You touched on something that impressed me most about Trump. He genuinely cared about "little people." Black or white or whatever, even the least of us was still a person to him. And the least of us responded by voting for him. Our audacity was rewarded by having our votes cancelled by the power elite who knew that we, the great unwashed masses, had no business deciding policy. But not Trump. Trump knew what made America great (us!) and acted accordingly. That I will believe no matter how tarnished his reputation may become in other areas.

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Dr. Alexander, we love you. Thank you so much for all you do. You are light in a very dark reality.

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The ONLY legally oppressed group in the United States remains white males.


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After everything that's been revealed throughout the past three years, it seems to me that most people in the Deep State -- including those in the Dept. of Health and Human Services where Dr. Alexander personally heard top level disparagement of blacks -- have the same level of contempt and disgust for all Americans, even the misguided ones who support and trust them.

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Racism? Not necessarily. How about poorism? In a godless material society which despises anyone without enough money in the food chain, the poorest are just useless instruments in their manipulative world.

No God, no mercy. That's why we are now heading towards this full throttle :


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I agree! However, we can never even begin to “clean house” until we can insure clean elections:

one day, paper ballots. No early or very limited early voting by military, etc. Same day count. No

voting machines.

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You are spot on with your observations of treatment of minorities in America. It is sad but it is true! I can vouch for the truth that the professional politicians, administrators or civil servants of Canada, USA and the UK (most likely other countries as well) are all cut-outs from the same mould. Their main interest is keeping themselves in the job by misleading the 'Top Brass' with false information while frightening and panicking the populations into submission so they are easily controlled or swayed in whatever direction they will be sent. The way to survive in such a cesspit is not to be financially dependant from their departments but operate like Trump, self-funding their posts. As a Canadian immigrant I was treated with distain and dismissed as unimportant by an establishment in one Province but ingeniously exposed the 'Top Dog' to be a liar, manipulator, charlatan, racist and a sociopath. In front of a select committee of 400+ I put motions on the floor addressed the motions with true unadulterated fact and continued to ask questions the following two years. I was surrounded by all 'legal beagles', of which some seemed to crawl on my back to intimidate me. I couldn't believe how well the exposure proceeded, like cutting butter with a hot knife! The truth can't be hidden forever.

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Hey Dr. Alexander, on a side note, were you by chance in Lewiston NY on Center St. at The Bakeshop in the past month? I thought I saw you with your family sitting there. I had do a double take. I'm a fan!

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I feel racism concerns is exaggerated! I look around and see ppl of all colors, nationalities, blending together. On my insurance papers there are lat least 30 languages available. Since there are more whites for the last 300 plus years, there still are. Its not racist. A child can be blonde and blue eyed yet bot parents are brown eyes & brown hair, skin. I know bc that is my step- grandson with two grandparents light skinned, hair & eyes that he inherited. One maternal, one was paternal. You can’t go by how someone looks anymore is the point. As far as immigrants it happens everywhere. Some immigrants are loyal to the country they came from and find fault with their new country. Can they be trusted? Ppl in France generally dislike Americans and treat them poorly. Distrust of outsiders in normal in all kind of situations. People can be pre-programmed to view another as bad based on the whole and not the person individually or from false propaganda intended to alter perceptions! We know its wrong, but most everyone does it to some extent.

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It’s funny how Barry and Michelle never did any PSAs for Vitamin D, exercise and other simple, low cost risk reductions that could have saved an untold number of minority lives.

Guess those two Mockingbirds won’t sing for just anyone.

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CDC is mainly concerned with the destruction of the "white" people. Not the ones who think they have been "chosen".

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Hitching our wagons to Trump will not be productive at this stage. We need to move on. He is not conservative and loves himself first over the USA.

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When you look in the mirror and see a piece of s**t, all you can do is s**t on other people.

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O’Biden’s Regime World War by Lex Greene…at newswithviews.com

Follow this writer…serious background!

Talk time is almost over as we are on the verge of a World War!

You CANNOT stop any totalitarian garbage going on unless you can stop ALL of it!

Figure it out with some serious discernment skills!

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I can't wait until the day all those blood-sucking evil leeches in gov't all get to stand before Jesus, they will all be sent to the pit of hell for all eternity. I can hardly wait. And yes, I'm gloating. I am a Christian woman, but just the absolute wickedness, disgusting, lack of compassion, lack of anything these people have for others, in my book, I can't wait until they're gone. I'm sorry Jesus, I'm human, and these depraved people are despicable. There's not much more I can say about them. They'll get theirs in the end. I know I'm supposed to pray for them, but I just can't bring myself to doing that. After all the hurt, all the pain of all the people that have died at their hands because of this scamdemic, making people get the poison jabs, and killing them. I have no sympathy for gov't people like that. I hope they all rot in hell.

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I love and appreciate the honesty and PASSION! I’ve no time for wishy washy, virtue signalling nonsense. What the world needs is for the awake to show some courage. Myself included

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