Interestingly enough, it is my understanding the schools are incentivized to get kids on meds like these because they’re then declared special needs or some such rot and the school gets money from the government to give them special attention. It is a circular spiral that cannot be escaped. Schools live to label these kids(mostly boys) as hyperactive and in need of drugs. It is disgusting.

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Plus parents get SSI checks

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Yes, and there is money attached from the government to schools, per the diagnostic codes, level of functionality and

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Boys need to burn off energy. They need physical activity. Putting a boy at a desk a d telling him.timsit down & shut up for 7 hours a day is the problem. They have trailers for mentally disabled kids, tutors & special classes for the gifted. But the kids who physically cannot sit still through no fault of their own? Well, they get drugged and labelled. It's wrong.

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“Microwave generations” want a quick fix for everything.

Usually that “fix” is another pharmaceutical

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"May actually". These drugs do NOT solve the problem. These physiological health issues are due to heavy metals in the body namely an overload of copper which is called copper toxicity. Copper toxicity is due to many factors: epigenetics, copper water pipes, copper iuds, even vegan diets (due to there being more copper in vegetables, legumes, etc then zinc) and stress. When copper doesn't bind to the proper protein in the body which is called ceruloplasmin it is then unbound. This unbound copper goes to the tissues of the body including the brain and the liver. The liver might have a hard time getting rid of the excess copper because of genetics, stress, or bad lifestyle (not in children except for possibly and most likely the food they are eating if it contains a lot of sugar or is not organic/biodynamic which would put stress on their organs and their gut microbiome) and so the excess copper ultimately ends up in different tissues of the body causing all kinds of harm including ADHD (see link below). Most people have an issue with copper toxicity. If anyone has experienced PMS, breast or prostate cancers, hormonal issues, depression, etc. (the list is very long) they probably have this copper toxicity issue.

One has to detox the copper out of the body properly along with other heavy metals that are there, such as aluminum, mercury, arsenic, etc. in order to heal the health issue. The heavier metals, such as, lead and mercury are detoxed first then copper follows.

Copper Toxicity and ADHD


More on copper toxicity (overload): https://www.coppertoxic.com/

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It's abuse by the teachers, parents and pediatric psychiatrists.

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AND the pediatricians who write these prescriptions so carelessly.

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Good Doctor I believe every FDA approved drug should be investigated now.. All the so called Trials because as we have seen with CV-19, the FDA, CDC, ABIM, Drug companies none of them can be trusted ever again. Drugs do not cure anything anyway, that is not these drug companies business model, they just want to make money off your disease and treat the symptoms until you die and get their residual monthly money, they should be banned but in capitalisms anything that someone can make money from is allowed, even though its no good for anybody and the things that should be main streamed allowed like naturopathic and holistic and herbs and vitamins, minerals, homeopathic, are semi regulated almost out of existence by the FDA to help the drug companies not have any competition that would hurt their money and stop them from killing people slowly.. Shameful in plain sight.

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As you point out,considering what has cme to light during this planned -demic manufactured crisis, all drugs need periodic unbiased review.

As with any drug pushers, the pharma companies continually strive to do away with the 'competition', in this case the approaches which were traditional medicine until the turn of the 20th century.

The pharmaceutical industry has muscled out the competition, aided by a willing (bought?) Congress passing laws to protect their criminal activity and courts who protect the C-suite members from jail time when their companies are criminally convicted, letting them off with a fine. The fines are merely a cost of doing business.

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Sadly you are correct all the people that we used to look to for justice have all been compromised and play this game of caring when in reality they are all part of a big criminal enterprise.. That includes the congress, senate, judiciary, DOJ, FBI, CIA, they are all part of a secret organization and they pledge allegiance to that organization not the constitution, the country or the people. The only hope we have left and the only hope we have ever had is GOD and the people taking back their country by everyone, police and everyone saying We are done and We are not taking this anymore and UNITE and say no more we will not comply with the CBDC, Vaccine Passport, Climate BS, WHO treaty, Transgender's and LGBTQLMNOP mumble jumble pronouns BS.. One day of UNITY would do it I believe or one week..

