout for out of state thugs. It's sad to witness the destruction.
It's like everywhere. Sad. We need more actual republicans in congress, and to get rid of the bottom feeders on both sides. We have a bunch of willy-nilly rinorats. Bitch mc commie, kevin is like the wind. blows here and there. Add in the demoncraps - drunk nasty piglousey, a damn schitt, another brain ded fedderman or whatever his name is, fiendsteen on and on.
Not "everywhere" see my reply to bull Dog. :-)
Having read/studied the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, I will never cease to be amazed that this generation that considers itself the most enlightened of all so far, is unable to perceive what’s happening right before their eyes. Had they studied history, they would understand that there is little difference between the symptoms and causes of the fall of Rome and USA. In case of Rome, they were called Barbarians. Here, they are called illegals. Both invaders….
The REAL Barbarians are in DC. and their RESULTS* are on the Border, coming Inland to Us.
This generation is the most enlightened? Seriously? These entitled lazy moronic kids?
Joking right?
They think they are enlightened. I think that everyone under 40 is vaccine damaged in ways we can easily see and some that are not.
Our world shifted in 1989, one birth ata a time.
Well, in its own eyes.
Sharyl Attkisson exposed Fauci's H1N1 Fraud in 2009. She was the star investigative reporter for CBS back then. Even though CBS attorneys cleared her story and they ran it on their web page, CBS refused to air the story, and covered it all up. That is when Sharyl went independent.
(Notice: we have a very short memory of the last Fauci Fraud in 2009, and most people never knew what happened)
fwiw- I collected some links on that--Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, who was in some of the interviews with Reiner Fuellmich, called out the 2009 fraud too:
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Chairman of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Health Committee, accuses the WHO of conspiring with pharmaceutical companies to create a false pandemic with the Swine Flu of 2009:
Channel 4 News Exposes Swine Flu Scandal
Channel 4's John Snow reports on the Council of Europe's investigation into the manufactured swine flu hoax. The former Chair of the Sub-committee on Health of the Parliamentary Assembly Dr Wolfgang Wodarg had accused the World Health Organization (WHO) of lowering the definition of a pandemic in order for the pharmaceutical companies and their share-holders to rake in massive at the expense of tax payers in targeted countries.
Swine flu, Bird flu 'never happened': Probe into H1N1 'false pandemic'
The Council of Europe's Head of Health also claims the World Health Organisation colluded with major drug companies and changed the definition of pandemic. Doctor Wolfgang Wodarg says it ensured maximum profits, but no risks, for the firms. Now, countries like Britain, France and Germany have stockpiles of vaccines lying unused, as infections spread far less than the panic surrounding it.
Why The WHO Faked A Pandemic- The agency needed to bounce back after the avian flu embarrassment. https://web.archive.org/web/20100208182828/https://www.forbes.com/2010/02/05/world-health-organization-swine-flu-pandemic-opinions-contributors-michael-fumento.html (original Forbes article has been deleted)
Why the WHO Faked a Pandemic Over Swine Flu in 2009 Revealing Forbes Op-Ed https://www.sott.net/article/432762-Why-the-WHO-faked-a-pandemic-over-Swine-Flu-in-2009-Revealing-Forbes-op-ed
And don't forget about this:
HIV=AIDS - Fauci's First Fraud
Excellent information and documentation! I hope you don;t mind if I re-post your article (crediting you) on my substack. This needs to get as much notice as possible!
And yes, I know quite a bit about Fauci's First Fraud. I produced this documentary back in 1996. (after is failed in the first attempt in 1992.) The documentary was blocked by all major distribution but eventually went viral on the internet and finally reached millions.
HIV=AIDS- Fact or Fraud? Documentary
Here is the link to watch for Free https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTxvmKHYajQ&t=4337s
Thanks. Yes, please re-post. I don't need credit--I just want everyone to wake up!!
It’s too late. Biden can definitely “win” the next election again just like he has raped us in 2020 with the massive frauds.
Dominion voting machines and software are controlling the ballots and altering the results, so it’s a fallacy to count on future elections to change the United States.
Paul and all,
Did you really say this Paul???
“We need Trump to fix this NOW! No one else is capable.”
