Intentional fraud is Not a mistake. Disregarding data you don’t like is NOT a mistake.

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And claiming in front of congress that the Cochrane mask study was retracted when it had not been was not a mistake either. The CDC does need to be reorganized or just plain shut down, but she is not the one to be telling us how to do it.

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In this case, international fraud is MURDER.


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Walensky is one of dozens of corrupt doctors who lied and misled the public about covid and its deadly mRNA products - one of your 33 Horsemen.

Covid is only 1/20 as deadly as advertised, and mRNA products have already killed and disabled far more people than the virus has - with those numbers increasing every day.

Lockdowns also killed and harmed more people than did covid.

Walesnky and all other Horseman (and a few others as well) are guilty of crimes against humanity.

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I think you and her are talking about two different things Paul.

She's saying they didn't do enough to save lives.

We're saying she managed an organisation that deliberately killed people with a dangerous medical intervention.

That's like the wife saying to her cheating husband that she should've left him decades before, when she catches him in the marital bed screwing the cleaning lady.

And husband saying he and the cleaning lady are in love and they're making plans and isn't the wife happy for them.

It's not even in the same galaxy of being on the same page.

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In this case Rochelle is the wayward husband and the American public are the cleaning lady. The soundtrack playing in Rochelle's head is the chorus of thei Marilyn Manson song "User Friendly," i.e., "I'm not in love, but I'm gonna f*ck you

'Till somebody better comes along ..."

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Fuck me brother ANW; you're on fire 🔥 today.

I'm sated now.

All my love.

BV xxx

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That's too much like right. Problem being that the people who could do so are the very same people to whom you refer.

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Those need to be replaced with people who do the right thing

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That'd be top to bottom, then and with election integrity being a ???

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Well said! 😑

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John Kaminski is proud of you, son. Job well done!

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Hi, I'm covering my corrupt murderous ass.

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It's code for bringing in the WHO to do it

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This is just precursor for giving the job altogether to the WHO aka xi's man tedros

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Speculation; The Cabal, Elitists, Vast Wealth, Threats and Intimidation, something, caused the Administrations we trusted, to blindly push the Covid "Vaccines" on the Worldwide Populations. 175 Million supposedly Dead, so far, a possible one Billion as the "Died Suddenlys" tally grows, Eugenics on a scale never seen before....

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That is ALL you need to know. The waxxxxines are MURDER on a scale the Nazi's would have loved.

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It wasn’t blindly done. It was a democide done on purpose.

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Billionaires like Gates have been talking about the need to reduce the global population for decades now.

The sudden global push to get everyone to inject experimental genes is not a coincidence.

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Yep! 😑

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If Walensky and Fauci aren’t held to account for their PROVABLE CRIMES against humanity, we have NO justice in America.

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Not gonna happen just recently came to this devastating conclusion after reading Sasha Latypova posts

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It will happen when enough people demand that it happens.

Vox populi, vox dei.

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“Mistakes” were not made; CRIMES were committed.

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She is driving the bus that is running over her former colleagues! Oldest trick in the book!

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Total lyin’ fraud - GOD knows & will deal with her if man does not

Psalm 37

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Murdering bitch of bitches.

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Eventually the Creator WILL DO just that by means of his Kingdom Government. Just a matter of time.

Daniel 2:44

New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition)

44 “In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever,

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Before the good kingdom comes, the kingdom of the Great Whore in Rev. chapters 17 and 18 must bite the apocalyptic dust. And we should prayer that any millenial Kingdom not bare any resemblance to the pretentious, lunatic, neocon, supremacist cult running the show today.

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"She's saying they didn't do enough to save lives."

Because their goal was, rather to take them than save them.

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Mass murderer. They all knew. And to think that they've killed off the entire left wing (91 percent are shot-up).

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Worldwide, criminal perpetrators are simply walking away from their misdeeds, and so-called inquiries are nothing but brooms being used to sweep the sordid facts under the carpet. What can we ever expect when the crooks are running the jailhouse.

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It's up to us.

First step is to get a few billion people on our side, the side of justice.

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