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My youngest son has severe adhd. We tried several of these drugs on him and they did nothing to help him. We took him off all of the drugs and found an excellent child psychologist who helped him enormously. I would never recommend drugs for this situation.

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A success story showing the humane way of helping a child. Bravo!!

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So glad things improved for your son. In addition, you might want to look at my post above and the link I posted. It might help your son truly heal. These truly are not psychological issues but rather they are physiological issues and the underlying root cause needs to be addressed to truly heal. The root cause generally is related to heavy metal toxins which we all have but deal with differently because of genetics, epigentics, lifestyle, and overall health.

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So sad and true. Teachers lack the knowledge and teaching skills to deal with kids that have ADHD and add tho the chaos that goes on in these kids life. There are lots of great therapies out there if the parents could take the time to research. And the problem of big pharma parading through pediatricians offices with samples of stimulant meds to pass out and to their patients. It’s at epidemic proportions.

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I’ve read that doctors are monetarily rewarded for administering childhood vaccinations (up to 70 now) within the time frame dictated by CDC/Whoever.

Stray from schedule or leave off any vaccines- no $$$.

A young mom ran up against this; her pediatrician showed anger at her for simply telling him she would decide what & when her son would get particular shots.

She went home; did her due diligence & learned WHY he was furious with her “calling the shots.” She changed docs

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I have seen BCBS bonus schedule for Covid vax. It’s awarded per the percentage of patients who are vaccinated. It’s probably the same for all

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Too many teachers do not recognize NORMAL childhood behavior and "growing pains,," particularly among boys. Anesthesizing children with dangerous drugs to make their teachers' jobs easier is not the answer.

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smart drugs smat apps etc ARE NOT SO SMART

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I watched that crap happen in the 1990’s. Had teachers telling parents their child had whatever alphabet concoction they could come up with and needed to go on Ritalin. Saw it all the time. Parents went rushing right off to the doctor to get a RX.

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Lazy parents

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Most drugs are worthless and do extreme damage to your body. This is why there are so few truthful trials and studies and the long term implications of taking drugs are never studied. Ever wonder why your body has strange reactions to drugs? It's because they are toxic and your body hates them.

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Prioritize animal-based protein; cut carbs, and fuel with traditional fats. (Traditional fats are those that humans consumed before the Industrial Revolution.)

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Animal fat.

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Thanks Paul for another great article on such an important topic. As you know, Dr. Peter Breggin is an expert on psychiatric drugs and he would agree with your message since he has testified before Congressional committees and in legal cases about the dangers of psychiatric drugs and how they can cause permanent brain damage.

I recently read this tragic story about a 12 year old girl in Oklahoma who stabbed her younger brother to death. She had been on ADHD medication for five years and had a manic episode. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12152627/Girl-stabbed-brother-ADHD-medication-five-years-mom-reveals.html

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I read that sad account; heartbreaking.

She (in tears( kept apologizing & saying she didn’t know why she did that.

So the “professionals” walk away scot free.

She’ll be scarred - as well as her family

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It is truly tragic how these psychiatric drugs are prescribed so freely and the psychiatrists know and/or care little about the serious health risks. Dr. Peter Breggin is an expert and was the first to raise awareness of this decades ago. He has written about this and he and his wife wrote a book about Covid that Senator Ron Paul read and mentioned in a Congressional hearing. True heroes of the Truth, like Dr. Paul Alexander. https://breggin.com/

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They put me on Ritalin in boarding school. I went nuts and threw tables and chairs at the teacher. I was then expelled. These days I make my own coconut cannabis oil, just eat it. :-) . Life is good!

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Dr. Carl Hart has always been clear that Ritalin is pharmacologically identical to street methamphetamine.

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Wow!! 😩🤬

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It's always been just common sense to me that any drug can only lower IQ, retention, abilities, etc. If a kid is drugged, he or she is drugged!

Regardless of any minor benefits these psychototropic drugs might have (and they have little to no benefits), they cause more harm than good.

These are MIND-ALTERING drugs! So of course they lower productivity.

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