Sorry to disappoint you, but…
TV Entertainers/newscasters are not in the solutions business and neither are politicians. WHY? Giving solutions will never be profitable?
What part of this do you not get?
When The People do nothing that matters, evil will prevail. When good people fail to unite against evil, evil will prevail. When good people refuse to stand together to defeat evil, evil will prevail.
The buck stops with The People…NOT Trump!
I DARE YOU today if you still have critical thinking brain cells left to heavily ponder this piece…
Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting
P.S. Good Luck pondering!
Well, for better or worse, like marriage, people need Leadership. If We All went outside our homes and yelled "Hell No!!!" or marched with guns to the town square.... Someone would have to be In Charge, with subordinates to co-ordinate. Otherwise it's a Rabble & easily defeated.
The Founding Fathers were the Leaders, they Assumed Authority, it certainly didn't come from the "Authorities" the British.
So Trump could issue an Appeal to the Militia. Would you then turn out armed, with provisions for a week, ready to fight in mortal combat??? Are you capable, trained to assume command of 20 men???
Hence, I commensurate with you and Lex Greene, and have for 10 years. What Are the practical steps After Pondering??? I do not know.
I Know that this DC Feral Coup Gov is Illegitimate, but We need Someone to Declare it So, beside You, me, or even 100,000 other Patriots. CREDIBLE LEADERSHIP is needed, and Yes.Time is Short in the Reports from the Border and elsewhere.
I vote NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER strategic planners! Why? Because they are the ONLY group with ANY serious wins the past 3 destructive years!
Any questions…
need a working link
It's all good, but that's not going to "save the day" any more than your tirade to Paul Alexander about Trump. Laws under Tyrants are Lawless. Sure pushback is needed, but it doesn't win by itself. imo. All the best, do what you can, I will do likewise.
I read that Obama, Clinton and a Bush operative are flying Afghans in overnight and Fedex, Goodwill, Starbucks are some of the sponsors. It's treasonous!!!
"Treason is the Reason for the Season", Comrade. Welcome to the USSA.
thanks Mrs Attkisson for all your hard work. I took that definitive list you wrote on trump about all the Lies the media etc said about him & woke several brainwashed people in my family up that watch CBS NBC ABC etc. as Proof the media & government Lies to us on a daily basis. if they will lie about a sitting president they would lie about anything. even if people hate him he shouldn't be lied on or used to hurt others. hope you & your family is doing great God bless
Thank you Sharyl Attkisson for reporting on this horrific reality. We are at war, with a Coup running DC, and rogue shadow government agencies operational.
Please note: We also have cell towers and directional weapons lacing neighborhoods, Smart Meters in most homes pulsing deadly radiation much higher than the lying Electric Companies and complicit Public Utility Commissions represent, and it's increasing. We need people with Radio Frequency and Electromagnetic Radiation METERS to verify this activity taking place while we sleep, and in early morning hours.
People with high heavy metal ratios (like Lyme Disease) can both hear and feel this.
Studies not used (cherry picking) show the old Cell Towers delivered cancer at 4x the normal rate if a person lived within 1/2 mile, and 10x the rate, if on the building or rooftop where you work or live.
It looks like a chaotic culmination of sorts to mandate mRNA injections still....and kill off the Medical staff, Dentists included, take out a wide swath of Law Enforcement, Pilots, Athletes, etc. damaging America's infrastructure, weakening the country while it's being 'Globalized' by invasion, etc.
Are the Chinese, Islam, WHO/WEF/UN looking to evict America on some schedule?
Michael Yon is 'hands on' with his reporting in Panama, look him up on Locals. https://michaelyon.locals.com/
He has also been on Natural News with Mike Adams and Fox News several times. Very good reporting.
Just where are all these people going? Are there jobs for them? Who is supporting them? The American taxpayer? Where the hell is congress on this?
The law is not being followed.
This sounds like grand b.s. There are no data to support this nonsense. Sounds like lies about the fraudulent election or the denial of J6. Stop this divisiveness and bigotry. It's way too old to keep repeating.
Enjoy your boosters.
@tanya marquette Only criminals will make the kind of statements like yours about elections, January 6, etc.
In short, Tanya, you are a shameless idiotic criminal. Hell is your destination.
psycho !
I am surprised this ss is of of any interest to you. Or maybe spamming and spying?