This is what happens when you socialize medical care. It’s absolutely outrageous, heartbreaking and inhumane but they are always going to end up putting the elderly at risk because they are a “burden” on the system. That’s why Americans are so against socialized health care. I’m so sorry to hear this is happening 💔😭🙏🏻

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They are going back into British Care Homes soon to toxic covid jab finish the job.

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Unfortunately I’m aware of this. If you need to escape from hospital and can’t escape unaided or are being prevented, then a phone and private health insurance is required. Eat right, exercise, correct BMI ect. TAKE CARE ON THE ROAD. Watch for tailgaters, allow speed, distance and time. Stay away from any “health care”. The only reason I ironically still have private health insurance.

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This has tonight been published in the U.K. Daily Telegraph.


The elephant in the room is so big the walls are about to be pushed aside yet all are “puzzled” at to what’s gone on…

The U.K. undertaker Mr O’ Looney highlighted this in 2020 but was dismissed by the usual “fact checkers”

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I'm not sure Maajid completely understood an important part of Elena's answer, when he asked her why, in her opinion, Stuart was deliberately killed.

She gave a really interesting response.

She said "Follow the Money". Then she explained how in May 2020, the UK adopted a new organ donor law.

Whereas prior to that time, organ donation was voluntary, unless you OPTED in? In May of 2020 organ donation became COMPULSORY, unless you opt OUT.

@ 1:20:39

Elena and Stuart were UNAWARE of that new law, in November of 2021, when Stuart was admitted to hospital.

What she said next chilled my blood, but he missed her point. (She speaks with an accent.)

"After I had his medical notes? He had more morphine and midazolam after he died. On November 8th..."

"Now YOU tell me what that means?"

I haven't completed her interview, so she may well repeat that statement again, just to make her point very very clear, because the interviewer obviously didn't get what she was saying the first time.

Her point is this:

Stuart died on November 6, 2021.

On his drug chart, which she had to wrangle from the hospital with the help of an attorney, shows which drugs he was administered, and on which date.

Elena says that Stuart's drug chart shows that her partner who "died in her arms" on November 6, 2021, was administered Midazolam on November 8, 2021

In other words, Elena is saying that Stuart either wasn't dead, that he was administered drugs to stop his heart, and that his heart was restarted after she and her sister-in-law left the hospital.

She is intimidating that he was placed on life-support until all his viable organs could be matched to organ recipients, and removed...

At least that's my take.

Listen closely.


If true? This connects more dots.

Like why did the coroner deny Stuart a post mortem?

The hospital in question was deeply in debt and scheduled to be closed in 2018-2019.

During the past 2 years: that same deeply in debt hospital which was (allegedly) scheduled to be shuttered in "2018-2019" instead? Built a new 16 bed wing and is currently doing just FABULOUSLY!

Elena says that she is not stating anything, merely trying to connect dots.

She may also have, inadvertently, connected the reason for "UNVACCINATED" on his admission form, and those sanguine speckles.

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This is just beyond horrific. I am just speechless. I didn't know about the organ thing either. ( I don't live in the UK but have friends & family who do ). I hope I see justice in my lifetime but I don't hold out much hope - it's all just a bit too sinister, like a cancer spreading it roots into every part of the fabric of humankind.

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My go to word of the month:

Diabolical. 😢

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Since when has allopathic Rockefeller “mad-as-sin”; my mentor’s word, which is true; ever been about improving people’s health or quality of life? When?

The big Insurance companies now are the dots you are referring to along with body parts. If you have not yet watched “the island” it is a good movie to see.

We are stuck with [Evil at the helm, trying to milk the suffering], from what these people are saying.

[Evil loves three things:

1 money;

2 sex; and

3 power.]

[Evil] will use the first two to get [its] favourite, [power]!!! [They] are like ticks when [they] get this, which is why this is a spiritual war.

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Deaths were driven higher – blamed on Covid — and that was leveraged in a massive PR Campaign — which was purposed to drive uptake of the ‘magic bullet’ vaccines.

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Here is an article that is not behind a paywall relating to this video interview. I believe and we show data that supports the theory that COVID itself was targeted toward elders in particular. Since early coronavirus experiments and gain of function work being done in 2015, 2017 and so forth, the mice that were elder were most frequently killed by exposure. See our book COVID-19 and the Global Predators, We are the Prey.


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Today's mass murderers are a breed that occupy top jobs, they wear suits and they are sophisticated.

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what kind of medical professional/human being would participate in such activities?! these people were hitmen/women. are the nooses from Nuremberg still available? If not, I'll pay for them.

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This is not a like, but a 👍🏻.

Long ago, I listened to a video where a doctor had attended a meeting. In this meeting, they were not allowed to record or take notes. Being he had an excellent memory, he made a recording, it was probably in the 60’s or 70’s when it was originally recorded.

On the recording, he stated all the industrial work will move to China, as this would remove the pollution from the West. From there, the hospitals would take over as prisons. There was a lot more and seems to be ringing true.

My mentor stated, long before; Certificate of Vaccination Identification or Covert ID, 1-A, 9-I, Artificial Intelligence; COVID-19, there would eventually be suicide booths for people to kill themselves. Something like Futurama was showing.

We live in a place run by, for and with Evil. It has always been this way. Just think about the Crusades or the Witch Hunts. Those who are meant to be awake, will be. Those who are not, are not.

This is bigger than just this world. This is an Evil Universe, which is running out of spiritual energy, deservedly. So it is trying to push the suffering all it can, but it will not succeed. What is of spiritual value will be rescued, what is not, will truly suffer the suffering it has caused, prior to being made inert.

Take it or leave it, as always. I look forward to the end of Evil!!!!

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David Icke warned us that the UK placed a huge order in 2019 prior to the first case. Premeditated murder if you ask me

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Have seen Mike Yeadon also speak about this exact issue and at some length and detail

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Recently Published Study in Nature: The Deadliest Covid Comorbidity Is... 'Severe Mental Illness and Learning Disability'


'Learning Disability' is not a comorbidity in the slightest.....

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