Yup! Having had a dear mom who lived to be almost 96 & was still sledding down a hill at age 82 & able to walk back up that hill on her own power - she NEVER succumbed to the incessant, yearly propaganda & pressure to “get the flu shot”. She believed they were worthless & the Drs were clueless re the harmfulness of shots. She walked avidly, had a garden, canned & froze vegetables, cooked wholesome meals, never bought into the egg & statin cholesterol scam, was still maneuvering stairs at age 95, read avidly, never once used a curse word, had chickens along with her “Gram”. Her Gram knew how to catch them, kill them, pluck the feathers & cook them & had some for eggs during WWII. My Dad was off serving on board a ship in the Atlantic (fortunately, he missed his ship in port that was sunk by a German U Boat). My mom was a really good cook & baker. She was athletic & fun. We did not have a clothes dryer in our home until I was ten. Everything was hung up on a clothesline & then ironed. She loved God, her family & country. She only got basic colds & dealt with them old school. Had only had two inoculations in her life, smallpox & tetanus (she stepped on a rusty nail). She was my example of constantly, sweetly, but firmly refusing meds, Rx, & shots the Drs were promoting. Mom & Dad would have been appalled at the last two & a half years & the “mandates”, lockdowns, & vitriol toward those who resisted. Dad got the flu shot once due to pressure from his work & became so sick - he never took another shot the rest of his life. I refuse all shots. No regrets. If I can be half the amazing woman she was, I will consider myself incredibly blessed.

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Your mom is my idol! lol

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Sadly, my mom thinks vaccines are the only reason she's still alive at 92. She gets her flu jabs every year. She's had 4 covid jabs and now has blood clots and heart problems. She didn't have them BEFORE the jabs. We just can't get through to her.

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I am so very sorry - we have friends like this - it’s their choice, but, they have health problems now

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Thank you. It's so sad to see.

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Another shot I will not get, the flu shot this year is 16% effective???? Really!! It also contains stuff in it to hurt the elderly and this was out of the GOVERNMENT studies... So, who the hell would take more crap??

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This study is from 2005, was it buried? Why is it still pushed so hard into everyone every fall? Including college kids. I've never taken a flu shot, my RN mom always advised against it. I didn't ask why. Notice how influenza cases rose after vaccination season similar to what we saw after mass covid vaccination? I swear all vaccines make things worse, not better. The more I read, the more I realize how fooled most of us have been. Man messes with nature and disaster ensues. Investigate/research all vaccines on the childhood schedule (which has tripled since 1986-do you know what happened that year?), I bet we'll find little to no benefit from most of them.....

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There are no benefits; the entire program was designed to introduce cancer into the population, along with other auto-immune dysfunctions. We’re healthier without them.

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So-called medical 'science' appears to have regressed to the 18th century. CDC + FDA = snake-oil salesmen.

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The advertising is non-stop ... more fear. Sanofi ads are relentless with dramatic acting to the nth degree.

My understanding that the Fluzone High-Dose Quadrivalent vaccine contains four times the antigen as standard dose flu vaccines. ... Frig -- What's in these shots!!


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I saw a two and a half minute video about 2 years ago heavily promoting the MMR shot & claiming “millions” have died from measles. It was done by “GSK”. The entire video was propaganda & based on fear-mongering. It was absolutely despicable & filled with falsehoods.

GSK - GlaskoSmithKline - a disgusting pharmass in the UK.

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When they recommended you use a glory hole, they showed their weakness. While they were disinfecting shopping carts outside, they were telling us the virus is airborne. While it can travel fifty feet; two cups of pens next to each other, was our only way out of this. You could spread it with money, but not newspapers. They’re not strong; they’re incompetent and therefore, weak.

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I quit taking flu shots several years ago, after I was vaccine injured. The nurse hit something in my arm with the needle, and I couldn’t lift it without intense pain for several months. The doctor told me it was not vaccine related. There are many, many ways to be injured with these things. Interestingly, I haven’t had the flu since I quit taking the flu shot.

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Where is an updated study or one refuting the claims of this study? Crickets, I'm sure.

How much is the public fooled by omission of negative information - the new standard of official knowledge dissemination / inquiry?

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No more shots for me. Last flu shot was four years ago. I was talking to a nursing home employee who said deaths always went up after giving the flu shots in the fall. The one good thing about this situation is that there is now a lot of discussion and information available on vaccine, shot, diets, preventive health care and health care in general. I go to a chiropractor on a regular basis. I am surprised about the number of young healthy looking people are going regularly. Many are bringing younger kids and babies. The chiropractor office has changed over the years. No longer a place for old people with bad backs. I find I get more info from my chiropractor than my doctor (which I fired because if this issue). This is a good thing and hope it keeps up. They opened people minds.

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HEALTHY PEOPLE DO NOT GET SICK--- please promote non-GMO and clean water, and take protandim to help reduce oxidative stress in your 37.2 trillion cells.

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What is protandim ?

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