We need to make sure everyone in the Justice Dept can "SAY HIS NAME".

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Who were these “individuals”? What race(s)? Time to peacefully dispense some justice in some white oppressor communities?

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Guaranteed, if they are anything but white, you wont hear about their race. Same thing happens in Canada. You only hear about the race if they are white. What a beautiful WHITE young man, just trying to defend his friend. Throw these child feral animals in jail. Problem is they will come out even worse than when they went in. How's about charging the parents for raising racist killers?

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That’s inherently unjust, and we need to figure out how to correct that. Fast. And get rid of the welfare system that creates fatherless ghettoes and pockets of radicalism that generate this nonsense for everybody.

The press never reports all the black on black and hispanic on hispanic violence, either. The press uses anybody who is non-white as pawns and useful idiots to break down white society. Fortunately, some on the black community are finally pulling their heads out of their nether regions and starting to figure out who their Massas are, and what Bwanna is actually doing to their people. Reaching out to them to get their support in putting an end to their servitude in the form of perpetrating this race war, may be one way we can rout the elites. The two things they fear most are black people accepting and integrating into upwardly mobile white culture, and the plebes of every stripe all getting together and going en masse after their common enemy.

Try explaining to black people why they’ve been encouraged to devolve into hating everything about white people and white culture, and more might begin to start turning their wrath on the soul-sucking parasites who are the true problem for us all.

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Why don't we know the BLACK boys names? If white's did this to a black, we would

have another George Floyd FAKE production. I'm calling Al Sharpton's office

to ask when he is going to investigate this murder done by his BLACK race.

Whoops! BLACK kids did the killing. You definitely won't hear from him.


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Jonathan Lewis Jr.

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Cowards always attack in packs.

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You’ve got that right!

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Man chosen to walk point in Vietnam invariably Rural White Southern.

Blacks were placed as groups to be early warning signals. Mostly stoned.

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I cried reading this. Will the world wake up to the racism that’s been directed towards white people? We are the minority in the world and we are under attack in every country including the ones founded by white Europeans.

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Comments here are a decent barometer.

Though a bit over-polite.

Comments on original Gateway Pundit piece are ferocious.


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I am saddened at the loss of this beautiful young man. Such a horrible waste of life. I hope justice is served by putting his killers away for the maximum penalty of murder.

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Unfortunately, since our courts are LAWLESS who knows what these BLACK murderous thugs will receive.

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The SCOTUS that brought in desegregation is responsible. Not Ruth Bader Ginsburg personally but others just like her. America Second types. They hate Christians and white people.

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15 Evil demonic entities on one. Wow how brave of them.

God was removed from home and schools this is the outcome demons in our midst.

God bless the family of this boy and speak to the families of those evil entities who committed this evil crime.

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There's no link?

So here's an accurate reporting (IMO), with more statistics and stories below, far more than I'm posting, and that you likely won't see anywhere else. Found while searching for a link.


Hate Crimes Against White People Surge, and are Barely Reported

Data show white Americans are victims of interracial crime at a higher rate than any other group. In 2018, The Bureau of Justice Statistics released their survey of criminal victimization, breaking down 593,598 interracial violence between blacks and whites.

Black Americans committed 537,204 of those interracial felonies or 90 percent, while white Americans committed 56,394 of them or less than 10 percent.

In 2012-13, then-President Obama’s DOJ recorded that black Americans committed 85 percent of all interracial victimizations between black and white Americans; white Americans only committed 15 percent.

Furthermore, despite making up only 13.4% of the American population, black Americans commit more than double the amount of interracial homicides on white Americans, who make up 60% of the American population.

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If that was my son, you’d only have to tell me who they were. I’d take care of the rest.

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The Black Fifteen and the forces behind them, are working hard to initiate KKK Ver.2 or the equivalent. Sooner the Better.

