Thanks again, Paul, for mentioning my theories and writing. And thanks for mentioning the USS Theodore Roosevelt "case study." You are right that the PCR tests given to crew members showed about 19 percent had been infected. But what really floored me was the later antibody study of a sample of crew members that was done in late April 2020.

Those antibody results showed that 60 percent of the crew had been "previously infected" ... based on their positive antibody results. A similar antibody study found a similar percentage of crew members on the Charles deGaulle French aircraft carrier had been previously infected.

There was also an antibody study of crew members on the smaller USS Kidd destroyer that suggested at least 41 percent of crew members had been previously infected.

In total, more than 7,000 sailors served on those three Naval vessels. From extrapolations of the antibody tests administered to a sample of crew members, I count about 4,200 who tested positive for antibodies or had been "previously infected." And there was only one reported death among these crew members. This man was 41 and I'm not 100-percent sure he really died "from" Covid, but maybe he really did.

Still, that would give us an Infection Fatality Rate of approximately 1-in-4,200 on these three ships, which all had major "outbreaks" in the worst-possible "spread" environments.

That gives us an IFR of around 0.03 percent. In other words, 99.997 percent of crew members infected by this alleged "deadly" virus ... did NOT die. My take-away: This virus was NOT "deadly" in the early months of Covid ... (I actually think it shouldn't be deadly today because I don't know why the IFR would later, suddenly, change.)

Did the virus suddenly become more lethal? If so, how?

Of course, I think the vast majority of "Covid deaths" (or "all-cause" deaths) were from the iatrogenic protocols and collateral damage from the lockdowns ... and the V-word.

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This might be one of my more "contrarian" articles. I use a thought experiment - estimates on real "early" cases and "early deaths" - to show that this virus wasn't "deadly" between November 2019 and, say, the first week of March 2020.

This "novel virus" suddenly became dangerous in the spring of 2020 (after the "cold and flu season" and after millions of people had become "sick" with ILI/Covid symptoms.)


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I've identified other curious elements of the USS Roosevelt Antibody Study. For example ...

The Navy and CDC only tested 382 (of more than 4,000 Roosevelt crew members) with an antibody test. At one point, Naval officials said they were going to test far more crew members. Why didn't they do this? They should have actually ordered every crew member to get this test (for "science.")

I suspect if they would have given more antibody tests to Roosevelt crew members, investigators would have found even more examples of likely "early cases." (The antibody study also showed as many as 12 of the AB-positive sailors already had experienced Covid symptoms before the ship's first port-of-call in Vietnam in early March 2020. Sailors self-reported symptoms in a questionnaire they filled out before they gave blood for their antibody tests. Two sailors who tested positive for antibodies self-reported symptoms before the ship left San Diego on Jan. 17, 2020. This suggests these sailors had Covid before the first "confirmed" Covid case in America!)

Also, the NAVY and CDC didn't even interview the sailors who tested positive. In such interviews, virus investigators could have asked these AB-positive crew members more questions about their symptoms and when they experienced these symptoms. I think this is yet another example of my maxim that public health officials do not investigate that which they do not want to "confirm."

(Also, the "watchdog" press had no curiosity about these eye-opening findings and the conclusions that flow from same.)

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The government tries to confuse things so that the people will be steeped in scratching their heads. That way it leaves them free to plan the next onslaught and the next and the next. This is why the government has so many delays. It's not because they've got a lot of work to do - they use the delays to arrange the next plot.

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It seems elementary to me that covid was simply a rebranding of the flu or cold that normally occurs seasonally. There were Pandemic Bonds issues in 2017 that paid out if a pandemic was called prior to June 2020. That really was the cause of the pandemic, let's face it.

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Why does everybody assume what was tested via PCR had anything to do with Antibodies and had anything to do with people who came down with 'covid'. Might be completely unrelated simply to create the case numbers they needed. If they needed more they tested more with high cycle treshold Pcr tests if less test with another test or encourage of less testing by not paying for tests and not forcing it etc. So they had total control while also.controlling the graph makers at the universities. They made the graphs they needed with the pcr tests which were a propaganda tool.just like the masks. Yet that again does not mean all.is fake. People did die and its not just hospital protocols. Something was put out and they tried to make it look like a natural spread but it spread way to fast and anybody who knows how theses viruses spread said this is not natural the way it popped up suddenly in New York.city and in Italy but neighboring Austria had NO outbreak like Italy. People kept going back and forth between these countries for a while. Geert applying natural immunology is not applicable. His basis is wrong.

