Well look at Gerry Wilder’s party election victory and Wilder’s address to the Netherlands parliament telling Muslims who hate western values to go back to the desert.

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Connor, Geert - they're all giving me hope that we can save our nations.

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Civil unrest is all by design in EU and here in USSA.

(Oh, and please stop reposting fake doctors misunderstanding basic research papers.)

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Globalists don’t want borders, they want to completely destroy the idea of Nation States, it is all about one world trading

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Precisely! On the one hand, globalists naively suggest "humanity" is larger than any border. Humanism is an attempt to ASSUME ALL peoples are the same. However, cultures are many and varied, just like governments are many and varied. The question is, "who gets to decide for everyone, and under what design?" Wars have been, and are still being fought over that question - since the beginning of civilization itself. Conflict exists within the world, within cultures, within economies, and within individuals. To wish for "a utopian" world is extremely naive, and foolish! Utopias simply don't exist, except in childish dreams. In the end, under all utopias, somebody gets to be the decision maker, or more appropriately a dictator, a tyrant!

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God separated people by land mass and language as punishment for excessive sin. It was a good idea then to relegate some to furtil land and others to deserts and it is a good idea to keep it that way. Build bigger walls. End Free Trade policy which is ANYTHING but Free.

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Very well stated! I agree 100%!

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That sure as hell is not working for US. FUCK FREE TRADE.

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A nation is defined by its borders. How true is that?

Our own backyard or property is defined by a border fence or wall. No trespassing signs and trees marked with paint tell us to stay off this property, it doesn’t belong to you.

This country, which is our home and our property belongs to us, the Americans who live here.

I say get off my yard and out of my country. Your trespassing !!!

In my view it is as simple as that.

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Two states England & Britain side by side coming maybe.

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As George Carlin has said, America became pussified. Until We The People grow up and take responsibility, our once great nation will continue it way down the shitter. As a female comedian said, America needs to grow a pussy instead of balls because a pussy can take a lot more abuse than any balls.

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Peter Rabbit was always worried about Mr McGregor.

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The next tyrant is always around the corner. Worrying about which one you're gonna get is fruitless.

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Let’s hope.

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Let's hope and pray this is the start of something great.

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I lived in Ireland for 3 years 2015-2018. I don't think anything will happen. They like to bluster a lot, but nothing ever changes. They had demostrations in Dublin all the time when I lived there. Over water bills and immigration etc The PTB don't listen to the citizens. Kinda like here.

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Nov 25, 2023
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Bow before Mayweather, a better man than McGregor; McGregor's king and yours

Floyd Mayweather (USA) v Conor McGregor (Ireland) - TKO KNOCKOUT


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Nov 25, 2023
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Regarding the kebabs, are you saying shish happens?

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Absolutely NOTHING good or redeemable.

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