The MSM will not allow the voice of concerns regarding the harms of the injections .They control the narrative be it big pharma , MSM , wars , education in our schools ,the list goes on . The wheels of justice are broken or totally corrupted and the elected governance have been bought off .Sorry for the bad news but this is the state of the world right now . Just how bad does it have to get for people to finally wake up and turn this around .Nuremberg 2 is desperately needed right now but who to initiate it .They have arrested a very trusted lawyer Reiner Fuelmich in Germany because he was working on it . I just find it hard to think positive these days .They have compounded the damage on our spiritual existence now ,in the Middle East ,in the biggest prison on earth as the casualties keep climbing upwards in both Gaza and Israel .Culling the useless eaters as they call us all .

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I suspect the average Blue-Pilled Sheeptard won't begin to get it until the bodies are being stacked like cordwood and the backhoes -- assuming there's any diesel left, thanks to Biden et al and their "green energy" ka-ka -- are excavating mass graves...

Then again, they're perfectly capable of identifying The Purebloods as the source of the death tsunami and come after us to lynch us !!

But! No worries should that happen: Just cough on them, they'll instantly keel over... 🤔

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It is surely likely that a very large majority of them know, or strongly suspect. Otherwise they'd all have lined up for the latest booster, which despite a massive advertising campaign only managed around 1.4% of the US population.

They will come to lynch someone alright, but not us.

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Historically, in generations WITHOUT huge legal immigration with tens of millions of illegals, word on the street not only takes precedence but links generations. Vatican Church or Rome KNOWS the above, after more than 2500 years of 'NWO' ; point being is that diluted cultures make weak cultures THEREFORE easily mislead in combination with controls over both media and education. That, right there, sums up our very problem here.

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Get a copy of John Taylor Gatto's "The Underground History of American Education". Just the story of the decline in literacy thanks to Government "schooling" will freeze your blood.

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Have it, have several of his material. That book is huge in size, if I recall. I'm a teacher by trade. All history and all math. :)

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How on earth do you stand it?! My lasting takeaway from the Gulag of Public Schooling? 23 years of seeing psychiatrists!

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Malone developed the mRNA technology, but had nothing to do with the weaponized vaccine that our DOD put out! It was a military run genocide against humanity

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I've scanned Malone and my read is that he's the tech-lab guy working on biological genetics; just another brick in the wall. The shot caller tree does have many branches of evil, as we know.

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Fauci and Diesdeck are the Oppenheimer's. The result was compartmentalized. Malone was like a Richard Feynman.

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Yes the shot is killing sheeple for close to 4years now.

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They have had many congressional hearings on this biological weapon and nothing is done???

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Senator Rand Paul does a great job on crushing Frauchi in the hearings, but nothing happens.

Doesn't resolve anything.

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Why don’t we ALL email Rand Paul and ask him when he is going to actually do something about Fauci?

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Good idea. I have called numerous times. I will call again next week. Frauchi works for

the CIA. That's who protects him, I'm sure. Have you seen all the substacks out on

heart problems documented caused by the Killer COVID JAB. I know that's what happened

to my Brother on 9/5/23. Died suddenly in the afternoon while taking a nap. He was

sick and stayed home from work. His son wouldn't let him see his grandson, if he

didn't take the JAB. His son turned out to be some sorry a$$. Of course, he and his

wife took the JAB and at least one booster. His wife's mother died last Christmas of

aggressive pancreatic cancer. Where have we heard aggressive? I'm sure she took

the JAB and Booster, if her daughter did.

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The weakness of our system was nailed nicely by Nash's book; also, Paul's, Peter's, RFK's books. :) If we can get AZ Bigg's into the Speaker slot, we may have leverage.

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So many "Sheep" believed the Psychological conditioning of ; "Safe & Effective", now paying with their lives...

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"It's just a flesh wound! I've had worse!"

-- The Black Knight

(Seems to be the attitude of most of The Vaccinated..) 🙄

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Sold all my big pharma shares. Conscience clear. Shareholders - LOOK IN THE MIRROR

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Culling the Humanby Race, under the guise of being a " Vaccine. The rumored figure of 750 Million Deaths Worldwide, has been seen...

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Betsy Eads on Greg Hunter's USA Watchdog has guesstimated 2 billion worldwide, killed or badly injured...

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This was shared by Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea and she said it's very important and to please share it widely across your platforms.



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Dr Alexander - the $ you turned down is obviously enough to corrupt many, many so called medical professionals.

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with due respect , you keep referring to Malone, if it is Dr. Robert Malone ,,is he not on the same side of the battle vs vaccines , if so please enlighten us as to why you list him along with Faucci and Brix, Walensky et al. thank you

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Yup...need the explanation. Agreed. Let's hear it.

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#COVID19 #Nuremberg2 #COVID

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Power and money

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Because, they are not who they say they are. They all are plain out murderers!

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First thought: how do parents deal with the death of a child? We all plan on dying before kids; way of the world, we hope. Next thought: if we lost one of our own to a vaccine, the wife would add up reality equations regarding pharma vaccinations. She would ask for a book list. But this event she would NOT process: 'won't happen to her' thing.

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