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correct too

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No viruses...all gaslighting by Big Pharma - http://tinyurl.com/548zk64x

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You've highlighted one of my main conclusions. The Covid PCR test is what produces "outbreaks" and ultimately the requisite fear. If they don't use these tests, there was no "outbreaks." Where they did use those tests, there was huge outbreaks.

That's why these tests weren't given to virtually any Americans before March 15, 2020. If they had been, these tests would have been showing many millions of positive "cases" in January, February and early March 2020. Our key public health officials intentionally delayed the roll-out of the PCR test (as flawed as it is). They also delayed the roll-out of antibody tests, which are much better at proving or showing possible "early cases."

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Even Fauci said that a cycle threshold above 30 detects only "dead nucleotides". Some states were using 40 or higher. Only Florida required testing sites to make known their CT. Which meant nothing to most people anyway. I went to a testing site here (MA) and asked about their CT. The nurse glared at me - "Why do you need to know that?"

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I asked the Alabama Department of Public Health to identify the cycle thresholds of these tests that were determining all of our "positive" Covid cases. The agency never answered my simple question. The No. 2 "scientist" in the agency did send me 10 paragraphs of scientific mumbo jumbo about the PCR tests ... but didn't answer my question. I need to do a story about the gobbledy-gook, obfuscating non-response I got.

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Yes they switched to the Antibody tests later on when they were actually trying to test I think. That means that there was a disease causing agent they tried to test our antibody production to and not just propaganda. Meaning there was/ is something out there but it could be something very different than we are told and it could be 'variants' which are sprayed into certain strategic locations.

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Some private or independent labs and clinics were doing "early" antibody tests beginning in March 2020. To this day, no state or federal health agency has reported what percentage of these early antibody tests were coming back "positive." And I've found examples that these clincis/labs WERE turning these results into their state health agencies.

This information has simply been concealed from the public. So much for "transparency."

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The problem as I understand it with COVID antibody tests are the cross reactions with IgM antibodies of other common cold viruses. And if antibodies are present they are evidence of a past infection to which you have mounted a successful immune response. So what, pray tell, is the point of determining that you WERE sick but now you're not. I'd think you would know that anyway. The CDC explains it like this by way of rationalizing antibody tests: "You can have COVID and not know it." That would apply to about 90 percent of "COVID positives"; they weren't sick. But they can still transmit The COVID to others who would presumably have a 90 percent chance of not being sick. But that could have been prevented if they had, as the drug adverts say, Asked Their Doctor who would have tested them and told them they were sick even though they weren't sick. COVID "logic". As I recall the antibody tests used during the AIDS era were ELISA followed up with a "confirmatory" Western Blot. One unverifiable test "confirmed" by an equally unverifiable test. Are the same tests used for COVID? They used antibody reactions to certain proteins that were '"assumed" to be "specific" to "HIV". However there was no way of knowing which proteins, if any, were specific to HIV since the elusive HIV had never been properly isolated/purified and characterized despite a "Roman effort" by Luc Montagnier at the Pasteur Institute. They gave him the Nobel Prize anyway. 25 years later. Strange. In addition if the proteins (I believe there were 12 in the ELISA test) were truly "HIV-specific" would not one reaction suffice to indicate (past) infection? The test required four reactions. This was not standardized, in Africa only two reactions were required. So theoretically an HIV - positive African could revert to negative by coming to the US. Not a trivial matter since an HIV positive diagnosis was considered a death sentence. It gets worse; the ELISA tests especially were notorious for cross-reacting to various and sundry diseases and conditions. Multi-parous women for instance were known to produce "false positive" test results (How could they know? What does that even mean?). In Central Africa women have on average six pregnancies during their lifetimes. The testing there involved pooling the blood of numerous women and testing it and, voila, ping for positive. On that basis Africa was declared to be in the grips of an "epidemic of biblical proportions" (OMG!) primarily affecting young adults of child-bearing age and so a population collapse was predicted. In fact the opposite occurred, the population of Africa exploded. And so on. I see I'm holding forth. Science is now science fiction, they make it up as they go. And modern medicine is a sick joke. There are exceptions such as yourself. Thank you for your good work

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That's great info on the HIV/AIDS atibody tests and the Affrican testing protocols. AB tests are a big deal with Covid, per my Spidey Sense. The ELISA tests are supposed to be the "gold standard." I've identified tons of people who tested positive with an ELISA antibody test. Yes, the criticism of the tests is they are producing false positives from "cross reactivity." That might be the case in some people ... but I doubt every positive antibody test was a "false positive." I bet we really had more "false negatives."

