Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 7, 2022

Term Limits Now! One term max.

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Yes - but how to “term limit” bureaucrats? As big an issue if not bigger.

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Governments around the world have declared full frontal war on their own citizens while simultaneously demanding we fund our own demise.

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Very true. See "Yes, Minister" a superb old British show.

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Term limits of four years for all federal employees. Then out. No benefits.

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So if Ron Paul were my representative, you would want to prohibit that after one term?

Voters keep re-electing useless loudmouths who promise to solve all their problems because that's what they want. The only way this will stop is if people's hearts and minds change.

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The lock-step Regressives who are running the show now are CCP sycophants and they have a scorched earth policy when it comes to independent thinkers. Our only hope is voting in Conservatives at every level of government or our economy, our health, and our families will suffer more of the insanity this regime is forcing on us.

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Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 7, 2022

I am just realizing they tried already numerous times to kill us in masses in the USA etc but somehow it always fell short. So this time they got ahead but I think it was meant to be worse just like Jan 6th meant to be a massacre. They are now regrouping for another attack. I do not understand how congress is so blind since it also affects them and their families. After we Identified all the criminals we need to arrest them to stop them. Criminals in government and military, media, pentagon, fbi you name it..infiltrated. They gear up another attack they might fully succeeed. THEY do not like Americans or American children. They dont care about american liberals neither. We as Americans though are still lucky but let's do something now before that changes.

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This whole situation is WEF doing. They hate everyone everywhere and want us dead. Bottom line.

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We need to work to stop it all. Time to cone together people!

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Most articles have comments that state: “we need to”.

folks you have to understand that those with the authority to do what you’re saying “we need” to do are the problem

there’s overwhelming evidence of a lot of crimes in a lot of places by a lot of people in our government and in the alphabet agencies and private industry

they will not be prosecuted because the people with the authority and responsibility to do that are the problem

Please get a copy of the book entitled The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate

there are several sermons on the doctrine go to sermonsaudio.com and search for that subject

Also search for how God destroys nations there’s a 5sermon series by Pastor John Weaver

Folks this is God’s judgment not only on America but on the world we’re in it up to our eyeballs if you’re study your Bible especially the prophets you will see it clear as day

Isaiah 66:4

“I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.“

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Dismantle the entire government and start over. Don’t know who could do it since every single member are corrupt. Just wishful thinking!🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Public executions are the only thing that will solve this malfeasance. Stealing a horse used to get your neck stretched, theses bastards have stolen a country and they walk around like a bunch of peacocks, proud of themselves.

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Thank you VERY MUCH, Paul. Nothing really more important than new, public and Governments-funded concoction of Gain-of-Functon diseases. Reader might want to check out Goldman, Sachs earlier crimes in company with Malaysia's Government. Prison-time for at least one GS'er--https://www.ur1light.com/post/abandoning-the-world-enslavement-forum-thievery-48trillion-and-tyranny-we-can-defeat

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Big pharma will continue to buy off congress no matter which party is in charge. The psychos running the fake covid pandemic will escape free to attempt another monster pandemic. Congress in 1986 gave big pharma a free pass on all vaccine injuries and deaths and ever since big pharma has continued to murder millions with no liability for much of anything. Look at how the mRNA death machine is moving forward unabated with congress cowering under the nearest leftist's desk never questioning anything. And we are supposed to believe that suddenly they are going to get religion and grow a spine?

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Politics is akin to big-time tv wrestling and the Team Red posse is on orders to act like they are fighting but take a dive every time..

Ephesians 6:12 describes the real enemy.

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“we gave them power under Trump, they did nothing,”

EXACTLY. This is the uniparty.

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They did worse than nothing. They made every effort to sabotage the opportunity that was created for them to do something positive. They aligned with the movements that vilify and condemn anything outside of the left's destruction of our country. The outliers within their ranks have been marginalized and have no ability to overcome the majority.

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Why don’t you give them a chance to get elected first?

At the moment, the dims have all the marbles.

It’s on us after they get elected.

We have to hold the new people accountable....

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Rand Paul is also fully aware of damages to children via the childhood immunization schedule. He has done NOTHING.

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It’ll be a repeat of Obamacare. They promise to fix then don’t because them so scawed. I think Walmart sells fake nads for girls that want to be boys. Maybe we should buy a pair for all of the Republicans (minus a few).

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No one will save you by voting, it's all fake and the people who keep telling you what they'll do if they win is pure bullcrap. Why would those morons sign off on more death, whats in it for them?

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Steve Bannon had Jim Jordan on this morning but I didn’t catch it. I’ll have to watch it later. I’m not sure about Jim Jordan.

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As long as the US government has the power to print money ,and foist the costs of its awful policies on others, evil in so many forms will continue to flow from it, including wars, viruses, lockdowns, health mandates, corruption of capital markets, and efforts to undermine our energy independence. Looking forward to the day, whatever other pain it may entail, when the the US $dollar$ is no longer the world’s reserve currency. I don’t care if its Bitcoin, BRICS, gold, or beads. Just defang the US government, in all of its flavors, forever.

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I understand that!

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