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oh dear God no

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This is sickening and all on our federal government every one of them. This is what the federal government under Ovomit/Obiden have been working towards. Just wait until the military age illegals go into action. People had start preparing to defend themselves and their family. This is only the beginning. 2024 is going to be unlike anything we’ve ever seen. Remember when various officeholders were inciting them to attack us!!!!! All those guns and ammo our federal government has been stockpiling will be given to them to use on law abiding Americans.

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"Military Age Illegals" sez it all.

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Shows the true weakness of white people and law abiding people of all races. These punks should be hunted down. Sorry but that's not a bad approach to this. Spare me about the judicial system because do you see the feds there investigating like they would if it was white kids on a black teen? They pick sides so why cant we and we means good people destroying evil not white vs black

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15 thugs? 15 blacks? They are 15 niggers.

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I'm showing this to my friend who will agree with you totally. Especially, the last 2 words of your comment :-).

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Need their names, along with any joyful standing by observers' names as well. School admins. Local no-dick cops. Las Vegas legal turds. The Lot.

They should be branded for this. For Life.

Though many will see them as Proud John Allen Muhammads counting coup.

No matter. Just add that to the brand.

Branding is key. Like the Willie Horton photo. Which he posed for.

Then, only a question of time 'til this crime kills them. One by one. Let it be an albatross noose around their necks.

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Cultural diversity vision along racial lines😡.

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It’s NOT RACISM! It’s the EXTERMINATION of White Males who will be replaced by the invading Moslems!

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Is Soros a Moslem?

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George Soros is whomever and whatever he chooses to be like his fellow tyrannical communist friends as long as it benefits their Bolshevik agenda to depopulate the world and destroy the lives of every human being on the planet!So yes, he is a Moslem, he’s a communist, he’s a Nazi, he’s a Bolshevik, he’s an evil Satanic pig who has no regard for his fellow human beings and he’s hell-bent on murdering, maiming, and slaughtering adults, teenagers, children and babies just like his fellow Moslem pigs in order to bring about their utopian fantasies and criminal agendas to rule the world or depopulate the earth!

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String up Schwartz (Soros) he’s most of our problem the filthy bastard and his evil sons. Call him by his real name Schwartz the Nazi bitch

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We have white genocide if we don’t stop it will get worse much worse. I’m at my ropes end our law makers, Congress? These weak compromised pussy boys should be at the end of one

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Los Angeles https://reason.com/2023/01/11/los-angles-public-schools-are-increasingly-passing-students-who-dont-meet-grade-level-standards/ Students attending Los Angeles public schools are facing astounding declines in academic performance. If you looked at their report cards, you'd hardly know it. Among the district's 11th graders, 73 percent earned A's, B's, and C's, while only 19 percent met grade-level testing benchmarks. Among sixth graders, 85 percent earned A's, B's, and C's, while only 40 percent met grade-level benchmarks. This shift is no coincidence. According to the Los Angeles Times, The school district eliminated F's during the spring 2020 semester due to concerns over the rapid shift to online learning. When the 2020–21 school year began, the district—where schools remained largely closed saw an increase in the number of D and F grades.

District officials claim that LAUSD is in a "transitional period," and that the new equity-based grading policies are meant to prevent teachers from lowering grades over behavior that is unrelated to subject mastery, like failing to turn in work.

"We're promoting equitable grading practices that are more accurate in communicating what students actually know and what they are able to do and their skill sets, so that we can more specifically personalize the target student needs," Frances Baez, the district's chief academic officer, told the Los Angeles Times.

https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-02-01/ban-l-a-school-police-and-add-more-counselors-academic-help-for-black-students-group-says School system. Scrap school police and add counselors and academic help for Black students, coalition says pushing "stupid" upon the kids, making no thinking/learning their new "no brainer" for equity. These groups are all failures to society.

Pushing that agenda to dumb down the kids and no punishments for their behaviors.

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Evidently, if you're not prepared to home-school, don't have kids.

Govts worldwide eliminating home-schooling at warp speed.

Public education has always been about control, not education.

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