Nothing to see here you conspiracy theorist! #kill shots working according to plan

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But of course ...

Covid Vaccine Trials Exaggerated Safety, Study in Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice Finds,  DR. Raphael Lataster

"The Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice’s hugely important series of articles on exaggerated COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness and safety claims, involving BMJ Editor Peter Doshi and myself, has now concluded. The initial Fung, Jones, and Doshi paper outlines statistical biases, such as the ‘case counting window’ bias, that likely lead to the Covid vaccines’ effectiveness being exaggerated in observational studies. The subsequent paper by Lataster (that’s me) then explained the situation is worse, as the case counting window bias is often accompanied by a definitional bias, and noted that this could exaggerate vaccine safety as well. Doshi and Fung then returned with a further paper indicating that numerous cases in the vaccinated were overlooked in the clinical trials, likely leading to exaggerated effectiveness estimates. The fourth and final article in this ‘series’, again by myself, notes that this also appears to apply to safety estimates in the clinical trials, whilst also confirming my earlier concerns about safety estimates in observational studies, and noting that the myocarditis issue alone could mean that the jabs are not worth the risk in the young and healthy."

How the adverse effect counting window affected vaccine safety calculations in randomised trials of COVID-19 vaccines, Raphael Lataster PhD

Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, First published: 18 January 2024


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thank you for this great sharing

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The PigFarma Butchery Stabs are not worth it for the ELDERLY either. What I find interesting is that the elderly population are so often targeted, both with and without covid, and for the smackzeens; considered expendable and worth being thrown under the bus by those who vehemently oppose the Stabs for YOUNGER POPULATIONS as though to slake and appease the money lust of the PigFarma shills, like the poisonous kill$hot$ will somehow be beneficient for those over age 60! What a crying joke!

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They're targeted not as to keep them healthy but for social security and medicare budgeting. And the overall population.

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Read it again Catherine: "... the myocarditis issue alone could mean that the jabs are not worth the risk in the young and healthy." The statement specifically instances the vaccinal myocarditis issue, which disproportionately affects the young." Note the wording "could mean" and earlier wording such as "likely leading," "also appears" etc. Scientific writing requires the use of caution. The omission of what you think the writer "should" say doesn't mean what you think it does. If the data under discussion don't point to a particular issue with the elderly in particular and one makes the claim that they do so, a journal is likely to reject a paper.

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Reread my comment over again. Although I dont disagree with what you are sayng here in your response, it appears that you may have missed the point of what I was attempting to bring out.

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Jan 19, 2024
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Pillsbury Ready to Eat or Bake Cookie Dough INGREDIENTS DERIVED FROM A BIOENGINEERED SOURCE Need help contact General Mills OK I researched it (short of making it my second job) I could not find any information on it at all, I went down this road because I saw article foods being infused with MRNA BECAUSE......

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Also, imitation crab and other products say ‘contains a bioengineered food ingredient’. No thanks. Read the label although it won’t give the full story.


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Exactly. Nothing is going wrong. They're doing exactly what they were intended to do.

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When the calculation for 2022 was done the figures should have been worked out on the 5 years prior to 2020. It is well documented that 2020 was the year of the DNR/MORPHINE/MURDERS so figures would be higher! Like wise in 2021 with the POISON JABS being spread by EVIL NHS JAB GHOULS the death figures rocketed!

Here is a comment made which cannot be disputed!---Read on-----

The MPs letter, when you read between the lines, is outlining the strategy. Excess deaths are measured as a 5 year rolling report, as time goes by what was excess becomes the norm, this reduction in excess deaths will be put down to the government's wonderful strategy outlined in his letter, how convenient. Perfectly healthy people will continue to die suddenly and earlier in life for years to come, but the figures won't show them.---END

It is clear that the 2022 figures would have been higher if you dismissed 2020 and 2021 and took the previous 5 years! ---YES/NO?

Maybe other countries are in the same WEF/PHARMA/SATAN GATES/POLITICIANS/COPS/MSM etc STINKING SEWER when dealing with things like this so no honesty can be expected!

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YES, boom

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Yes. They are all messing with numbers .. just like I heard yesterday we have the lowest unemployment rate in 54 years. How is that possible.. no one has any workers & everywhere is looking for people 🤷‍♀️

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It's Bidenomics. Better known as lies and propaganda.

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Kinda likr the obama admin when they started putting expenditures in the income column, all kinds of fuzzy math!

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The low unemployment rate is due to the lack of available (and willing) workers. Ed Dowd has evidence that some of that is due to jab-related disabilities. High minimum wage causes all sorts of perturbations in the labor pool as well. There is an expanding coffee company in Washington State (no, not THAT one) who will not place any locations in the Seattle area due to wage issues and other regulatory strictures.

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Key point! Disabilities are skyrocketing just like death and cancer. Since 2021, not 2020.

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That makes sense .. thank you

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Lot of evil going on and is same round the world!

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And there's no imflation! Things are great!

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For all those who like to disparage conspiracy theorists, I found this verse:

Isaiah 8:12

“Do not call conspiracy all that this people calls conspiracy, and do not fear what they fear, nor be in dread."

