There was an officer in a US state who found out that 50% of SIDs cases occurred within 48hrs of vaccination, 70% within a week.

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Look to the Amish community.

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Until Covid came along there had been growing criticism over vaccines. It was building even amongst celebrities. Given that vaccines are a steady source of revenue and a major cash cow the growing pushback no doubt worried big pharma. All that changed with Covid as suddenly vaccines and big pharma were billed as heroes. One wonders if reversing criticism was part of the plan. What’s fascinating is prior to Covid it was the Left that tended to be more critical of big pharma than the Right. That reversed literally overnight.

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I view vaccine companies as a criminal organization. Pfizer was ordered to pay 2.3 billion in fines. Then look at the history of Vioxx. Sooo...if vaccine companies are a criminal organization then what does that make of the doctors who regularly encourage these shots that do not have long term studies done and who will make money off of it and don't seem to have much in the means of liability if something happens to the patient? What is the part of the crime the doctors play in these shot scams.

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Sharyl Attkisson is always my go to for unbiased news and commentary. She has been at the fore front on stories main stream news ignored or covered up way before COVID.

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