Which means they'll cheat even more blatantly and or attempt to lockdown again. They will regret trying that again...

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Joe will get in with a landslide, and the Democrats won't regret it -- if you know what's good for you.

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If Trump gets 100 million legitimate votes, Biden will somehow get 110 million votes. Even if there are only 150 million legal voters. DeSantis can do more to save America as Governor of Florida.

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Agreed. DeSantis best use is as Governor. And the Fed election is rigged, so good luck. The sooner Rome burns, the better.

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However, Biden has brought in close to 30 million illegal migrants in just 3 months, and gave them the right to vote, even though it's a State power, and by 2024 we should have about 100 million if he isn't stopped. And you're right about DeSantis.

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We have a long way to go to 2024 and the left are thieves, criminals.

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It's ABC and WAPO. Only 7 points? You can be sure it's actually at least 20-25 points.

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YES! I was going to say this myself. Most of us who know better, know this. And I wonder how many people they had to poll to get Biden up to minus 7 points - lol.

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Yes. When I read 7 I thought that number this far away from November 2024 is meaningless. Especially with cheating going on.

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Only 7 points? Who are the lobotomy cases who are supporting the other lobotomy case for "resident" again?

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LOL: Check out other polls that have Trump losing to Biden.

Trump has the worst net popularity among all candidates.

Biden is about 7% less unpopular, along with Kamala.

If you don't believe me, we have proof from the last 3 election cycles.

GA was the best example where Republicans rejected Trump's selections.

Trump is Toxic.

DeSantis will crush Trump in the early primary states. He will be in Iowa this weekend.

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Governor DeSantis is not Presidential material yet and we need him to be governor as long as possible.

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DeSantis has already been the executive leader of the 5th largest economy in the world for a full 4 yr term. Then he wins by the biggest

You can repeat your lies over and over and over and convince your MAGA chorus of those lies.

But you will not win over another single vote come the Iowa Caucus and NH open primary.


DeSantis is 100 Times the leader and human being that Trump his.

DeSantis' main slogan is NEVER BACK DOWN.

All he needs to say is that Trump is only running for REVENGE, and he would be finished. But DeSantis won't do that, because he will be counting on you to vote for him vs Biden.

You want evidence DeSantis is gearing up to run? I could produce at least 20 links.


Here is what DeSantis just said about his accomplishments.

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That boy is still wet behind the ears. You don't send a boy to do a man's job. He'd not survive a fraction of what Trump's been through. Biden would eat his balls for breakfast.

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In my research, I have found many reasons DeSantis isn't presidential material. He's a great Governor because he has the support of all the RINOS in his state. It's why he's able to get things done. He should be re-elected as Governor in 2024, if he really cared about his constituency. It's about the Peter Principle.

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The country is a mess, border, economy, prices, price of gas, etc and Biden is 7 points behind President Trump. That is not true. If Trump is 35 points ahead of DeSantis, he has to be >7 points ahead of Biden. What a joke poll.

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1. The Republicans have taken very little action to overcome election fraud, and because of this, Another pandemic will give them the win.

2. With mass destruction created by Biden, SEVEN percent is a pitiful lead

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I'm in complete agreement.

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Right there with you!

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I believe in RFK Jr. I will prob be cHnging my party affiliation to vote in primary

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Why Not RFK Jr.? Just in Case You Were Curious…

Kat Stansell|April 28th, 2023


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bidens got more than water on tiny brain

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The Council on Foreign Relations is the central nervous system of the deep state and Biden is in with them. Their members have influenced and controlled our government, education system, media, entertainment and other aspects of America. They are the ones driving us to the New World Order and push for digital currency and the fall of America as we know it. A Whole Foods in California requires the implanted / tattooed mark of the beast to enter their store! Biden wants to give our health sovereignty to the WHO and we need to refuse to comply. I feel another plandemic coming and we need to get Trump in to remain free for 4 more years!

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Yours is the best comment, Cora - for us and for our country. Trump was the best President we ever had and we want him back! I will write him in if he's not on the ballot.

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Trump ain't winning shit, or saving shit. Trump doesn't give a FUCK about America, or you, or me. All Trump cares about is money. Trump made a fortune off being the President, and that is the only reason he wants to be prez again, other than the power which feeds his bigly ego. He is a fool who only got rich because his Daddy gave him a million bucks to start his first business. Trump is a horrible business man. He has declared bankruptcy time over time, and he stiffs his contractors. Educate yourselves on who that demon really is - he is the anti christ, and he is a pussy grabbing pig. Wake the F up. He is a fucking moron, just like his followers.

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I’m Canadian but you folks in the United States must do what you have to to save your beautiful country that goof Biden is a nut now that your boarders are even more open is a disgrace to the great people of the unites states we have our own goof Trudeau but Canadians are so passive it’s crazy Trudeau will do the same as Biden it’s just a matter of time but in this country it’s all this drag queen crap pushing it on our children you folks need Trump he is a true patriot

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