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I posit that the people got sick from testing of 5G outputs. Italy had a lot of towers installed as did Wuhan probably New York too. The body has to get used to the new frequency pulses. They have to do testing on us, in a way that doesn't look like we are being used as lab rats. The body will react to frequencies it hasn't experienced before. I believe the body can get used to it though. But if you listen to other commentators and whistleblwoers, they have said that the government is planning on sending out pulses that will kill many people. Also they are using wifi technology weapons in street lights which they are installing in various places unbeknownst to most people. There will be nowhere to hide, that's how these diabolical types want it.

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No viruses exist...it's all gaslighting by Big Pharma - http://tinyurl.com/548zk64x

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Exactly Dr Alexander! I was sick the year before covid with all the same symptoms and it took 4 days to get well, first time in my life, I was ever sick ever so something was up long before they locked us down long before china let loose an airborne pathogen in conjunction with false PCR test! 100% positive that’s what is happened to bring down the world and take over the world!


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Something is infecting us long before Covid, I do believe this. There has been very severe 'flu cases' in 2018 etc. But I still believe additional to this not so novel disease causing agent there were lab created variants used to cause severe disease in certain key locations. They needed this to increase the fear, just to cause death by ventilator and remdisivir was not enough to convince all the world's doctors, they needed this terrible hot spots to really scare us all. And I think they use another 'variant' whenever they need it like before elections etc. They will know how deadly it is and its symptomps beforehand. i just think they are not infectious for long, a safety mechanism built in in all their weapons.

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Yes Yal NA I agree, I got sick with exactly the same symptoms except for loss of taste and smell back in Sept- Oct 2019 and I am convinced the same as you. I never took the bioweapon injection and haven’t been sick since. My job was considered essential, like whose job isn’t? Anyway, you’re absolutely correct, they or whoever they are have been infecting people for far longer than we know, additionally as I have read, “shedding” is very real and depending on how each persons immune system works or is or isn’t compromised determines how many types of illnesses one may get.


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I always maintained it was a flu, since it disappeared for 3 years. Symptom wise it was same, came around in flu season, we know flu can be and is lethal to vulnerable people. I believe but I have no proof but my opinion is the second and third stage will be tied to shots, spike protein and their damaged immune systems. Many more including children( since many parents stupidly got their kids vaxxed) will die.

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grateful for the sharing

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Virology is pseudoscience. - http://tinyurl.com/548zk64x

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I rarely get a cold or flu; yet, in Dec. 2022, summer in Australia, partner and I caught something that took at least two months to feel back to normal. He, jabbed twice, had worse symptoms than I, most notably, the sorest throat, felt like razor blades even to drink water.

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Is not looking for an unknown "something", apart from normally circulating cold/flu viruses, perhaps putting too fine a point on this, making it more complex than it is? The pandemic players demonstrated that they could and would arbitrarily re-designate anything and everything and nothing as "COVID-related", particularly in the first full year of the non-pandemic when there was no increase in the number of excess deaths but annual average deaths from flu plummeted - "disappeared" - There was no reason for flu to disappear ("experts" said COVID "pushed it out" which sounded real sciency) and so they simply and obviously re-assigned flu deaths and other items in the "all causes of death" menu to the "COVID" side of the death count and it kept ticking up up up, artificially. There were scattered mass casualty events to "keep the skeer up" and Couey suggested the targeted use of "aeroslized toxins". That seems quite plausible, particularly if said toxins were undetectable and dispersed quickly

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Indeed, a massive and embedded hoax, an artifact of the germ theory and "Rockefeller medicine." IMO viruses exist but they aren't disease-causing pathogens but rather consequences of "disease" conditions. Primarily endogenous, they are expressed in conditions of oxidative stress. They, "medical professionals", have reversed the cause and effect relationship and they are oblivious. There is no budging them, they are too brainwashed

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Good points.

I also believe multiple players conspired (had overlapping objectives) and that some entities were absolutely (very likely) involved in a variety of testing (on us) and experimental programs involving bio- and psycho- and pharmaco-logical protocols that can generally be summed up as "bioweapon" development and deployment programs. None of this takes place w/o the sanctioning and initiative of the Banker-class system, and the "elite" parties of which they are the "go-fers". Muscle is only activated by Brain. Notice how effectively the massive "upward" wealth transfer also accomplished the extensive elimination of a huge potential and existing Medicare burden in the U.S. , and I would assume analogous contexts in much the rest of the world.

