Heartbreaking. This is democide happening right before our eyes.

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God Knows - He will not let them

Get away with the killing

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I second the recommendation. It's very informative and well done. I hope many people will watch it.

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I’m so sorry for the loss of your beautiful, healthy daughter! Please continue to get the word out so this shot stops!

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The movie attempts to show how quickly a young person can go from health to death...just by agreeing to take “a safe and effective” injection... that often cripples maims and kills.

Once you get past thirty minutes of seeing the horrible aftermath of each of the family’s trying to make sense of what happened while the vaccine company and CDC use their delaying methods to shift blame and culpability.. you then get to see the effect of expectant mothers and rare birth defects suddenly exploding off the charts.. the tsunami of people dying... coincides with one thing...vaccine rollout.

Still borns are breaking all records... yet no one anywhere in the reporting media are talking about this... and if the data numbers that only show 2021 figures.. shock you ....you better brace yourselves.. 2022...2023 are going to prove how bad things have gotten... and what the few brave doctors kept trying to tell you.. AND why the CDC wanted 75 years to hide....time to bring back the rope..

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It’s so tragic, but the ones who contributed to the making of this death shot & the ones responsible for rolling it out believe in population control. It’s just another day in paradise for them. They are so evil they sleep very well at night. They’re all psychopaths. I’m shocked at how many psychopaths live amongst us! That’s what’s shocking! I feel bad for the people who are dying. We The People have to protest in mass against this. Vaccines need to become synonymous with death & injuries. It’s the only way folks. I feel God is working through us, through those who have died, to show us this stuff is a bio weapon. No doubt about it. All the departments are in on it, including the DOD. People are so f’ing brainwashed about getting vaccinated! It makes me enraged to see how people are so brainwashed. Friends, family, neighbors. It’s torture for us who know what’s going on here. Evil doesn’t hide though. They tell you what they’re going to do. When they rolled this vaxx out, they told everyone it was done WARP SPEED! They told us it’s EXPERIMENTAL! They didn’t tell anyone what exactly was in it, besides the Spike protein lipid nano particles. They asked for 75 yrs. to say exactly what was in this shot. WHY would anyone trust that? Why do people think injecting stuff they have ZERO clue what exactly it is, into their bodies, is for good health? Why??? When their is so much government corruption all over the place. In every aspect of life. Why the blind trust? Not me! Never. I will never ever trust another doctor. They scare me to my core. Doctors are just as stupid.

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It is murder committed by the CDC, FDA, DoD, NIH, big pharma, fauci and gates upon humanity. No other explanation is plausible.

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Please heed my warning. All of the guilty must die or we will go through this again in the future.

There is evidence that a pattern of psychopathy is infectious and it has spread around the world since 1815. It may be a long time before we understand this non-pathogenic malaise but the infected display unmistakable symptoms: an unquenchable lust for power; an absolute incapacity to empathise with suffering; pathological ability to lie; a conviction they are highly intelligent when their behaviour says othertwise; and embedded elitism. Regardless of organisation they are associated with, all must be executed. Perplexingly, most are politicians and doctors. Go figure, but after you have killed the bastards.

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Malone has spoken out loudly and often about the problems with these vaccines. he patented a process many years ago that was used in the ultimate making of the vaccines. he caused no deaths.

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Where's Vlad Tepes when you need him?

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Hasn’t anyone figured out a way to blame these deaths on Radical Islamic Terror Babies yet? Prizes include network anchor and think-tank positions.

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