I thought blacks had the highest rates of "vaccine hesitancy". Which would make sense, if they know the history of the CDC's Tuskegee Experiment.

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Don't you worry Paul, God sees it all and the demons will be going back to hell.

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we hope...I know God is ever seeing...what is done now is painful...to many families and good teens, young people

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These mRNA LNP pushers don’t give 2 shits about anybody. They just want people like you to shut the F up, & everybody line up for their clot shots. They want their big money they’re betting on this evil shit, & the more we talk about how dangerous they are, the less money Maloney baloney makes. He doesn’t like that. 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼

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Echoes of the morality of the infamous Tuskegee Experiment, perhaps.

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God knows our heart.

This life is a dewdrop.

Continuously remind myself & others struggling with evil...only after my own curses, anger & repentance Revenge is the Lords.

He will see justice done. Keep the faith.

Your doing you best to expose evil.

An honourable man on the right side of history.

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I hope the individuals in question receive VIP tribunal assistance and proper treatment, just as you do.

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It seems to me, ( a white woman in her 60s with no interest in football), American football teams are dominated by black males. However , a quick check with the NCAA stats for football shows about a 40/40 split between black and white players for 2023 yet 7 out of the 10 of these young fit men were black. Were they vaccinated? Was practicing in the summer heat a factor? Whatever the reason, it's tragic we are losing our young people in such numbers. My heart breaks for the families.🙏🙏🙏


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'Our hearts hurt': Port St. Joe football player dies, drawing sorrow on social media

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Dr Ladapo needs to see that an autopsy is done on this young man Chance Gainer, his family must demand answers. Then every young athlete get a cardiac work up . Jabbed or not due to the shedding factor. Please ask him to do this if you can Dr Alexander. One kid dying on the field is too many.

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yes yes vaccinated

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I hope the families will request autopsies, especially the heart and they insist on that stain for spike. If it would be helpful, I hope ALL players insist on heart imaging, D-dimer and whatever else evaluates heart health.

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Now doctor, I do appreciate your incisive humour. Otherwise, how to deal with theses beasts? It reminds me of “Tyrants destroyed”, a short novel by Nabokov, where the protagonist finds an ultimate weapon to get rid of them: laughter!

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So many middle school and high school aged boys died just this August, collapsing on the football field suddenly. The majority were black. Another high school football player 18y/o young man at Port St Joe High School in Florida collapsed on the field and died last night. This shouldn’t be happening.

In November ‘21 , my youngest son’s last, at age 14 was the last visit to a pediatrician for a sports physical. His Dr insisted I consent to jab him with a Covid shot. I said absolutely not. My son had Covid 2 months prior and got over it quickly. No need for the shot. Then the Dr said there’s only a small chance of him developing myocarditis. And he should get it in 6 months. I was shocked! I told him why? He has natural immunity. I never went back. Doctors knew it could damage their hearts. How do these doctors get up as & look themselves in the mirror everyday? They all sold their souls. I fear more young athletes will disappear in the next few months. Those that got the shots are ticking time bombs. Every young person who got these shots needs a complete cardiac work up.

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They want to make the blacks to be made out to be the. I cannot blame them after all the experiments the children in new york child services with the ATZ drug killing them right and left. Tuskegee, and many more things done against people. Experimenting on them right now as they keep continuing to fall dead. Very few make it out alive without permanent damage. Today they keep giving the clot shot saying it's safe and effective and they lied defective advertising false advertisement they sued for false claims. Their medical licenses revoked permanently the money they received should go to the people whom they hurt. Also the officials that claimed it was necessary and it worked should also be shot with the clot shots and payment to those injured and killed.

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You need prayer and reflection.

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