This is the best news I’ve heard all week. I don’t care who invited who or requested the meeting but it gives me hope to Trump getting the truth behind these clot shots and the plandemic.

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The question we all want answered: Did you prevail on him to denounce the vaccines, do a mea culpa on operation warp speed, and did he seem at all receptive? Does he still think of the vaccines as his greatest accomplishment?

I'll take the fact you three were there in the first place as a good sign.

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We need DJT to lock her up, build a wall, release the JFK investigation papers, and thoroughly denounce Operation Warp Speed, and the neocons he placed in his admin (and not to duplicate their high turnover).

Spoke to a close friend yesterday, we speak every Sunday. He's a Republican normie, and he always forces me to discuss upcoming election cycles. Like me, he voted for Trump twice. He indicated he no longer trusts him, and hoped to cast a vote for DeSantis. I don't like either, way too much allegiance to Israel. So, I think trump will get the nomination, and even in a fair election, he will lose. He crapped on his base by not fighting and pardoning J6 supporters, and not actually declaring emergency powers to re-asses the vote.

Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, well, that makes me a moron. He's un-electable. On a positive note, if they let him win, Civil War II happens under him.

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Dr. Alexander: When will Trump renounce the vaccines? We don't give a dam about photos inside Mar-a-Lago, and we don't care if you and the Covid opposition meet with the "Father of the Vaccine." those of us who have lost loved ones to the Trump/Biden Jab want to know when 45 will go on record to renounce the vaccines and if not you need to spend your time destroying central power in DC and begin to promote the Tenth Why did the USA cede to the WHO during the next pandemic while Trump and the GOP remained silent?

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We must all remember that Warp Speed was because he trusted Fauci. Trump was a great business man but knew nothing about people deeply imbedded in the Deep State. He trusted all the wrong people. I'm quite sure he feels responsibility for it now that you, Dr. Alexander, and others are providing him with the data. I don't know where you are with Senator Johnson but I have to say I thought something would be done by now. They are wasting valuable time investigating the origin - it needs to be stopped immediately.

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Great photos - thank you for sharing them.

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Feb 20, 2023·edited Feb 20, 2023

Trump is opposite of Biden. Nobody pays attention to Biden at gatherings. You can't ignore Trump he is interesting. what opposites. One is dark and depressing slow and stifled a feeling of helpless suffocation comes over me and unbridled haterate to life itself and then a love if live, people, fun.that is Trump despite his past silly stance on the jab I like this about him. Since I see Biden on TV I get depressions simply by his personna and I truly mean the depression part. The Ohio thing followed by Ukrainians need pocket money tears are just rolling out of my eyes I can't help it. This man has stolen America for some other country. He is not an American president at all. Good and evil really does come to mind with the 2 men. Biden deserves to die for what he has done which is highly criminal. He is a war criminal blowing up the pipeline and other things he has done. I will not stay silent on this.

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So is he willing to acknowledge vaccine carnage?

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"Yes, 45 was in the house!"

Did 45 run/participate in the entire meeting?

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Is Mister Operation Warp Speed finally cognizant that these "vaccines" are slow kill bioweapons???

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Good news

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Trump and Moderna had a “Vaccine” ready to roll before we had a Virus. He was in on it. He’s guilty of crimes against humanity and he refuses to back away from that stance. He still claims HIS VACCINE was the greatest invention in the history of mankind. What a flat out liar and murderer. He and Biden have millions of deaths on their hands.

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Yup trump needs to point out how this globalist run covid cartel set him up, starting with Fraudci. Trump is way past due on this vital declaration of truth.

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Dr. A, I have been an avid supporter of yours. I am a paid subscriber at the highest level. I only bring this up because I am seriously considering unsubscribing due to the fact that I don’t feel that I have to pay to be insulted abused. There are some commentators, one which I will point out in particular ‘Anti communist,” who persists in posting lies about Jews. I have reported him because the lies are so outrageous. I admire the work that you do immensely & share it on my social media platforms that I belong to. But I must tell you that I really can’t take much more. To try to answer him & get through with any reasoning is futile. So if this persists, I will leave. This is not a threat. It is notice that I have to protect myself emotionally from these sick people.

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Dear Paul, Glad you all enjoyed yourself on the grounds ... BUT TRUMP'S ROLE in the mass-murder through " 'COVID 19' " and all the gene-based " 'vaccines' is as integral as Fauci's.

Remdesivier tells the tale in repeated instances. There's plenty of other evidence. Trump and key appoitnees form 2018 onward fit like locksteps into the WEF-works. Timeline here will tell you and all, I hope--https://www.ur1light.com/post/prosecute-em-10-telltales-as-to-how-donald-trump-and-his-appointees-enabled-mass-murder

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Stop labeling me. I AM NOT A LEFTIST. You moron.

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