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Yes. What you said. All of the above

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What was tested via PCR might have been totally different than what people got sick from. So therefore some people got really ill but tested negative over and over but most easily tested positive at the right cycle treshhold. So if somebody would be tested numerous times they would be all positive? But the so called variants might have been all lab created all.of them and put out in environment when needed

.they might be all infecting only one to two reproduction cycles as they did to the LA mouse colony to sterilize them for 2 generations. This way they have control over everything. NATURAL EVOLUTIONARY immunology does not apply. That nothing is there is also not true. Something lethal.was in some cities and people did not ONLY die from medical treatment and neglect. I read a study of the variants and it claims you can tell.how old a particular variant is in terms when it first appeared and how many generations it is existing. The variant replicates every 12 hours or so? Leaves a trace during every replication. So they claimed most variants were 7 years old in 2021. So they were stored 7 years i understand. Or they replicated for 7 years to be than frozen for later use which stopped the 'aging. Im not sure but it does seem they are all pre created and collected , stored for later distribution in key locations.

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The Russians believe Biden released it. They blame Nathan Wolfe. However, Wolfe is a business partner of Hunter Biden. Joe knew about Hunter's activities. Wolfe was backed by Jeffrey Epstein. There might have been earlier versions circulating but the one they released in 2019 was designed to achieve multiple objectives. It was designed to kill hundreds of thousands if Americans prior to the 2020 presidential election but the spike protein was not engineered to be benign and it was also.designed to cause, in the longer term, universal cellular destruction.

Universal Cellular Destruction: Lessons from The Spike Protein and Taste Buds: How the Destruction of Taste Buds May Be Mirrored in Cardiomyocytes and Mirrored Systemically

The denervation of taste buds by the Spike Protein may be mirrored by denervation in cardiomyocytes and in the brain, contributing to Sudden Cardiac Death and cognitive issues.


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Walter Chesnut is brilliant.

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No viruses...all gaslighting by Big Pharma - http://tinyurl.com/548zk64x

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"The fact that on aship of 3700 para, only 19% para got infected, an isolated ship, quarantined, no one on or off, initial legacy Wuhan strain, infectious, so called lethal, with a median or so age of about 70…that only about 7 died..."

THIS...presumably along with the same negligent "early treatment" care (a.k.a. little/none) as prescribed by our public health system protocols. Likely there would have been an even better outcome with *real* medical care...😐

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yes and doing nothing

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A call for arms

...to detect shedding.


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There’s too much evidence of pre-planning, posturing, and impossibility accurate predictions, not to mention a “vaccine” that seemed to come out of nowhere to convince me the plandemic was an accident. Look at whom it benefitted at our expense. Covid crushed our freedom, took away our bodily autonomy, stole our money, ousted political leaders, and murdered at least 17 million people. If this isn’t understood by all with a demand for accountability and ban of shots, masking, and lockdowns then there’s no doubt they are just getting warmed up.

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I agree that the common cold and the seasonal flu were hyped into a killer virus. I also believe that what was released in Wuhan may well have been a bioweapon.

China's reaction was so severe that facts may well have warranted it. Did China then use the lockdown to do a dissident purge, I think so. But the initial reaction sees legitimate.

In Iran, I think a bioweapon was used as well, killing a number of Iranian leadership. Iran was of the same opinion. And recall the first targets of Russia's SMO, it was not Kiev. They went for the US bioweapons in Ukraine, managing to secure samples, staff and documents in a number of the locations.

The world's problem is IMO an out of control group of sociopaths determined to take over the world who will do whatever it takes to achieve that goal. I thank you for shedding light on their efforts.

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someone I know put a PCR test trip in a cantaloupe, their cat, and a bowl of oatmeal, The cantalope and the cat tested positive Sooooo

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All of it happened because people have an unquestioning belief in the media, in academia and in their doctors. That is the problem. They make themselves into "little people" and there is always some sociopath who will take advantage of them. They leave themselves vulnerable. If there is a pandemic of anything it is a pandemic of ignore-ance. People just ignore things, brush them off, wave them away and continue to think themselves inferior to the icons and beliefs they hold above themselves. Thinking is discouraged, compliance is treasured. This is what has to change before anything outward will change.

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How to Fake Pandemics in 4 Easy Steps

A masterclass by the DOD showman, James Giordano.


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Gates, Collins, Fauci 2018 at NIH. One pic says it all.

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There is no virus. Virology is a hoax. All-cause mortality by Denis Rancourt proved no virus, no Lab leak and no gain-of-function "gaslighting". Fear breeds dis-ease and people mistake it for a "virus". -- NO COVID PANDEMIC - Dr. Denis Rancourt - Sworn testimony and 897 page book of exhibits - http://tinyurl.com/548zk64x

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