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So much evil 👿 🙏🙏🙏for them & their families .. a 21 year old friend of family member just died of massive heart attack. She got the jabs for Univ of Pennsylvania

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God bless them. Hopefully this has awakened them and maybe will save someone else. We've lost 2 in our family. Be prepared as time goes on we will losing more and more. Death and funerals will become the new normal.

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This is so terrible! The whole thing is so awful!!

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Globalists used the mRNA Experiment to rid the world of ignorance. It was literally a Global I.Q test. Many failed.

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Good point, the failure rate is around 70% about the same proficiency rating for many schools on core subjects. We are spending billions and producing idiots - its all in their plan for depopulatioin. Hitler merely lost the battle and won the war. They are well on their way to producing a superior people. It just may not work out like they think as that 30% is not going to put up with much bull from them

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Defund Indoctrination Camps at the National level.

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Yes the feds need to be booted. All levels of government should be banned from spending one penny on indoctrination er education

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Interesting point. Natural selection. I often see and hear people make fun of stupid things "dumb" people do, yet I saw a lot of "not so smart" people not fall for this while some of the brightest are on their 3rd booster.

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Education does not produce Common Sense which is God given. You either have it or you don't.

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Yes.., but the military level psychological warfare deployed on the people was massive 🙏

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I agree. Millions across the USA and probably globally were coerced with loss of employment or not permitted to fly, if you wanted to go to another country, you couldn't return without a hokey pokey...

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Nah can't be the vaccine. I heard it was safe and effective.

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Questioning mRNA is like questioning where the statue toppling, race rioters, and all manner of property destroying violent social unrest went as soon as Biden got installed? Biden is the worst thing to happen to paid protesters. But it’s saving Soros a few pennies though.

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They have been using them against Biden now, the pro-Palestinian rioters. Part of their plan to get rid of Biden before their Dem convention, so they can install Michelle/Michael Obama.

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Maybe. But do you recall how utterly off the charts prolific the social unrest was during Trump? It was global. It was everywhere. It was a cancer eating away every major city. I agree the DNC is done with Biden. And I agree only Michelle has a snowball’s chance to beat Trump (if they don’t kill him or imprison him first). As far as Barry goes. He’s been the real president since 2020 anyway. Americans that still vote Democrat (or RINO) put a gun to America’s head.

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Yes, in 2020 the deep state declared war on America. First with the covid release, then the unnecessary mandates and lockdowns, then a summer of riots and burning down cities, a "color revolution" instigated by Obama and the deep state using the terrorist groups antifa and black lives matter.

All leading to the coordinated election fraud. Against the American people.

Yes, Biden is a puppet. "Obama in the basement".

But whatever they try to do, they will fail. Trump will be our President again. They will go so far as to start a nuclear war in order to "stop" the election. And Big Mike will be exposed if they try that substitute.

MAGA 2024.

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It’s like you read my mind. I am a bit worried about the election though because clearly the stakes are high and they’ve made their position clear. Nothing is off the table. They were asleep in 2016. Certain Hillary was in the bag. They’ve been wide awake ever since. They have proven they will stop at nothing to ensure Trump never returns.

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I’m worried that we won’t even have an election .. 😐 (sounds like some TDS relatives I had)... but based on everything happening & with all the Disease 🦠 X messaging 🤷‍♀️

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Right. I don’t claim to have powers that see into the future so I have no idea what’s going to transpire. But what we do know is very rich and very powerful, influential forces appear hell bent on stopping Trump. That said, I can’t tell if even that is theatre? We’re always being led it seems. And the ruses have become elaborate to the point it’s difficult to recognize them even when they’re staring you in the face.

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Time to face facts. If mass media doesn’t tell people how to think these events will continue to be ignored. Focus on what’s generally accepted.

It’s generally accepted the shots don’t stop spread.

Generally accepted they don’t stop infection.

Generally accepted they will probably harm some people.

What’s up in the air is the unprovable claim that if you take your shots, even if you catch Covid, you won’t get as sick.

As long as they can sell that claim there will never be effective pushback at the grass roots level to ban mRNA.

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But, but misinformation

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I told my cousin early on mRNA was Gene Therapy.. “that’s been debunked” .. oops .. can’t wait to see her next week 😜😜

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Transfection is not vaccination. The latter might incur risk and harm but transfection with mRNA or DNA (transformation) poses a whole other level of risk, and all in this case to generate some serum antibodies that are short-lived and pointless for a respiratory infection.

Immunology is obviously conplex, but a basic understanding is all that is required to see that transfection is madness.

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As well as evil. I believe the root desire of people that create these things is to alter what God has created. Not medical solutions. But it does provide an opportunity to create another medical condition or death.

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With governments, the FNM, Wall Street, and Big Tech oligarchs SUCKLING at the teat of Big Pharma, they see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

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....and they all have - exactly WHAT - in common?

...not that a common denominator means a THING (these days).

Great interview with Dr. Drew, by the way, Paul.


(Following an interview with Royce White)

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